A Question for HoI2: Doomsday


Oct 11, 2006
Hi there everybody. I have a simple question:

In Doomsday, you can look at national Army comparisons and see everyone's militaries ranked in order, but when I try to do that, I only see my own country (or that of my allies when I am in an alliance). How is this remedied? I've seen lists of many different militaries in a few AAR's.

Any help would be appreciated. If you need me to clarify, I will certainly try.
I believe it's to do with the fact that in Doomsday the military strengths are purposely hidden, due to the added Intelligence options. In the original game (without Doomsday expansion) you can see all nation strengths. :)
There's one thing I'm not sure about. Everywhere I look it says that Doomsday is a stand alone expansion except on Amazon. On there it looks like you need the original to play it.
I checked the Paradox Forums, and found this in the Doomsday question and answers thread:

It's already been said a number of times, but I'll state it again: Doomsday has 100% of the features, functionality, campaigns, and scenarios of HoI2, plus everything else you've read about. If you don't already own HoI2 then purchasing DD will give you the entire game, as well as the yummy extra stuff. Because the exe (and a number of other critical things) is different, though, you would not be able to play MP with someone who hasn't purchased DD.

The only thing that I can think of off hand which is "less" in DD is that you will no longer have full intel knowledge on the ROTW; so the national comparisons screens (stats folder) data will be considerably more limited. (It's less info...but it's actually an extra feature that is tied into the intelligence folder features and functionality.)

Ironically, this post answers both your question and Riptide_Monzarc's :p


Not sure why Amazon is saying otherwise, but it looks like you're safe enough. :)
Amazon made it look like you have to buy the original to play Doomsday, as they have a deal to buy both (and the original is more expensive by £2).
Chukchi: Nope. I bought the pure expansion without the original and it works just fine. I got the original through a friend to try out and I have to say that I like the features of Doomsday much better, even if I can't be sure of enemy numbers.

Another general question:

I'm Germany in winter 1939 now, and i've set a lot of my fighters and interceptors to interdict enemies in my own territory, but enemy bombers are coming over my own territory pretty freely. How can I exterminate the British and French air force before i'm ready to rape Belgium?
well when I tended to play Germany i more or less ignored them and just gave priority to invading territories with airfields

but thats only because I hate airforce, it takes away from the panzers :p

Edit: I also have a tendency to attack the maginot line instead of belgium, no clue why but i cant beat belgium but I can beat the french army in their great defensive line
I used to hate the airforce, but the AAR really showed me what they could do when deployed properly.

Riptide: Stay on the defence for now, let the enemy aircraft come to you. In that time period I find that the allies send the bulk of their craft across the French border, so keep the bulk of your air defences there. At the same time though, Britain seems to love sending a few bombers over the Hamburg region, so keep a couple of interceptors there. Only go over to the offensive when you feel you can handle it, otherwise staying on the defensive will keep you safe the entire game.

Couple of other air tips:

1) In the beginning, only research fighter or interceptor techs, and only build them. No point having both.
2) Remember that, even if your industries are bombed, they automatically return to full strength in a short time.
I have yet to see any tactical gain from having an airforce, sure they weaken the enemy but they tend to fly away, thats when the enemy begins to win the battle

I hate the navy too... same reason, bombardment is a pain to keep going without a German ship comming up and interupting *as the UK*
True, true, and you can win without an airforce. It just helps.

Navy depends on the nation. As the British and United States you have to maintain it, though I rarely do bombardment missions. That may be because in the original HoI you didn't have to select it as a mission, it just happened automatically if the ship was next to a province under attack.
yeah, Doomsday is my first HOI :p

trying pretty hard to get the Soviet Union into the cold war without picking the doomsday scenario, since I prefer bite sized wars, i tend to allow the AI to fight Germany for me, i just return to manage production

however the Americans always beat me into Germany, leaving West Germany as the entire Germany, Poland however gains the leftover German land
Thanks for the tips, guys. Rundown:

I honored the Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact in full by invading and annexing Lithuania, then I turned my attentions West. Then in the late autumn of 1940 Russia declared war on me, I suppose because I 'stole' Lithuania (even though the pact specified that it would fall to Germany).

Heh, let's just say that Germany wasn't prepared for a war so soon with the Soviets. But the Soviets were less prepared for a war with Germany. So far i've got all of Finland (Russia had annexed it) and all of European Russia save the area immediately east of Stalingrad and a smattering of Caucasian territories. The game's prety much peaked now, and I cheated by having America join the Axis, so I think I might start another game or try to find some good mods.

Anyone know where I could find a few? The Paradox forums don't seem particularly full of Doomsday mods, though the "Modern Day Scenario" is currently downloading.
I believe the equivelant to EU2's 'AGCEEP' MOD is 'CORE', though I haven't checked it out recently. It was a good mod for the original Hearts of Iron though.

You're annexation of Lithuania is where it all went wrong - that's Stalin's turf, and the Soviets hate that sort of provocation. As Germany, you'll conquer it soon enough when you properly declare war :)
beats me, i found a mod for WW1 on the paraxod forums, just have to look pretty hard, however I have no clue how to get it working, did you get the modren day working? and how?
1914? It's been in development hell as long as I've been watching it though, once again, the original for the first Hearts of Iron (same team) was a great mod.
well i found something they made anyway and i downloaded it, but my problem was i have no clue how to use it
Kan' Sharuminar said:
I believe the equivelant to EU2's 'AGCEEP' MOD is 'CORE', though I haven't checked it out recently. It was a good mod for the original Hearts of Iron though.

WTH does "CORE" stand for, is what I wanna know before I do any downloading.

You're annexation of Lithuania is where it all went wrong - that's Stalin's turf, and the Soviets hate that sort of provocation. As Germany, you'll conquer it soon enough when you properly declare war :)

Well, as soon as Russia declared war I began my long advance...suffice it to say that not one Bolshevik boot landed on German soil.

Also: i'm trying to run the v1.2 patch, but it's telling me that I need to install the proper milestone. What's that?
I hope you don't mind this little intrusion into your thread, but I have a similar question.
Some time ago, I bought the original HoI 2 (so not Doomsday) and now I'm trying to figure out which patches to download. Anybody has any input if it's best to patch up all the way to 1.3c (I think that's latest patch)?

And a little side remark: anybody else think that the Paradox forum is difficult to navigate around? They have a search option in the member list, but I don't have acess to it, even as a member. What's up with that??
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