A question about the Into the Desert scenario...


Oct 6, 2006
This might be a stoopid question since I couldn't find a thread where anyone else asked about it, but here goes...

In the Into the Desert scenario, I chose to go with the Malakim. I'm sooned charged with "spreading Empyrean" until turn 75.

The thing is, though I get an Empyrean priest to build a temple, I can't actually build an Ecclesiastic until I research Honor. And I don't see how to even get that done before turn 75, let alone build disciples and spread the word.

Am I missing something painfully obvious? Am I misunderstanding the scenario objective? Please lift the Fog of Ignorance I'm toiling under... Thanks in advance.
First get that Empyrean founded, you will get the holy city. I played it on patch "d" before I upped my game, but I think the religion should spread to your other cities too. You did get those 2 settlers from the event, right?

OR if the religion doesn't spread, build some temples, get priest specialist to generate prophet GPP, get GP and build Empyrean holy building (whatever it's name was. That WILL spread the religion.)

Now you have 3 cities with empyrean. Did you look at your world spell? Get priest of state religion in each of your cities with that religion. 3 vicars is not much, but you can spread the religion atleast.

AND, if I remember correctly, you only need "Priestood" to build more Vicars, which can also spread religion. No need to get Honor yet.

Also the 75 turn timer doesn't start before you do the event, so you could wait for a bit before you go to the Mirror of sun to get your economy rolling bit better.
The scenario introduces you to the Malakim lightbringer unit. You can build these guys without any religion then upgrade them to an ecclesiastic as soon as you've got the right temple. You don't need priesthood.
Thanks for the advice. I didn't see the world spell, because I hadn't researched priesthood. For the same reason, I didn't get it, about upgrading the lightbringers. The last time I played FFH, the Malakim hadn't really been fleshed out like this, though the desert theme was obvious.

I'm used to getting the religion first (I'm partial to RoK), THEN researching priesthood after I've already got the basic disciple units. I don't have much experience with Empyrean, because it works differently than the rest.

thanks again. I'll just restart, spend more time exploring the map, and "pop the cork" when I feel ready.

And one more thing. @#$! those sand lions! How about something easier, like just dropping Orthus on top of me on turn one?
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