A New Dawn Bug Reports and Feedback

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Can anyone help me? I have the same problem, like I said before, and a couple other people said, that there is no religion in the SVN build.

I have no idea how to enable divine_prophets, or any idea what F8 does, so yeah.

And I'd rather not make a thread about it when this is here, and I don't think this problem constitutes a "bug report" format.
Yeah, just tried it again. I only get the options to build the unique temples, research a tech, join city, and start golden age.

When i enable it and check F8, i get

As if the localisation is missing (and probably something else).
Strangely enough, In a duel/blitz map, and ONLY when using the Play Now! option, not a scenario or custom game, did religion work (kemetism anyways.) I haven't tried it on anything else, but it has so far only worked on "Play Now!"
It could be a cache problem, AFAIK playing with "Play now" clears the cache. Try again a custom game after you've cleared the cache. I also had the problem, I suppose it's related to the "Divine Prophets" option which is included in C2C but I don't think it's included in AND. As for me, I'm not going to play AND2 until the next beta version is out. Right now, it's unplayable for me. In the meantime I'm using AND 1.75C which is the last stable version and I'm doing a lot of testing to change some xml files to make years and techs match; in most of the games I've played, techs were always discovered too early or too late according to our calendar. I hope I'm close solving this problem with some xml tweaking :) Of course I will use it for my own games but if someone else is experiencing this kind of problem, I'll be happy to share my solution
Nah, I clear my cache every time I start the game. Also, why does the date matter? as long as people are on the same level I don't see why it matters.
Nah, I clear my cache every time I start the game. Also, why does the date matter? as long as people are on the same level I don't see why it matters.

Then it's a bug of AND2beta2; as I said, I don't know since I don't play anymore with ver2 and got back to 1.75C. As for the date, if it doesn't matter for you, then it also doesn't matter if someone fix the problem. But there are people who were thinking this was a problem as it sounds strange to be in modern era in 1000AD. So, if it really doesn't matter, we should simply remove the indicated year from the game and only let turns show. I think Afforess proposed this kind of thing in the past but many people complained about it. For the sake of "realism", many people prefer to have the right techs in the right years (according to our world history, I mean). Maybe we should also ask ourselves why do we need to use BC-AD when for example Christianity is founded in 1000BC or in 785AD, but that's another problem... ;)
So is there any way to just completely delete the divine prophet module? that would pretty much fix everything.
So is there any way to just completely delete the divine prophet module? that would pretty much fix everything.

I didn't even know about the divine prophet thing. :p After installing the latest repo build I didn't have any religions either. Deleted the games .ini file (the one for the user; I think there's a global one, too), which fixed it - religions work normally for me now.
which ini?

For me it's in my documents folder -> my games -> Civilization.ini. I figured it might contain game settings from older versions which mess up the new one. Deleted it and religions were back to normal. This affected "single player" and "custom game". You'll lose your presets there.
Some Feeback for Unit-Upgrades/Choices:

1.) "Destroyers"
The Destroyer line of ships don't seem to be consistent in their role whithin a navy. Very early on they are the main combat ships, and then gradually change their role to sub-hunter, which is fine. The real deal-breaker starts with the Stealth Destroyer &Fusion Destroyer) which suddely is no longer able to detect subs. The role of sub-hunter suddenly gets transferred to Cruisers. I am very aware that the roles of modern Ships can blur together, but for gameplay's sake, please leave destroyers in their classical role as sub-hunters, 2nd-line ships, patrol-ships, anti-air etc.
Also in addition to not being able to SEE subs...they also defend first against them, and have NO bonus against them. :confused:

The upgrade-line is simply too messy. The difference between "Cruiser" and "Heavy Cruiser" is virtually non-existant. To make matters worse, they both upgrade to what (IMHO) ist the same type of ship, but gets split in 2 units > "AEGIS Cruiser" and "Missile Cruiser". As far as i understand these are the same IRL (see "Ticonderoga"-class Cruiser). Give them "see Subs" and Missile-transport of 1-2, not 4, which is really overkill. Keep these abilities, making the carry capacity bigger towards fusion-cruiser. Cruisers should be the standard-warship. Perhaps they should also defend first against subs, as they receive a bonus against them (see destroyer > the bonuses don't make sense between cruiser and destroyer)

Battleships should really come to an end as soon as Missile/Aegis-Cruisers appear. The drawbacks of a heavy, slow ship are just too much for what it has to offer. Just let them upgrade to the Cruiser-line.

I don't get this line at all. I alway thought IRL there were 2 lines: "Small" hunting subs, which evolved out of the classicals sub. and very large ICBM-carriers.

5.)"Hover Tank"
I don't see the reason/advantage of it.

Please be aware that some of these things really mess up strategical choices you have to make. I upgrade my Destroyers with Sonar, to be Sub-Hunters, and suddenly they don't even have the ability to find them anymore.

my feed back ..

havent completed any game yet . mostly because it starts to lagg alot around late eras and i get bored to wait 10 mins for turn.

anyway to the point :
1. civics . best civic = guilds . why , no ideea .. it remains way better than other civics and gives me a plus 4000 gold income over free market.
2.wonders . piazza san marco sounds really great - free Market building for every city ...but ( it doesnt work ) .. it says it does .. the buildings appear in cities .. but the market effect is not ... so effectively you lose 20-25% income if you build this wonder .(hint , let a AI get it )
i havent made them all , but i tried Mapster (says it gives :) for every song and film ) , well i have all 3 wonders and my Mapster corp gives +2 happy ... hello .. i have 15 resources and you give +2 happiness?
4.barbarians .i like to play with barbarian generals , mostly to force the Ai to keep units in all cities and not stack them at my border ... but i got this event where 9 or 10 barbarian destroyers came just as i got my destroyers out...

climbs off the soap box
- can't build tunnels, but in late game I can build jumplanes on water with construction ship, but not able to use like a tunnel.
- cannot upgrade arcades to arcade shields and adv arc.
- arcades noth shown on several cities, and *never* if a city is on top of a mountain.
- one roboter always expands to max zoom over a city and so makes the city unaccessable by screen etc.
- clones in late game no longer availabe, androids only

- super soldier cannot pillage any, and when he enters an empty enemy city after killing all enemy units there, the ownership does not change. This gives the effect, that the solder is in the enemy city and next turn the enemy build an own unit there and both are in same city w/o fighting althought it is war.
i been playing 2.0 for a week or so now. im having much more crashes than before. it always happens on a diplomacy popup after a turn. i can reload the game and continue past the point of the crash but it is happening very frequently (every other turn). sometimes it also happens when I close the popup. it wasn't happening earlier in the game, now in industrial era on huge map with about 37 civs.
pls read here http://forums.civfanatics.com/showthread.php?t=344528&goto=newpost

crashs are a Graphics problem

other bugs:

- in late game wrong upgrade of paratroopers and marines:
- both upgrade to dropship, but dropship cannot occupy a city, so it is not a right upgrade.
possible solution: make dropships able to transport one or two EMP SAM Infantry or Special Infantry (In general, I miss air transporter)

just opened Wordbuilder and see, that AI bult tunnels for AI controlled factions w/o construction ship, and before the faction related had the tech required.
Is it intentional that Regulated Economy gives +1:commerce: to everything EXCEPT Town along that line or is it just a bug of omission?
Yea, I tried lowering the resolution, but made no difference. I have show enemy/friend moves off and quick combat offense/defense + lot of other options off...

If it is a graphics problem, is there any way to fix it? What exactly causes this crashing? Seems like some kind of graphics memory issue. Also, for me it crashes literally every other turn. If I restart the game, the turn the crash happened will go flawlessly, then the next turn *crash*. So it seems like something is building up in the game which takes a couple turns then fails. It also must be a graphic related to the middle of the game, since it never crashes before Renascence era. Such a headache :(
I have the ROM 2.91 and the AND 1.75 and there is no clue in my game about FIXED BORDERS.
Please help.
in beta 2 fixed borders work only with Monarchy (if this is not a bug it is stupid)

btw: after I had research victory I let the AI autoplay some turns. At fist the AI changed me to coinage + caste system :lol:

@ c0dy

read also here http://forums.civfanatics.com/showthread.php?t=344528&goto=newpost

crash comes if too much moves or popups or other causing change of view, it's a BtS bug.
- disable "show enemy moves"
- disable "show friendly moves"
- maybe also disable barbarians (one main source for problems, as they get generated in mass from time to time)
- don't make mass upgrades causing lot of view changes (i.e. mass upgrade of ships), but try to place units on same place as much as possible and then do the upgrade
- don't let pop city window after building finshed, also no mass buildings, or set a chain for it ending with (i.e.) research) that does not cause a popup of a city window.
- disable all animations etc.

lowering resolutions makes NO difference!

If barbarians is ON, then the time after research of Great War is critical, because the AI does generate mass of barbarian ships and that overfloods the grafic.

If there is a crash nevertheless, go one save back and check if there will come a (i.e. wonder built) popup and then slow it for one or two turns. (i.e. set research to zero for 2 turns). Also, it may cause a crash if at same turn more than one wonder is ready. (seems to be a conflict with the wonder ready popup screen)
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