A military Question


Nov 2, 2001
St. CLoud
Im thinking about starting a war. It could be big. (huge map, 8 civs, lots of peace, end of industrious, 1952). Im in a democracy and about the 4 rated civ (americans best). Should i switch to communism for the war (damn war waeriness). or stick with a mobilized democracy. Please respond, want to start this *****. any other ideas will be appreciated.

There is a chance that everyone will turn at you...

Originally posted by Dazed
Im thinking about starting a war. It could be big. (huge map, 8 civs, lots of peace, end of industrious, 1952). Im in a democracy and about the 4 rated civ (americans best). Should i switch to communism for the war (damn war waeriness). or stick with a mobilized democracy. Please respond, want to start this *****. any other ideas will be appreciated.
Since you're still learning (we're all still learning) my suggestion would be:


2. If you have something the 2nd strongest civ wants try to trade it very favorably to them in exchange for a military alliance against #1.

3. Give a GIFT to #3 regardless of wether they join you or not.

4. Then try both ways. I waged a successful, albeit long war against the Romans in Democracy, the war lasted about 120 years and resulted in the capitulation of the Roman Empire.

Throughout the war I gave concessions to my other two neighbours. I allowed the Egyptians a right of passage (which I didn't need) gave it to them for free.

I gifted the Greeks money in exchange for an alliance against the Romans. Then after taking the city that had attacked me a while earlier, I took a roman city that was landlocked in Greek territory. Once I took it I established a governor, sold off the cultural improvements (I'm striving for a cultural or diplomatic victory... just to try something different) then traded the city to the Greeks for some silly tech and silks. They could't believe their eyes!

I'm not sure if that had any influence in the fact that they actively helped me take down the rest of the Roman empire though they got no cities out of it. However every time I took a city I gave the Greeks gold. I dunno if it was necesary, but it felt so freggin' realistic... :D

As far as combat was concerned, I pretty much lost 3x what the romans did. And that seems plausible, considering I GOT the cities.

Yes, I have found gifts very powerful. The other civs love them.

Queen Elizabeth is a very good frend of mine at the moment. :love:
I waged a massive war of aggression against the Egyptians back in the ancient times. Cleo really held a nasty grudge against. Now as we enter the moden times, she's still ticked. I mean, what gives? That was over 1000 years ago.

I've showered her with gifts, but she is still furious.

On the bright side, she is the only civ to respect my borders. Meanwhile, the Iroquis is very polite towards me but does a trade embargo against me every 20 turns.

Was here alot of corruption with the democracy?? I also have a current protection pact with americans, and they have one with the egeyptians. I think im gonna do it.SHould i stick with the democrayc, or revolt to communism before???
I'd stay with democracy, if you have police stations and uni. voting rights, war weariness isn't that bad. But most likely the world will turn againist you. America has never lost a war.
Originally posted by The_Clash
I'd stay with democracy, if you have police stations and uni. voting rights, war weariness isn't that bad. But most likely the world will turn againist you. America has never lost a war.

yes they have... forgot vietnam?? :D:D:D:D:D
yes they have... forgot vietnam?? :D:D:D:D:D

What's the deal, american not your first language or something?

War, noun, singular

military conflict between one or more nations. If U.S. is involved then War applies only if U.S. is victorious.

what you're thinking about is:

Police Operation, noun phrase, singular

1. Law enforcement action that results in a criminal (or a poor sap) getting the crap beaten out of him.

2. Military conflict between the U.S. and one or more Nations where the U.S. either loses or retreats.


100% tongue in cheeck
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