Advice for this city please


Mar 20, 2007
I just founded theology and the holy city wound up being a city I planned for production. The still see this city as a future front city, so I am still going for production, but should I build all the economic buildings too. It does have gems in it. Any advice would be appreciated.

The good news is that the holy city will require one national wonder, the Wall Street, for optimal use and this does not conflict with putting the Heroic Epic here (short term) or the Ironworks (long term). Bad news is that it prevents you from combining two national wonders (out of Ironworks, Heroic Epic, and West Point) for a super-production city. My advice: you don't get many holy cities, but you can always found other production cities later. Once you get the shrine, use this city for some gold, by spreading the religion and getting market, grocer, bank, and Wall Street. You can still use it as a secondary production city and find a better Ironworks cite later.
The hammers are fine, since you'll need them to build all the commerce multipliers (market, grocer, bank, Wall Street).

If a city becomes a holy city I usually try to shift it as much as I can to commerce, however. Fortunately, I think this site actually has the potential in and of itself for either role. It won't make a stellar commerce city, but it could be a decent one.

I myself would be looking to cottage all the flat grassland tiles, especially those next to rivers. Look for another way to chain-irrigate that rice tile once you get Bureaucracy. You might want to consider windmills or even cottages on some of the grassland hills. Farm the plains tiles and make Biology a priority. Consider founding a junk city nearby--probably to the east--so its citizens can work some of the cottages to maturity until Biology comes along and allows you to work the hills AND the cottages.

If you manage to generate a Great Merchant at some point, you may want to consider settling him in this city. His gold will get multiplied, and that +1 food will come in handy.
Shrine cities work very well with high production in a cottage economy at least. Shrine will earn cash regardless of science slider, high production makes it easy to build the money multipliers. In between the city could build wonders or even missionaries to spread the faith (and earn more cash). You will however need to find another production site for your military city.
I'm not sure I agree - if you have a shrine city, and spread the religion very well, then you can often get away with 90% research. If you are doing that, there's not a lot of point in cottaging up that city, as you'd only be getting 10% of the commerce in coins anyway, not really a great investment. And by going production with the city, you can very easily throw in the bank/market/grocer without losing a lot of turns waiting for them to finish. I would make it a primarily production city, with the added benefit of making money on the side. The only issue is the one Galileo44 raised, which is what National Wonders to build there. Unless you get another Shrine city later, Wall Street would almost be a necessity, which would decrease the quality of the city in the later stages of the game. But I think that's a worthwhile compromise to make.

Thanks for the advice.

My GPF is suffering, so I can't pop a prophet, so I haven't got my shrine up and running yet. I also have already sunk two GG's into the city, one for the military academy. I think I will keep it mainly production and add the commerce buildings as I can. The shrine produces gold not commerce, right?(so it doesn't matter where the science slider is) As far a wonders I usually try to put the Red Cross with the Heroic Epic. With having the military academy I think a Heroic Epic/Iron Works city is to much production and alot of hammers are wasted. I try to pair up Iron Works with West Point and if I can put it on the coast with a drydock for my naval yard. So, I will just have to stick the Red Cross in some secondary military city. Also, I am going to have to put a Stock Exchange in this city anyway so I can meet the requirements for Wall Street anytime soon.

Thanks again, it just threw me when Thelogy was founded in my production city, never happened before.
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