A solution to Whether HRE deserves to be in the game

Wolfy, your argument is that since Austria is still around, we should have Austria instead of HRE. Austria was a very small part of the HRE, which (At the time of Charlemange) extended to Spain. That's like saying that Greece should replace the Ottomans.
It's a waste of time to accuse anyone of HRE - phobia or - philia. We all know there is like gazillion more interesting and enjoyable things than getting certain civ in or out. But every time I see a similar argument it almost always boils down to a "deserves or not" stage. Or "it's fun to have more civs" vs. "it's fun to have a distinct civs" stage. Kinda amazing how we all like to wander in spiritual and metaphysical "deserving a place in computer game" land or repeating obvious truths to no particular end. The point is, HRE (with "Native Americans") has nothing in common with other Civs in terms of being a "civilization" in any meaning of this word, while it's being used as any other. And what confuses me to no end is seeing endless stream of statements trying to prove otherwise using arguments from this spiritual land or "it's fun or it's not" dilemma.

Sure, we can argue "it's been around for so long", but what exactly can it prove? That the ideas can die extremely old and deformed? Arguing that Charlemagne was the creator of this "civ" leads nowhere, unless you are really convinced a few empty gestures towards Roman heritage can replace the lack of any other common ground. It's similar to Napoleon forcing electors to choose him Holy Roman Emperor - would it automatically create a new argument for HRE distinctiveness and importance? Same goes for Hapsburgs - they held Emperor title for so long because they managed to gather such power, not the other way around, it was just a token of importance, one more shiny stone in crown. Oh, sure, HRE consisted of many nations and many states - but so was Holy Alliance (emperor is missing, rest is mostly the same in terms of "idea over matter":) ), so is EU, and Soviet Union was way, way more complex, with powerful central government, unique regime and ideology (in their times) and get what? Stalin of Russia?? Don't let anyone start about Great Britain, they got under the rug the same way... And regarding "Mercia or Wessex" argument - we can have Germany (instead of Mercia) and France (instead of Wessex), but try to look for HRE in a shape even slightly appropriate to (any) England. Good luck.

Compared to it, Byzantines with their unique architecture, state-defining constant religion flux and greco-roman culture are the exact opposite. Calling them an "argument for HRE" is comparable to calling them "Romans". They endorsed the idea of being Rome's direct descendants despite obvious flaws in such statement - while HRE was just the idea of new Rome and not much more. I fail to understand those "overlapping arguments" - we have Celts, romans, France and England, because we can easily describe unique culture and civilization achievements. What do you want to describe in HRE? Some legitimacy issues and one more title to rule over Medieval Germany and additional countries from time to time, after a conquest/threats as anywhere else? Bavarian, Bohemian or Burgundian culture with no common denominator? At least in Austro-Hungary period we don't even need to mention "HRE", because strong state managed to act like such denominator.

HRE as institution functioned way more like Apostolic Palace crossed with UN (if we call it Few United Nations) in terms of game mechanics and it might be involved in Civ in such form. I could get used to the concept of secular AP with stronger accents on military and ie. fighting money gains of foreign shrine from my cities or perhaps serving as a countermeasure to real AP. Seeing how many of those stronger "holy emperors" wasted most of their "empire" on quarrels with pope this could prove interesting. And seeing how Europa Universalis dealt with this problem can give you some ideas. But instead of something else, it was given (imaginary) ruler, (imaginary) own administration and (even more imaginary) own culture to act like a thing it never was. That's the problem for me. Though I have a feeling I can live with it;)
Frankly having Germany and Germany in the game is pretty stupid... how'd everyone feel if we had America and American in the mod... boy, that sure would tick all the anti-Americans off to see two of the same civ in the game!

It's my mod, I'll do what I want with it thank you very much... if you don't like it, don't use it.

I'd love to to see Germany and Germany and the other Germany. You know the one that the current Germany pretends never happened, circa 1930s.

And yes they do have America and America, or were you being sarcastic in the post.
Even though the Vikings are in the game, how about the more modern Scandinavian civilizations (not "modern" like "today"!).
In the 16th and 17th centuries, Denmark was an important seafaring nation. As was Sweden, plus they were powerful in this pre-industrial era.

But consider the Chinese in Civ, thay are one civilization, atlough they span from the ancient Quin to the modern Mao. And the same goes for several other nations/civs.

Perhaps I'm not really making any point, maybe I'm just name dropping (or is that nation dropping?)

One Golden Age per civ plz :)
I'd love to to see Germany and Germany and the other Germany. You know the one that the current Germany pretends never happened, circa 1930s.

And yes they do have America and America, or were you being sarcastic in the post.

Germany doesn't pretend it never happened, if that were the case there wouldn't be museums with nazi era stuff nor would they pay reparations. You're confusing never happened with never want it to happen again. HRE makes way more sense than the third reich, which lasted only 12 years. Why should the Germans respect such a terrible time or treat such a short period with as much value as the others? Besides, the Germany civ represents this period just like the German Empire, Weimar, Federal Republic...

@przemuch: Are you saying the states of the HRE didn't have great architecture or culture? The USSR only lasted 73 years, and if you add it to the game how realistic is it supposed to be when it's 500 BC and the Soviets are conquering the Babylonians...
I'm saying "what exactly was HRE architecture and culture"?. Because it's rather hard to see a cause-effect relation in a series of diplomatic treaties of various entities it mostly was. And if someone insists Badenia or Prussia should be considered HRE culture, not primarily German culture... well it's rather hard to argue. Point is, with some Hapsburg - related civ (A-H!) we could at least think of a something binding a multitude of its nations and cultures not included in Civ in a similar way to ie. Russia or Otomans. Not exactly possible with loose organisation like HRE. And if you agree German civ represents a German Empire period...?

Well, we already can have Americans smashing Romans, not a great difference :lol: And I'm not even arguing for USSR inclusion - it's more like pointing out that more distinct civs got merged with Russia or England. So what's the excuse of HRE? Longevity only? Because I'm not falling for "an era in western civilization" - still more like "an era" than a "civilization".
I'm saying "what exactly was HRE architecture and culture"?. Because it's rather hard to see a cause-effect relation in a series of diplomatic treaties of various entities it mostly was. And if someone insists Badenia or Prussia should be considered HRE culture, not primarily German culture... well it's rather hard to argue. Point is, with some Hapsburg - related civ (A-H!) we could at least think of a something binding a multitude of its nations and cultures not included in Civ in a similar way to ie. Russia or Otomans. Not exactly possible with loose organisation like HRE. And if you agree German civ represents a German Empire period...?

Well, we already can have Americans smashing Romans, not a great difference :lol: And I'm not even arguing for USSR inclusion - it's more like pointing out that more distinct civs got merged with Russia or England. So what's the excuse of HRE? Longevity only? Because I'm not falling for "an era in western civilization" - still more like "an era" than a "civilization".

It is a great difference because we already have Russians and for all intensive purposes USSR was Russia, Russia was USSR. None of the other SSRs really had true power to determine their destiny except maybe in the very early stages and at the end of it all. At least USA was there since late 1700s.

Austria-Hungary was created way after on the other hand, and Austrian Empire just after. To me it presents problems, I would rather see Hungary as a separate civ. Seeing as the Holy Roman Empire maintained authority for ~1000 years and Austrian Empire/A-H collapsed after ~100 they must have done something right for all the criticism. Afterall they were really one and the same, Austria was born from HRE. The history of it all is complicated and makes for headaches in these types of discussions. I just think if one has to choose between Austrian Empire and Holy Roman Empire, HRE is just the more significant of the two in regards to longevity, impact, etc. The HRE concept though if we take it the way they envisioned it, was not meant to be a German-centric or nationalist thing. They expanded into Italy, low countries, balkans, czech lands etc. I will agree though in all fairness HRE is sort of a German era, albeit a very long one. I would probably be indifferent if there was no HRE in Civ V. Austrian Empire would be an appropriate replacement.

Edit: The American colonies first began in the early 1600s
It is a great difference because we already have Russians and for all intensive purposes USSR was Russia, Russia was USSR. None of the other SSRs really had true power to determine their destiny except maybe in the very early stages and at the end of it all. At least USA was there since late 1700s.

Well, I see HRE as German/Austrian dominated as well - not much to say for Czechs or Italians. I agree with the rest, though 70 to 300 relation is easy to miss compared to 5000 years civs:).

Seeing as the Holy Roman Empire maintained authority for ~1000 years and Austrian Empire/A-H collapsed after ~100 they must have done something right for all the criticism.

I just think if one has to choose between Austrian Empire and Holy Roman Empire, HRE is just the more significant of the two in regards to longevity, impact, etc.

It was not my main intention to criticise or applaud HRE as an institution, I was trying to say it is hardly a distinct civilization. Not a failure as a civilization => not a civilization in semantic sense. Or at least in "what we can see in every other civ so far"-sense. Maybe except Native Americans :)mad:).

Afterall they were really one and the same, Austria was born from HRE. The history of it all is complicated and makes for headaches in these types of discussions.

I'd say there's more to Hapsburg domination in the birth of Austria than HRE. But I guess we don't have the proper tools to measure it anyway.

The HRE concept though if we take it the way they envisioned it, was not meant to be a German-centric or nationalist thing. They expanded into Italy, low countries, balkans, czech lands etc. I will agree though in all fairness HRE is sort of a German era, albeit a very long one. I would probably be indifferent if there was no HRE in Civ V. Austrian Empire would be an appropriate replacement.

Yeah, one can still admire the vision for what it was. Otto III and pope Sylvester comes to mind for example. Yet everywhere I can look, I see no such universal HRE in practice. Italian states left to themselves or pounded by every "visitor" imaginable, emperors included. Czechs having less and less to say in any matter - and here we go from Hus to the most famous defenestration, the destruction and repressions follow accordingly. Burgundy playing their own game in France. Don't feel competent enough to speak about Low Countries and concerning Balkans I only remember quite intensive germanisation of present Slovenian or Croatian borderlands. One of the things that make me miss A-H is that they actually tried something else in the second half of XIX century - without actual success, but tried (or tried to try :rolleyes: ); Civ has no trait focused on diversity - and A-H was indeed full of different religions, nationalities, languages, traditions and animosities. Not like the HRE, which preferred Germans/Austrians and catholicism (since Luter there's hardly a real HRE outside of Hapsburg domain).

But I think we don't have to worry. Civ 5 is going to have some money-draining add-ons too, so they will probably start with standard set of Rome, Egypt, China and England kind:)
you ever heard of the austria-hungary empire???

Wel Does HRE deserves in the game yes or no... Mmm I think not it would be the same as putting the EU in the game. Well maybe the same can be said of the USA. USA is actually a bundle of states like the EU the only diffrence is that USA is more of an country. Actually you could let out a lot of civs. England was formed by the Anglo, Saksons and Vikings and some others. If go this far almost every civ should be out. Actually you can split the vikings also so they should not ben in to.

If go back far enough the game should have one CIV the HUMANS. But than again that would not be as fun.

One final note than. HRE is less of an CIV than the other CIVS so it shouldn't be in there.
Yes, I have heard of the Austro-Hungarian Empire. Why is that relevant?
Germany doesn't pretend it never happened, if that were the case there wouldn't be museums with nazi era stuff nor would they pay reparations. You're confusing never happened with never want it to happen again. HRE makes way more sense than the third reich, which lasted only 12 years. Why should the Germans respect such a terrible time or treat such a short period with as much value as the others? Besides, the Germany civ represents this period just like the German Empire, Weimar, Federal Republic...

@przemuch: Are you saying the states of the HRE didn't have great architecture or culture? The USSR only lasted 73 years, and if you add it to the game how realistic is it supposed to be when it's 500 BC and the Soviets are conquering the Babylonians...
Hm? I thought he meant Austria. What was Astax talking about?
More importantly, why isn't poland in the game with hitler as a leader.
I'd love to to see Germany and Germany and the other Germany. You know the one that the current Germany pretends never happened, circa 1930s.

:cringe: I was replying to two posts at once and only quoting one but this is what Astax said...
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