Advanced Civ

I tried another on Immortal and found it very difficult again as well. I've decided once again that Emperor is probably best for me. However, if you would like to suggest the settings for a game on Immortal, that sounds interesting to me. It is very, very hard to win without the pyramids though. And it is, of course, very difficult to get the pyramids without being rushed. Let me know if you want to give it a try. Personally, I always play on Marathon, huge world map with realistic starting locations, and about 25 civs, by the way, and generally with "No tech trading". Marathon would be my main preference though. It would be fun if Keldath would take up the challenge as well! Let me know.
@f1rpo I'm sorry for your wasted time, I sent my game folder to the person I was playing with, and there was no more out-of-sync error, so the mod was fine, it was all about slightly different clients.
Oof, Marathon. Unless that'll make others want to jump in, I don't think I'm interested. I was more picturing myself making several attempts until some strategy works, and a big slow game isn't well suited for that.
I suppose the Pyramids are making such a difference because possibilities for peaceful and violent expansion are very confined on Immortal and Representation helps a small empire not fall behind technologically too much.

@Rawwwrr: Great, no worries.
That's fine. Thanks for the offer though. Right now I'm playing again on Diety, huge world map, marathon. I've built the pyramids as Rome and I'm still doing well at about 1000 AD. Wish me luck!
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