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Advices for my first Deity Game

You'll be in happiness trouble soon. You'll lost Singapore soon. You have 500 gold, so 40 turns of happiness, but one lux miss. I use to play with 2 luxs for caps and 1 for each city. Under this, unhappiness is a constant problem after universities.
Science seems a bit low. 119 bpt T127. Do you fill you specialist slots ? I imagine 2 universties are up in cap and Si Satchanalai.
Muang Saluang could be south on hill or on coast near Citrus.
Yes, 2 VATs are up, and two coming soon. Running specialist slots, yes. In 4 turns Ill open rationalism and build 2 observatories too, so science will skyrocket.

Muang Saluang is there only because of its strategic position, and overall is not bad - it has 4 cattles, is on hill and at a lake, I just wish that marble was in the 3rd ring ... . I am used to be low on luxes, so I think I can handle it happinesswise.

All I need is no war until I enter modern in 50-60 turns.
Well, as I took good care of Danmarks expansion, I don't think he can cause a problem in the near future. I only suspect a Brazil/Danmark alliance - they are next to the danes and have DOF, and very good army of XB and pikes. Still, if they attack, I can hold em, and reinforcements are not easy to come from the jungle lands ...
I played 4 times on Imortall,and 2 times on Deity. I just think Deity is twice fastest then Imortall. I also noticed that all players will expand really fast. They just go the closest to you. I think they want to endanger your territory on purpose. You can expect a lot of early wars.

My tips:
- Get really fast 3 cities,just to mark your territory. After you make your cities on outside line of your territory. Then build next 2 cities in the inside of your empire. That is good for Continents map,couse you can expand in multiple directions. There are really low chances you will be closed on all sides on map.
- If you play with Barbars,don't go too far from your land. U will need to deffence yourself a lot.
- Try to stay neutral with all.
- Don't make cities near any Civilization,most likely they will declare war on you.
Yes, 2 VATs are up, and two coming soon. Running specialist slots, yes. In 4 turns Ill open rationalism and build 2 observatories too, so science will skyrocket.
Oh I didn't factor in the observatories, in this case you'r better off staying on 4 cities. There's something to be said about 2 coastal cities feeding each other, even late in the game, but with 2 observatories you'r set and should not have to deal with happiness problems if you can avoid it.
I am gonna try the 5th city, I just wanna see how that goes. Selling/Trading the additional luxes should cover the happiness problem,maybe I am just not gonna feed it with ship until I get to modern.

Btw, I forgot to mention something - despite settling Muang Salang after promising to not expand near his borders, I did not get any penalty and received notice that i kept my expansion promises. How come ?
If you really need to go with 5th city,I would make one in north of Sidon,just to get this 4 coppers. :) But be carefull if someone is protecting it.
Btw, I forgot to mention something - despite settling Muang Salang after promising to not expand near his borders, I did not get any penalty and received notice that i kept my expansion promises. How come?

The promise not to buy tiles is separate and distinct from the promise not to settle near them.
no no, I got the message not to settle, don't remember the exact wording. I know they are different. He complained the turn I settled ...
Finally got some free time to play a bit.

Things are looking great - Sci Theory finished T172, second to enter Industrialism (Theodora entered 2 turns ago). BPT is probably the highest I ever had at this point, and thats without having a science building in the island outpost I made.

The early crippling war with Harald had one hidden benefit - in the first turns since last update, I hit some barbs and got a Great General, which was promptly used to grant me the Marble under the 2 CS :)

The 5th city is growing nicely, and helped a lot for the growth of Lampang. I sent food ships both ways. Soon it will be better than most of the others, as it has a lot of food and production.

I have some RA, and everyone except Celts and Indonesia are my friends, including Harald - lol.
Serious wars are going in the eastern part of the continent. Everyone hates Indonesia (except me, I see no point denouncing them, as they give me happiness, and I keep stealing from em techs).

Happineswise we are ok, I have not built Zoo's or even Circus Maximus, still improving the Silver on the island too. So there is still stuff to build before picking up the Order happiness. I have some borrowed happiness, so have to be careful, but I think we are OK.

Culture - well, there are 5 cultural CS in the map. 1 ally, 4 friends + some from my own cities = serious CPT. Policies - I got tradition, consulates, secularism, humanism and free thought. With the curent rate if I use oxford and rationalism finisher, I could have plastics in around 30 turns.


1) We have no GPT. While I am selling a lot of resources (8 horses, 6 iron, 4 coppers, 1 silk), I had to buy some lux and open borders and 3 of the 4 trade routes are for food.
There are zero caravans coming my way :( Need to build 2 more markets for East India, maybe that will help a bit , but still - where should I place it? Si Satchanalai probably, as its closer to the others.

Good that the wars are going without my help, but I'd really prefered to be able to sponsor some more ...

2) Very low production. Hope we have aluminium, so I can improve it in the cap at least. I am not sure - is it possible to build Hydroplant on a city with lake? Or its different than the garden?

Theodora's religion sux, and recently changed the brazilian, that gave me 2 Mosques. At least it has bonus production per follower, so I am enjoying nice boost in the eastern cities.

3) Because of the many cultural CS, Brazil, Celts and Theodora have over 10k culture. Somehow the +3CPT per wonder passed, and the only one without one is me ... Peaceful culture victory would probably not be possible. I kinda gave it up already, especially as I have no religion of my own. At least only Brazil has some influence over me (12%, while mine is non-existant), so I foresee no happiness issues even if few of those decide to go freedom or authocracy.

Everyone filled Aestetics too, except Harald. He only has 3 points there. Go figure ...

From here I see following path - Electricity - Radio - beeline to Plastics. If the math works, I should take replacable parts for free with rationalism's finisher, plastics with Oxford.

After that - Biology and we'll see. If Brazil takes something different than Order, I will have to take em out with bombers, before they decide to backstab me. So that means, Danmark has to go too, as its on the way, and I need bomber bases near em :) . All of that if I have oil of course, what I seriously doubt, as I have no tundra and too few desert tiles.

Any comments and ideas :) ?


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Quick comments:
1. Your GPT seems abnormally low to me.
2. You are at 4/5 trade routes, why are you building something else than a 5th route ? Either for food or gold.
3. Turn 172 is late for workshops. Should be priority after universities.
4. Windmill is usually considered a very poor building.
5. Your capital is a bit underpopulated. Especially if you play tradition
Quick answers :) :

1) I am selling most stuff for lump sums, thats probably the problem with the GPT ...
2) I will build a ship, after I finish the workshops.
3) Well, I got 3 workshops in the big cities since long ago. Lampang needed to produce settler, lighthouse, cargo ship ...
4) No idea about windmill, I am usually not on flatland. Still production in the capital is not very good, so it should help a bit.
5) Well, here I rather disagree. For a non-coastal capital, size 19 at turn 170 is absolutely normal. At least in my games :) I grow em till 32-33 citizens, so we are on schedule. I don't really understand why you would need more than that. I mean - if your dirt allows it - so be it, but I am not sending it more than 1 food caravan.
Order, Biology ? You won't have the time to build hospital.
I agree with Acken. You mountain cities are quite tiny. Workshops and garden T172 is bit surprise.

4) Because you don't have Ironworks. :)

Despite this, ST T172 will lead you in a T290 Liberty SV, in my opinion.

How do you manage to have 166 cpt ?
Order, Biology ? You won't have the time to build hospital.
I agree with Acken. You mountain cities are quite tiny. Workshops and garden T172 is bit surprise.

4) Because you don't have Ironworks. :)

Despite this, ST T172 will lead you in a T290 Liberty SV, in my opinion.

How do you manage to have 166 cpt ?

Well, I rarely build hospitals tbh. Need biology to see if I have the oil :)
Well, I know I could have dont the workshop in lampang a bit sooner than that, but there were more important things to build, thats it.
And in the other city - well it was founded, like 30 turns ago, so can't build everything that fast. But its becoming awesome soon.

166 CPT - 4 Wats, working 2 guilds, 1-2 amphitheaters, 5 monuments, 1 cultural ally, 4 cultural friends (and thats Siam, you get bonus).
I now realized, that there were gamebreaking changes, that I was not aware of, and I had not patched the game since I installed it last year ... Fixed the issue, patched the game and continued. Good that the savegames are intact.

Pledge giving only +5 influence changes things, but 25 with consulates for Siam is still OK, as every quest you trigger still gives you at least friends status.

Siamese land seems to be very poor at late game strategics - no coil, no aliminium, and most important - no Oil :(

Plastics researched at turn 206. Rushed one Lab with Faith, saved the Rationalism finisher for later use. I am the tech leader and the rest are still in Industrial.

Problem is that both Theodora and Pedro went Authocracy. I took a -8 happiness hit and we are still friends, with a lot of green modifiers, but Pedro is treacharous dude, and I really wanna remove him. Not having oil doesn't help ... There is 4 oil next to the waters of the outpost, but thats wount be enough for anything.

So from here guess the only thing we can do is SV? Or I can do a quick assault on Danmark to claim their oil and continue? But I fear, that Theodora will not like that and she has navy that could hurt my economy, so that doesn't seem worth the risico ...


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Yeah, XCOM/GDR war is an option, lol :) I really hope I have uranium at least. Not having any strategics but horses happens to me way too often, don't know why ...

Do you guys pick Consulates now with non-CS oriented civs? Having no auto-friendship with Greece and Siam is not a problem, as the rewards afterwards are huge, but how does it stand with other nations? Seems a bit of a waste, in case you don't get huge culture jump before you can open rationalism ...
Well consulates means everytime you complete a quest you get an Ally, this is still interesting. Was kind of OP before for only 2 policies to have guaranteed friends. Also the opener in patronage is still good. These 2 policies still help a lot to make many CS allies and if you decided to invest in the tree you still have the opportunity to get scholasticism later and build the forbidden palace.

I sometime take Patronage after tradition (before rationalism). Especially when there are multiple cultural CS on map. Not always though, sometimes I go commerce. Don't know if there is really a way to say which is better.
Well, the second deity game I did I went without consulates at all, so you can definitely live without it, but having cs's on your side seems always to be so rewarding ... Having em close to friend helps a lot with the spies too, as one election changes their status to friendly immediately.

Here in this partucular game, its kinda nonsense, I have more than 200CPT only because I have 3 cultural allies, providing 39CPT each + 2 more that are friends, and I feed em with some gold from time to time to keep going ... I put all 3 spies to work on my allies there for the time being :)
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