A really awesome game, no matter what anyone says.


Oct 20, 2005
I picked up my copy a few hours ago. The >>>>ONLY<<<< "problem" I had was the disc labeling, which is easily fixed by just using the first disc to play off of. Anyways..

A lot of people complain that the interface/gameplay is bad. Well, heres why you might be thinking that: Sid Meier (obvoiusly) wanted CIV4 to take a new step and change things. He wanted it to feel like more of a RTS. A lot of the hardcore CIV fans are obvoiusly going to complain about change.

The game runs at a very,very smooth pace on my PC. That is, if I'm playing with about 5 CIVS total. Anything about 5 it starts to frame skip and get sluggish. Other than that, no problems.

This is a great game. It's the perfect change to CIV. CIV needed a good change anyways. Obvoiusly the game was most likely either rushed or mass produced, seeing as how so many people complaining about glitches.

I'm sure that Firaxis/2K will either make a new working batch, or (more likely this will happen) release a patch for the game.

For those who are wondering, this is my system:
Intel Celeron, 2.6GHz
512MB of RAM
128MB nVIDIA GEforce MX 4000

It's funny,because everyone who has a good computer can't run it. Yet here I am with a pretty crappy computer running it fine. Maybe it was ment to work on crappy systems?:goodjob:
Play with 15 civs and then tell us how much fun it is. And play on Monarchy and not the kiddie noble level everyone is playing on. Hell that level has always been easy.
Ravinhood said:
Play with 15 civs and then tell us how much fun it is. And play on Monarchy and not the kiddie noble level everyone is playing on. Hell that level has always been easy.

Wow, that's kinda harsh.
Err...well I find this to be a time consuming game, and I don't feel like spending the rest of my life fighting 14 other CIVS.
I agree, I have not had any problems that weren't releated to the packaging (disc mislabeled) which was no problem anyways really
Noble level, Ravinwood, is the "even" difficulty, where neither you or the AI has any advantages or disadvantages. It is wholly appropriate for previous-Civvers to get used to the changes and additions to the game.

Why don't you stop trolling and let the man enjoy the game?

SimaYi: I have a 1.5ghz Athlon, same ram & video ram as you, and I've not had very much "chop" at all, even with 7 total civilizations. So, yeah, the game is better on older systems :goodjob: :lol: :crazyeye:
Same video ram eh? Well, my MX is garbage, MX is the "crap line" and my celeron isn't helping..at all >_> Course, i'm going to upgrade the celly to a P4 and get some other,better video card. Course, knowing Fraixis/2K, there would be a patch soon (I predict sometimes in Dec.) that fixes most of the gltiches. :)
SimaYi said:
I picked up my copy a few hours ago. The >>>>ONLY<<<< "problem" I had was the disc labeling, which is easily fixed by just using the first disc to play off of. Anyways..

A lot of people complain that the interface/gameplay is bad. Well, heres why you might be thinking that: Sid Meier (obvoiusly) wanted CIV4 to take a new step and change things. He wanted it to feel like more of a RTS. A lot of the hardcore CIV fans are obvoiusly going to complain about change.

The game runs at a very,very smooth pace on my PC. That is, if I'm playing with about 5 CIVS total. Anything about 5 it starts to frame skip and get sluggish. Other than that, no problems.

This is a great game. It's the perfect change to CIV. CIV needed a good change anyways. Obvoiusly the game was most likely either rushed or mass produced, seeing as how so many people complaining about glitches.

I'm sure that Firaxis/2K will either make a new working batch, or (more likely this will happen) release a patch for the game.

For those who are wondering, this is my system:
Intel Celeron, 2.6GHz
512MB of RAM
128MB nVIDIA GEforce MX 4000

It's funny,because everyone who has a good computer can't run it. Yet here I am with a pretty crappy computer running it fine. Maybe it was ment to work on crappy systems?:goodjob:
What do you mean crappy? That's what I have! (2.4Ghz actually).

And no skipping at 5+ civs unless it's a lot more on a huge map. Only issue I have is the stuttering in-game videos.
Do you have a Celeron? Celeron is NOT good for gaming :(
I too have the video issue thingy. The sound skips during the wonder videos,ect. Weird. Then again,my sound card is cheesy >.>
SimaYi said:
Same video ram eh? Well, my MX is garbage, MX is the "crap line" and my celeron isn't helping..at all >_> Course, i'm going to upgrade the celly to a P4 and get some other,better video card. Course, knowing Fraixis/2K, there would be a patch soon (I predict sometimes in Dec.) that fixes most of the gltiches. :)

I'm running on a GeForce 4 MX420 and the game even runs.. this card is something I would expect to find in the dumpster these days, as I bought it for my old computer 2 years ago for around 25 dollars.. I'm using it now because I am waiting for my normal card to be replaced by ATI.. its not blazing on this card, but after some tweaking it is certainly playable

I am certain that people having problems with modern day cards will have their issues resolved with a patch of some sort as well.. if it runs on this thing, it will run on anything with T&L
SimaYi said:
Do you have a Celeron? Celeron is NOT good for gaming :(
I too have the video issue thingy. The sound skips during the wonder videos,ect. Weird. Then again,my sound card is cheesy >.>

I also have the sound skipping problem as well, and I have a top of the line sound card.. others I have spoken to also have it, so I'm not sure what the actual cause is msyelf :confused:
I have had choppiness late in the game, though I haven't played 15 civ games yet. I rarely played games that big in the old, though. Epic games would, of course, be more vulnerable to the choppiness if it is a memory leak as some suspect, though, since it wouldn't necessarily be 'late game' that you've been playing so long.

Besides technical glitches, though, no problem here, absolutely loving the game. Had no problem grasping the interface, but I have played a number of RTS games before. Last night (well, this morning, I'm nocturnal), I meant to go to bed at 10 as usual, but 'one more turn' symptoms hit and I ended up going to bed at 2. Civ 3 never gave me that feeling to such an extent. Haven't since SMAC.
Hmm,perhaps the sound skipping during in-game movies is a programming error? Funny enough, the only time the sound DOESN'T skip is during the StoneHengde-Wonder video.
I actually think the video-skipping may be a Bink error. I noticed the same thing in other games using Bink videos if I have Firefox up when I'm playing them. Maybe not enough system resources is being given to Bink to play the videos.
I'm lucky enough to have a Quadro FX 500... I *do* have the wonder and the sound skipping... but at least it doesn't crash-to-desktop :goodjob:
at first the game didnt work for me I had a GF4 MX440 which does have T&L but whatever ya it was all black so i just when down to future shop bought a GeForce 6600 GT and it works very well has only skipped one time on the wonder movie other then that everything works great. Good game so far. I find the begining is alittle dull but W/E it picks up. Once I get use to all the new features It will be a Great game.:)
For those with stutter etc are you in window mode or full screen? Windowed seems much better by all accounts.
I'm in full-screen, but *my* stutter is REALLY minor, so I don't really care... I can go watch the movies at some other time :D
Tactician Zhao said:
sig - "Those who are skilled in combat do not become angered; those who are skilled at winning do not become afraid. Thus, the wise win before they fight, while the ignorant fight to win." - Zhuge Liang

Sorry I couldn't let this one go. Sima Yi starts the thread and Tactician Zhao has this for a sig.

It would be interesting to watch you play a multiplayer game against each other to see who the superior strategist is.

On topic, I'm glad to hear that you are so enthusiastic about this game now that it is out. The bugs can be worked out, but the gameplay is the cornerstone of the whole thing.
I'm sorry... this is disappointing. I absolutely refuse to play a game with less than 15 civs, and apparently this is causing all sorts of problems?

What sort of world has less than 15 nations... scenarios fine, but not a real game.
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