A question of maps


Nov 5, 2001
Spearfish, SD
Ok, Im sure many people have asked this before, but in attempting to use the forum search feature to find an answer, I could not come up with one. So, here it is. Is there any comprehensive list that describes (with screenshots would be nice) what exactly all the map types do? I've been playing Civ4 since release and usually just play on continents or archepelego. However, with the new colony system in BtS I'm interested in trying a map where there are many (sizeable) uninhabited areas. Any help in figuring out the maps would be appreciated.
One thing you can do is run a single player custom game with the map settings you want, then hit Ctrl-W -- this puts you into WorldBuilder, so you can see what the map looks like :)
Thanks for the link. It looks like Terra is the best option for what I want to do.
even better Alcaras is to set era to future and create maps, its saves the time of loading up the worldbuilder which takes at least 20secs for me :) and also you can regenrate constantly and not have to go back and forth to worldbuilder
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