AAranda's modcomps for RoM 2.7

I called it Open Waters because it was the better idea coming up to my mind , if you have something better i'll switch for next version , but don't like the pirate one , as this one is a term to call a delictive action made from civilized countries to point modern barbarians , and we are using this civ from an equal position to any other

i dont remember if they did or not but in that movie water world did they call themselves anything...if so could use that as a name
1: the religious buildings that require the unit to build the ai will not build except shrine of course
I tried a few games when i made the religions mod just to see AI behavior with them and everything was fine , AI builded druids and shamans to make the buildings
But i'm now playing a complete game and it seems that AI build druids only when it has no more buildings to build , so i'll include something to improve this behavior in next version

2: i get python exception errors dont remember exactly but it says "ishrine referenced b4 assignment" and i get one per "new" religion found
When? Everytime you load the mod ? just once ? when you first installed?
I never have such a problem , but if you provide some more information i'll try to figure it out

3: when i play on choose the ai never chooses the new religions they stick with originals, i know you said its not meant to be played with choose, but with my system i have no choice to use choose or play with same 6-10 religions every game, i use limited because 5 civs and 20 religions is just too much
AI never choose my religions because leaders are all pointed by code to a religion , and , of course , none of them is pointed to a modmod religion . This get fixed with my civilizations mods , where every leader is pointed to a much logical religion , like Huayna Capac to andeanism instead of naghualism , or all indians civs to shamanism

an idea tho i changed voodoo to give espionage not decrease slavery unhappiness for my game
i figured if they can have undead workers then slavery not needed just use them and also figured can also get info much easier just zombie a spy or enemy unit and boom all the info you need
the results were when i used i had a much easier time with spying even in the late game and
when i chose voodoo for an ai i just had a terrible time spying on him especially late and i didn't change much just took out the unhappiness portion and one building gave plus 1 espionage and the ww gave plus 10%
When i first made voodoo spy bonuses were my election , i switch because slavery ones seemed more logical , as the most known issue of voodoo is making slaves workers from the dead , but i'll keep an eye on it when my game arrives to this time to see how functionall it is actually and if needs to be changed
as far as the python error goes it seems to only occur in beginning maybe 10 turns of discovering the religions then reoccurs every turn there after till you save and closeout game then after reload no error till another religion is discovered

the error also says something about a event file....i cant remember the error right, didn't write it down at the time.........it hasn't happened every game tho like i redownloaded the mod and first game no errors....with choose tho, and now this game i got the error...actually it didn't happen right sway i didn't get it till after 5 of the religions were discovered then when i got it i had 5 windows to close

idk i'm in 1400's now of a snail deity ancient game and shooting for a space race victory....lol if ai allows it i got like 50% pop and a lil over 40% land i think if i get attacked one more time it'll be a domination victory, sux, but next game i'll make sure i write down the error message

but like i said it hasn't happened every game so i think it might be an event of some kind, which doesn't make sense..i've never seen a free shrine before, b4 the message says what files and line numbers and all so i'll get it to you
I called it Open Waters because it was the better idea coming up to my mind , if you have something better i'll switch for next version , but don't like the pirate one , as this one is a term to call a delictive action made from civilized countries to point modern barbarians , and we are using this civ from an equal position to any other

I see. How about "Sea Rovers"? The term was used to refer to pirates but does not by itself necessarily have a negative connotation.

There are also the terms "Buccaneer" and "Corsair" which of course strictly refer to pirates, but sound better to my ear than the word pirate - especially "Corsair".
bah i got the name for you....atlatians and rename the capitol atlantis......it works and for all we really know it could have been a real civilization after all most legends are based on fact
as far as the python error goes it seems to only occur in beginning maybe 10 turns of discovering the religions then reoccurs every turn there after till you save and closeout game then after reload no error till another religion is discovered

the error also says something about a event file....i cant remember the error right, didn't write it down at the time.........it hasn't happened every game tho like i redownloaded the mod and first game no errors....with choose tho, and now this game i got the error...actually it didn't happen right sway i didn't get it till after 5 of the religions were discovered then when i got it i had 5 windows to close

idk i'm in 1400's now of a snail deity ancient game and shooting for a space race victory....lol if ai allows it i got like 50% pop and a lil over 40% land i think if i get attacked one more time it'll be a domination victory, sux, but next game i'll make sure i write down the error message

but like i said it hasn't happened every game so i think it might be an event of some kind, which doesn't make sense..i've never seen a free shrine before, b4 the message says what files and line numbers and all so i'll get it to you

Yes , an event error make sense , it can be refered to all religion's shrines or buildings and give an error when recognize more religions than it has writed in its code
If that happens again , i'll be gratefull if you can provided the event's name , giving me a try to fix it
Thanks a lot
bah i got the name for you....atlatians and rename the capitol atlantis......it works and for all we really know it could have been a real civilization after all most legends are based on fact

Can't do that
I'm planning to make legendaries civs when i finish the world's ones (if i live long enough to do so) , including Mu , ShangriLa , Logic , Hyperborea ... and of course , Atlantis
I see. How about "Sea Rovers"? The term was used to refer to pirates but does not by itself necessarily have a negative connotation.

There are also the terms "Buccaneer" and "Corsair" which of course strictly refer to pirates, but sound better to my ear than the word pirate - especially "Corsair".

Corsairs sounds quite good for me
I'll give some more time to ear more options if them come , and switch to corsairs if them don't in the next version
I'm making American's maps (south , north , caribbean and atlantis age) to include in my North & South mod and i have a big dilema
Shall i place realistics resources (gold , stone , corn and no horses , lemon , apple and little amount of copper and iron , per example , in Southamerica) , or shall i place all resources types improving the maps?
I'm making American's maps (south , north , caribbean and atlantis age) to include in my North & South mod and i have a big dilema
Shall i place realistics resources (gold , stone , corn and no horses , lemon , apple and little amount of copper and iron , per example , in Southamerica) , or shall i place all resources types improving the maps?

resources could appear when they were introduced
Download RFC to look at the Americas portion of the map
how about mariners then

and as far as my space race it didn't work out sittingbull was a little discouraged at only holding one continent and tried to take over a few of my little islands.....it didn't work out the way he wantedtho and i got a domination victory..........i'm currently auto running a game tho trying to start at 10000bc with about 5k turns on snail......first 1000 turns went by b4 i minimized and no error tho

It look like there is a conflict between your's religion modmod with a building construct sound(whatever it name is) modmod. After i add that modmod, i got some error when ini the game, say something about religion building. I click all the message, then the game is loaded, but the result is, i can't build any of building that's included inside your modmod.

Would you take a look please??

It look like there is a conflict between your's religion modmod with a building construct sound(whatever it name is) modmod. After i add that modmod, i got some error when ini the game, say something about religion building. I click all the message, then the game is loaded, but the result is, i can't build any of building that's included inside your modmod.

Would you take a look please??

As the creator of the ConstructSounds modmod, I know what the problem is:

Aaranda's religions mod has a new CIV4BuildingInfos.xml file that overwrites RoM's default file. The ConstructSounds mod also has a new CIV4BuildingInfos.xml file...

Unfortunately, this means these two mods are incompatible with each other.

If you want to resolve your issues and use the religions modmod, you should reinstall it. (You do not have to worry about uninstalling the ConstructSounds mod.)

If you really, really want to use both mods, your only choice is to merge both CIV4BuildingInfos.xml files... which looks quite difficult.
As the creator of the ConstructSounds modmod, I know what the problem is:

Aaranda's religions mod has a new CIV4BuildingInfos.xml file that overwrites RoM's default file. The ConstructSounds mod also has a new CIV4BuildingInfos.xml file...

Unfortunately, this means these two mods are incompatible with each other.

If you want to resolve your issues and use the religions modmod, you should reinstall it. (You do not have to worry about uninstalling the ConstructSounds mod.)

If you really, really want to use both mods, your only choice is to merge both CIV4BuildingInfos.xml files... which looks quite difficult.
Well, that's a really bad news:p
I guess i would uninstall your's
Sure your modmod is impressive, but i can't play without Aaranda's modmod anymore after i hooked on that:(
Well, that's a really bad news:p
I guess i would uninstall your's
Sure your modmod is impressive, but i can't play without Aaranda's modmod anymore after i hooked on that:(

Well, the new ConstructSounds have been incorporated into RoM 2.8, so when that rolls out (and Aaranda updates his modmod accordingly), there won't be any more problems.
After installing the Religions modmod, I am receiving 3 errors when starting the Rise of Mankind mod.

Tag:BUILDINGCLASS_FLAK_TOWER in Info class was incorrect

Tag:BUILDINGCLASS_HIMEJI_CASTLE in Info class was incorrect


Tag:BUILDINGCLASS_NATIONAL_SHIELD in Info class was incorrect

after hitting the ok button for each of these errors, the game will run, but these particular buildings are not loaded. I've not played a game since installing the Religion modmod, so I don't know if this will break anything during game play.
After installing the Religions modmod, I am receiving 3 errors when starting the Rise of Mankind mod.

Tag:BUILDINGCLASS_FLAK_TOWER in Info class was incorrect

Tag:BUILDINGCLASS_HIMEJI_CASTLE in Info class was incorrect


Tag:BUILDINGCLASS_NATIONAL_SHIELD in Info class was incorrect

after hitting the ok button for each of these errors, the game will run, but these particular buildings are not loaded. I've not played a game since installing the Religion modmod, so I don't know if this will break anything during game play.

those log errors points that you are using another modmod that replaces the CIV4BuildingInfos.xml too. You'll have to choose between them
It seems that i'll have to quit from modding temporaly
My old computer fried (i'm writting from a friend's) a week ago , and i'm not able to buy a new one by now ... i'm a victim of the global crisis , member of a large company closed , lied by syndicates and used by politicians just to let me unemployed for a year
I mean i don't know when i'll be on line again
Hope to see you soon
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