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A game this friday?


Oct 31, 2005
Wiesbaden, Germany
hey everybody,

I thought I'd suggest a game this friday.

Time: 10 AM CET (=4 AM on the US east coast and noon in Moscow).
As players can enter and leave whenever they want, people from the US could join in later.

Start: 600 A.D.

Teamspeak: anyone interested? Unfortunately, I cant provide a server. Maybe somebody else?

Starting civs:
Vikings: memdee

Now it's up to you :)
has anyone tried a play be email game? Maybe that might be fun?

Put me down as a yes if anyone is interested :)
A tournament would be very fun, although I think I can foresee the winner (hint: it begins with "A" and ends with "notherPacifist").
not really! I already told how I wish to see Pacifist vs Whitefire.

As RFCMP is for max 4 players only, we could arrange 1v1, 1v1v1 or 1v1v1v1 games, where the winner keeps the title and has the right to defend in the next game (and organise it).
hehe, I think he won the game in any possible way.
One challenge I think remains unbeated is Egypt longevity.
Yes and anyone that can complete that is my Civ Hero!
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