Adding Canada to the civ world

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Jun 4, 2002
Well, Canada did not make it into civ1 or civ2. In civ3, Canada did not make it into the top 31. For civ4, Canada is still not in. :cry: :cry: :cry:

I really hope that Canada could be added into future expansion packs for civ4.
I personnally hope Quebec to make the cut. Well, I'll expect it more for civ 24 with 15634 civs. Same for Canada.
i have always supported including australia and canada based on land mass alone. They focus on length of history (or the written word about....)
and ancient civs on this. Australia and Canada are world players now whose empires matches or exceeds many of those in the past.
Canada and Australia fought in the modern wars - and won - as a matter of fact- now that i think about it -i don't think either ever lost a war.
(Hold it- that Gallopolli movie against the turks...i think they lost that one)
oh yeah and i almost forgot- isn't the market in those countries viable? I played Canadians and australians on multi player all the time.
Have yet to play anyone from ...Africa, Italy, Turkey ect. Doesn't make sense to me why they would not put the civ in for the people that actually play the game.
I'm Canadian, but I have to say that Canada is not quite important enough to qualify as a civlization. Although I would like to see a game variant with every country on earth, an idea I have seen suggested before.
Pounder said:
Of a population just over 11 million, more than one and a half million Canadians and Newfoundlanders served in the Second World War. Of these, more than 45,000 gave their lives and another 55,000 were wounded. By the end of the war, Canada was the fourth strongest military power in the world behind only the USA, the USSR and Britain

I don't think canada should be a civ. It was nothing more than a civ based on british and canadian colonies. True, america was once a colony too, but america has a larger population,a unique culture, and has been a major world power for over 150 years. Canada is not a major power, it was only 4th because the militaries of the axis and their victims (france, china, etc.)were destroyed. 45,000 is nothing in the sense that tens of millions of people died in world war 2.
I hope one day, an infinite amount of civs can be added...

when creating your game, it is organized, by area and age.

If you want to make an ancient Aborigine game, you can add the major tribes that existed in say....560 BC. =)

That is one of the things i would love to see, happen one day.

That and Israel being one of the main civ's when they release Civ 5. =)

And seeing them in the expansion when they make it. =D
Canada has more degree holders per capita than any other nation in the history of the world, we have a more successful 'multicultural system' than just about anybody else, we invented peace-keeping and we've never lost a war (mainly because we don't fight wars when we know we're going to lose them:joke: ). We are also the only G8 nation to have no representation at all in Civ (even Italy is represented, to some extent, by the Romans); and don't tell me about the Iroquois; the Iroquois are no more 'proto-Canadians' then the Celts of Britain are 'proto-Anglo-Saxon.'
Even still, I sincerely doubt we will be included (even though we were in Call to Power, but that one had about 100 different civs). I myself would be satisfied if Canadian cities could be included in the city lists for Britain (along with Australian and New Zealand cities) or France. I would also be satisfied if they were to include Algonquin or Inuit civs (both of which would be preferable to the Iroquois as we never had an eighty year war with either of them). All things considered, I would even be happy to be included as one of those 'minor civs' that everyone on this forum keeps talking about for no apparent reason. That's probably the best that I could hope for.

No matter: I always mod the Canadians in anyway.
I'm all for adding Canada in, but there are a lot more... important Civs that need to get in first.
Canada doesn't really have any independant culture though, it's just a mixture of Brittish and American. The don't have a unique language, they're really really young as a country (not even 100 years...) In fact it can hardly be considered a real country, the provinces have about ten times more political power then Ottawa ever has.

Canada never was a major military power, it was the USA, the USSR, China, UK, and France that really had all the say in world affairs (hence the 'big five' of the UN) They have lost wars before, the Seven Years War ("Canada" was a french colony, Hudson Bay company just owned land up there) One of the few wars they ever had to fight, and btw, Canada did take part in the vietnam war...if your going to claim the victories, claim the defeats too.

If Canada was added it'd be just another Western European style Civ thats out there among a dozen others, and also one that's not really all that important.
I can't see any justification for Canada being one of the initial Civs for CIV IV.

The country is essentially an amalgam of British and American influences over the past 200 years or so, rather than a distinct 'Civ' with a long heritage of its own. A modded Canadian Civ is the best solution.

But if Canada can kicks Denmark's butt and assume sovereignty over Hans Island, then we may have something. :lol:
Canada isn't a "civilization" per se. It's certainly a country, and since the Treaty of Ghent it certainly has a unique national identity apart from Britain or the US. But, to me, to get included in the epic game, you have to be talking about cultures or nations or groups of nations which had a much greater impact on the world than Canada has had so far (although who knows, depending on how global resources last Canada could, conceivably, someday be a great power - but not so far). Nations and civilizations are different things. In certain scenarios, a Canadian nation might be appropriate - particularly 19th or 20th century scenarios. But for the epic game, I don't think Canada is appropriate.
frekk said:
Coulter got owned by McKeown over this ...

I was laughing for days after I saw that broadcast....

Canada as a civ? hmmmmmm

Cities: Toronto, Montreal, Vancouver...
Leader: W.L. Mackenzie-King
Traits: Passive and Polite
Unique Unit: Hoser (no attack/defense strength, but brings great beer and weed to battle, incompasitating all units in a 2-tile radius)

Much as I love the great white north, there's no way that Canada should be a standard civ! Take off, eh?
Nyvin said:
Canada doesn't really have any independant culture though, it's just a mixture of Brittish and American. The don't have a unique language, they're really really young as a country (not even 100 years...) In fact it can hardly be considered a real country, the provinces have about ten times more political power then Ottawa ever has.

Canada never was a major military power, it was the USA, the USSR, China, UK, and France that really had all the say in world affairs (hence the 'big five' of the UN) They have lost wars before, the Seven Years War ("Canada" was a french colony, Hudson Bay company just owned land up there) One of the few wars they ever had to fight, and btw, Canada did take part in the vietnam war...if your going to claim the victories, claim the defeats too.

We weren't involved in Vietnam as we're not involved in Iraq, either (like I said, we only fight wars in which defeat isn't a certainty). And as for Canada having an 'American culture,' you seem to have that rather backwards.
Furthermore, on paper the provinces are supposed to be powerful, but they're really not. In fact, they are considerably less powerful than American states.
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