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A New Religion Idea!!!!!!!

Correction:I am not religious. I have little or no bias.
I definetly know what I am talking about. You really need to stop thinking about teenagers as if they are lazy piece-of-craps. A lot of them could be smarter than you.
I actually put some time into researching this.
I did accept construcitive criticism into making this!!!
Olympus, is the main point behind this religion. Greek gods lived there. It is the best name we have found so far but if you have a better one, please suggest it. Anyway if we called it Greek Polytheism, how weird would it sound if the Aztecs founded Greek Polytheism.
Nuh Uh said:
Well if Fr. Gerald says that's the truth, then it must be right, right?

In this particular case, yes. Scheduling Christmas during the winter solstice was nothing more than a bit of religious imperialism.

So, you are a naive teenager building a mod over religion

"Naive" and "teenager" are usually redundant terms; unfortunately so are "naive" and "adult".

you don't have comprehensive knowledge of the subject

Most practitioners don't have anything like a comprehensive knowledge concerning their own religion, much less the beliefs of others. But I don't see what that has to do with constructing a mod in a game.

a cultural and educational bias apparently prevents you from expanding your scope and accepting/benefiting from the constructive criticism of others

Seems to me that he's doing just that, but decided to check the information with a source he trusts rather than some faceless voice on the net. That's just plain smart, considering that 90% of the information you encounter in this medium is either partly or completely horse****. And usually the surer the speaker is, the more likely that he's an idiot pulling his 'facts' straight from his ass.

maxpublic said:
In this particular case, yes. Scheduling Christmas during the winter solstice was nothing more than a bit of religious imperialism...

LOL, Max.

#1 I wasn't insulting just stating the facts. Btw, naivity and adolescence aren't necessarily redundant, and surely aren't insulting (if anything, neutral with the possibility of being complemetary by my standards). Naivity surely depends mostly upon the subject matter and the experience at hand.

#2 I was a previous advocate of said Fr. Gerald's position, and therefore I am following up on OUR conversation.

#3 Developing games for tots (not that this is one) especially and adults should lend some educational and certainly, when dealing with complex subjects, factual element at least bordering upon mastery over the subject. The idea that games are pointless and meaningless outlets to take up your free-time is a rather naive and unprogressive view, IMO.

#4 When it comes to actually being insulting, I don't beat around the bush (unlike you) while maintaining some pompous air of intellectual superiority. I think your head is way up your arse on this one.
So are you saying that I don't understand this game because I'm not 21?
Thats just being a teenageist. Like racist, but with teenage put for race.
You really need to stop thinking with bias.
AlCosta15 said:
So are you saying that I don't understand this game because I'm not 21?
Thats just being a teenageist. Like racist, but with teenage put for race.
You really need to stop thinking with bias.

Maybe Max is, as he thinks naivity, or even ignorance for a subject, is synonymous with teenager. I was just making note that you are a teenager being indoctrinated by a specific 'school' of thought, and which in my view, may mean that you are lacking in analytical discipline - "true open-mindedness".

At least, that is what you have demonstrated to me. Even if your Mod was invested of professionalism, I still wouldn't play it. I've just been lending 'constructive criticism'.
Nuh Uh, if you think that going to a Catholic school is equivalent to being "indoctrinated by a specific 'school' of thought", and that anyone who has been through this must be so lacking in analytical skills that you daren't play any mod they make, then I don't call that particularly constructive. I think AlCosta has been perfectly willing to listen to what other people have said on this thread, and your sudden and inexplicable outburst against him (coming after a post in which he said he realised he'd been wrong on something) was completely unjustified.
That's fine. You can think that. I find that any subject matter beyond that which is quantitatively/mathematically based is subject to perspective and opinion. And, no if you must know, I don't base my opinion that Al Costa is not competent for Mod making solely upon his educational background. It may indeed be a very fine school.

Overall, its my view that he should work on the weaknesses I have observed, and while you may think that is harsh or insulting or unfounded, its not meant to be any of the above. If given viability, it simply is.

One thing you might take into account is I believe 2K/Firaxis is incompetent, so its not a subject that I am willing to give a lot of breathing room to.
Nuh Uh said:
#1 I wasn't insulting just stating the facts.

Yeah, right. Pull the other finger.

Btw, naivity and adolescence aren't necessarily redundant

Which is the corollary to what I said. Apparently a solid comprehension of the English language isn't part of your vast skillset. If you somehow missed what I'm alluding to, try wrapping that enormous brain of yours around the word "usually". Feel free to look it up, if you have to.

Developing games for tots (not that this is one) especially and adults should lend some educational and certainly, when dealing with complex subjects, factual element at least bordering upon mastery over the subject.

I'll remember that the next time I fire up Doom or Half-Life or Carmageddon. I suppose there's some mastery over the topics of demonic infestation, interdimensional alien invasion, or splattering people across the hood of my car that I've missed in those games. Who'da thunk?

The idea that games are pointless and meaningless outlets to take up your free-time is a rather naive and unprogressive view, IMO.

Well, I'm not egotistical enough to believe that I'm "progressive" in any way, shape or form. I'll leave that one up to you, and gladly.

When it comes to actually being insulting, I don't beat around the bush (unlike you) while maintaining some pompous air of intellectual superiority. I think your head is way up your arse on this one.

Dear christ, and you call me pompous. What an ass****. Was that direct enough for you, or do you need me to put a severed horse's head in your bed?

Here, my point is very, very simple. Even you can grasp it, I think: lay off the kid. He's doing fine. And it's just a bloody mod for a bloody game. As someone else so rightly pointed out, fluff - nothing more. Pull your knickers out of your ass-crack and let the guy do his thing.

Guys, it's a mod, not a historical thesis on the history and effects of religion. Too much nit picking and no real construction.

Two words in a civilipedia description do nothing to help a mod.

The game could have said that the Hagia Sofia was built by extraterrestrials to make us believe in a fictional Roman Empire and most people would never have noticed.

Now, while this may have some slight bearing on gameplay, most of this is done with balance but uniqueness in mind. the problem is that there is so much complaining over his religious knowledge and no suggestions for an actual better mod.

I apologize if I seem quick to get in here, but I prefer having as many mods constructed as possible, because the beauty of mods is that this one could be edited by anyone with more info to be better and yet not perfectly historical. So, let him make the base and let those who wish pick out the details.
Thank you, I have been waiting for someone on this.
The people who are arguing are the ones who arent even playing the mod.
Anyway back to the mod, we need a Christian tank!
Does anybody have an idea.
Quizny, your help wouldbe appreciated.
We were pretty good before.
maxpublic said:
Yeah, right. Pull the other finger.

Which is the corollary to what I said. Apparently a solid comprehension of the English language isn't part of your vast skillset. If you somehow missed what I'm alluding to, try wrapping that enormous brain of yours around the word "usually". Feel free to look it up, if you have to.

I'll remember that the next time I fire up Doom or Half-Life or Carmageddon. I suppose there's some mastery over the topics of demonic infestation, interdimensional alien invasion, or splattering people across the hood of my car that I've missed in those games. Who'da thunk?

Well, I'm not egotistical enough to believe that I'm "progressive" in any way, shape or form. I'll leave that one up to you, and gladly.

Dear christ, and you call me pompous. What an ass****. Was that direct enough for you, or do you need me to put a severed horse's head in your bed?

Here, my point is very, very simple. Even you can grasp it, I think: lay off the kid. He's doing fine. And it's just a bloody mod for a bloody game. As someone else so rightly pointed out, fluff - nothing more. Pull your knickers out of your ass-crack and let the guy do his thing.


Boy, you really are reaching to justify being a truly bombastic flamer. I would surmise, given the effort to obfuscate the premise of my post (not yours, grubby), that you have a problem with my honest opinion 2k/Firaxis is incompetent at game design. Well, in general, I don't apologize for the fact that sorely 5% or less of the world is actually sane and/or lucid, and that poorly executed games, such as Civ IMO, attempt to capitalize upon the world's weakness. Nor do I in anyway consider your affect (which constitutes the other 95% of the community) in anyway acceptable or constructive. In short, you are like a parasite on the face of clarity, sticking your own ass out for the whole world to see; and, don't be surprised if you find your cavity filled with someone's foot someday, and I have no problem filling that capacity. As a matter of fact, if you make another death threat to me, you can be sure that I will be contacting the FBI. I don't play those games, BUBBA.

And, Al Costa, it surely shouldn't be a concern of yours, but other people's opinion of your work is hardly important. Its your own sense of integrity and accomplishment that matters. And, although I don't make issue of it, nor lend it any significance, I wouldn't have paid any attention to your post from the beginning if I didn't think it had merit and potential. Such is my position at this point with Civ.

Now, I'll let you focus (I wouldn't have said another word were it not for the anal patrol).
TheFourGuardian said:
Guys, it's a mod, not a historical thesis on the history and effects of religion. Too much nit picking and no real construction.

Two words in a civilipedia description do nothing to help a mod.

The game could have said that the Hagia Sofia was built by extraterrestrials to make us believe in a fictional Roman Empire and most people would never have noticed.

Now, while this may have some slight bearing on gameplay, most of this is done with balance but uniqueness in mind. the problem is that there is so much complaining over his religious knowledge and no suggestions for an actual better mod.

I apologize if I seem quick to get in here, but I prefer having as many mods constructed as possible, because the beauty of mods is that this one could be edited by anyone with more info to be better and yet not perfectly historical. So, let him make the base and let those who wish pick out the details.

No, its religion and society, and with that, responsibility; being another capacity in which Firaxis/2K has been sorely negligent, IMO.
The FourGuardian, good idea for using the swiss army. I think a lot of them will be implemented.
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UUs updated, now filled. I know a lot of them suck, but thats why we have discussion! Any comments/suggestions?
We still need lots of wonder ideas!
Plotinus said:
There are far more than two versions of Christianity - there's Catholic, Protestant, Chalcedonian Orthodox, non-Chalcedonian Orthodox, Church of the East...
Don't forget Latvian Orthodox. George Costanza was much impressed with them. Let us contemplate his words of wisdom,
"I think the hats. The hat convey that solemn religious look you want in a faith. Very pious."
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