A New Hope: A Star Wars Mafia Game (Game Thread)

Oh yes, he really did. I didn't see that coming at all! I now officially have no leads :(
Why do you want corruption in this world, Romanichine. I have no prove for it, but I have a feeling that the money is pilled up on mafia and neutral characters.

Ho hum, just lovely, a day filled with commerce!

First things first. This excellent quality DH-17 Blaster Pistol is a true life-saver, don't miss the opportunity! Effective at ranges up to 120 meters, it really comes into its own at a close range of up to 30 meters, firing quick bursts of high-energy armor-piercing bolts that will send a would-be attacker flying. For purposes of breaking the fourth wall, it gives +1 strength to its wielder. Think Darth Maul might drop by for a cup of tea? Give him a warm welcome with your very own DH-17 Blaster Pistol!

Second, if you are not fortunate enough to become the new owner of your very own blaster, you may want to consider again the offer for Personal Protection. Your personal bodyguard for a night, guaranteed to stop any Darth Mauls, Jar Jar Binkses, or other nasty characters of choice. Got a bounty on your head? Are you a valuable asset to your faction? Don't end up like poor Han Solo, be sure to acquire your personal bodyguard today! AAA+ protection, satisfaction guaranteed - no questions asked! Bids on protection services for one night can be given publicly, or sent to me over private channels.

Third, I will reiterate my statement concerning items that are up for voting. Don't know who would be the most deserving recipient of an item up for the vote? Well, here's the perfect offer for you - vote the items to me! All items voted to me this way will be examined by my very capable staff, and then immediately put up for auction the following day, with a full description of their function. All proceeds from selling items voted to me in this fashion will be split as evenly as possible among those who voted it to me. This will result in complete transparency: I) you will know exactly what the items do that end up with your neighbors, II) you will know exactly how willing someone is to receive a particular item, and III) you never need to wonder about the agenda of the one you're voting the items to. And you get a share of the spoils as well!
Spoiler :
Here's the exact scheme I will use: Say 4 players (A B C D, in that order) voted the item to me, and that the subsequent auction yielded 10 credits. That would result in A and B receiving 3 credits each, and C and D receiving 2 credits each. Had the auction instead yielded 7 credits, D would have received only 1 credit while the other three would have received 2 each.
Since today there are three equivalent items up for vote, I will consider them a single unit, and anyone voting the whole batch to me will share in the combined spoils of selling all three. So don't hesitate - vote all three lightsabers to Jabba today!

Finally, to the person who paid me a visit last night, you know who you are. Contact me in private if you want to make the deal of your lifetime. I guarantee full discretion, you have nothing to fear and everything to win!
Do weapons stack? As in can you use 17 lightsabers at the same time? :p

also abstain
But I miss the robotic arms. Also I'm a money credit-whore: Jabba has always been good to me. Myself for the blaster: 1.0000001 credits.
Why do you want corruption in this world, Romanichine. I have no prove for it, but I have a feeling that the money is pilled up on mafia and neutral characters.

How do you figure that? I am expecting the rebels to be twice as numerous as the siths, so they may be poorer individually but richer collectively. Besides you said yourself you have no proof. Why don't you trust the game hosts about this?

Thanks for the vote. Surely I am a sith because I am voting items to Niklas. Typical of what I've seen so far. If you read my post properly you would realize that I am pissed at how the rebels have handled things.
^^ Maybe you can stop whining then and start act as a competent rebel. Blaming others isn't going to make us win. Pissing everyone isn't likey to get you more information, and it is not helping those who might have done mistakes. Besides, before everyone vote all items to Jabba, the richest guy out there currently is likely to be JANGO FETT. Furthermore, as everyone voting Jabba items will share the same spoils, basically you aren't getting richer. Well you are, but it doesn't mean you will be able to purchase any items. Everything comes down to income. So the monney you got will eventually end in bounty hunters pockets (because you have few way to spend it), getting themself richer and more powerfull, and creating chaos meanwhile.
And Johnathon is innocent because? Any reason he's not a Sith per chance??

Listen to Jabba, he has the solution to your trust issues.

Third, I will reiterate my statement concerning items that are up for voting. Don't know who would be the most deserving recipient of an item up for the vote? Well, here's the perfect offer for you - vote the items to me!
I think that the problem with lightsabres is that if you explain why you do or do not want one, you risk revealing whether you are Force Sensitive or not. I'm not, so I would like the blaster.

Niklas can have all the lightsabres, for fear of giving them away to a concealed Sith. He may be a Hutt, but at least we know he's not a Sith.
Can I have lightsabers?

@Romanichine: I voted link, and he is a lurker, plus I'm pretty sure he's mafia.
@Romanichine: I voted link, and he is a lurker, plus I'm pretty sure he's mafia.

He has a total of 2 posts since we started, that's good enough for me. You saying he is mafia is a bonus.

unvote: Capt Blackadder; vote: link16.
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