Adding yields to TraitInfos xml


Apr 26, 2019
I managed to add two extra fields of YieldChanges and YieldModifiers to the TraitInfos xml through the schema, and the modifiers work ingame but I encountered a problem: the bonuses don't show up on the trait description (the +10% hammers I added to the industrious trait works as expected but the actual bonus doesn't show up on the trait)

I already made TXT_KEY_TRAIT_YIELD_CHANGES and TXT_KEY_TRAIT_YIELD_MODIFIERS entries but now the problem is... I have no idea where those text tags are supposed to go so they show up on the trait description.
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To add text to anything in Civ 4 go to under the strategy and add the following:
Yeah in general that's the way to do it. However this only works for static text as in "it's always the same for UNIT_WARRIOR or whatever you point at".

The question for this thread is how to add help text, which is generated at runtime. For instance +X% hammers, but only if X isn't 0. This can't be done with a simple TXT_KEY. Instead there is a source file dedicated to generate those more complex and conditional help texts.

It is actually good that you pointed out the help tag. If a less experienced modder would read this thread, he/she would go "adding help text looks complicated" since this thread only mentioned the most complex way of adding help text. There is no reason to be misleading like that.
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