• Civilization 7 has been announced. For more info please check the forum here .

Against All Odds: The Struggles of the Noyyau

What then about larger, national crimes? Crimes that stretch across the regional borders of the kingdom and the various holdings of the houses? House Florentanius and the WHF have no doubts about House Greek's guard's abilities to deal with local crimes; we have worked with them extensively both in House Greek lands, in military camps and in foreign lands. However, our worry is that the House Greek guards may not be able to effectively and/or efficiently coordinate nation-wide efforts and investigations.

If House Greek wishes for the WHF to leave their lands the leadership has requested that in addition to the local liaison team House Florentanius be allowed to maintain an intelligence team to assist in the investigation of nation-wide crimes. This team will not have any law enforcement capabilities or responsibilities, they would simply be present to investigate crimes which transcend regional and house boundaries in coordination with the rest of the WHF. The WHF however, would prefer that they be allowed to work in coordination and cooperation with House Greek's guards

We are absolutely fine with a limited intelligence team being stationed in House Greek land, and we are also happy to lend any assistance necessary to the said team in catching and apprehending criminals. We still feel, however, that the needs of House Greek lands would best be served by men who have been born, raised in and live in our lands.
House Florentanius and the WHF find these terms acceptable. Over the next few months the Regional and Local Commanders of the WHF will begin a withdrawal of WHF guards. This will be done slowly to ensure that House Greek guards are not overwhelmed by sudden duties, that they have access to the information the WHF has and that there is not anarchy in the streets. The WHF will wrap up their ongoing operations or transfer them to the House Greek guards. The WHF liaison teams will move out of WHF barracks and into houses near each cities' governor's house along with their protection detail. The WHF intelligence teams will set up their operations. The WHF intelligence teams will liaison with the Local commander of the House Greek guards and also work with the local SIS stations to provide the best possible security.

Unfortunately the WHF will not be able to construct the barracks they had intended to. The plans have been drawn up, but construction has only just started. House Florentanius is willing to, at cost (including labour, transport and materials) send one of their subsidiary construction companies to complete the construction of these barracks. House Florentanius and the WHF are wary in sharing information about their building techniques for these types of structures with anyone outside of House Florentanius or the WHF.

The private guards and employees of House Florentanius will remain where they are. The private guards, as it was before, will, to the best of their ability, not interfere in guard investigations or operations. If any employees or guards do discover information about criminal activities or enterprises through the course of their duties it will be passed onto the House Greek guards.

As well, there are two permanent WHF Classified Activities facilities in House Greek lands. These facilities location's are classified as are the activities conducted at them. The facilities were purpose built and would be extremely difficult to move or transfer responsibilities. The WHF guards at these locations are extremely well trained and discrete. They will not be conducting any operations other than defensive ones. It is the WHF's hope that with House Greek's permission these guards can maintain and defend these facilities against those who would use them to bring harm to the Noyyau.

House Florentanius would be honoured if the Duke Greek would attend the ceremony being held in their manor in the City of Noyyau.
At a celebration held in the late afternoon at their complex in the City of Noyyau it was the distinct pleasure of the Leadership of house Florentanius to announce the immediate freedom of every slave held by House Florentanius and its subsidiaries.

After months of reviewing House Florentanius’ books, conducting polls, discussion among the leadership of the house and the near constant flow of internal immediate disposal memos House Florentanius has come to the conclusion that slavery is no longer an economical beneficial or morally acceptable practice of this house to dabble in. Therefore, in the sight of all present, including His Majesty King Felix, House Florentanius shall terminate the use of this institution and practice within its industries and subsidiaries.

As of today, every single slave that was owned by House Florentanius; those working in the mines, quarries, fields, fermentation facilities and every other business run by House Florentanius, shall be no longer be property, but free men, women and children. They will be provided with the promise of paid work, pay, safer and better working conditions and guaranteed that they will not be sold into slavery by House Florentanius.

With King Felix and Friedrich Braun, the Director of Economic Affairs for House Florentanius, serving as witnesses Marcus VII of House Florentanius shall declare that slavery will be no more within House Florentanius.
Following the ceremony the public affairs officer for the Commander General (C.Gen) of The Watch of House Florentanius and the High Justice for the Noyyau made an announcement to those attending.

Recently, The Watch of House Florentanius, with the approval of the King, directed its Intelligence Branch to investigate institutions that were illegally involved in slavery or the slave trade, this includes businesses that; violated slave’s rights, illegally enslaved individuals, illegally imported or exported slaves from the kingdom, failed to report or pay taxes on the presence or use of slaves and illegally purchase or sold slaves, among others.

Through the course of the investigation, using informants, undercover operations, guard patrols, observations, interrogations, account audits and suchlike, The Watch investigated over fifteen-hundred institutions and over four thousand individuals. From information gathered during the investigation the Watch was able to provide sufficient evidence to receive warrants and writs for the search and seizure of nine-hundred twenty-seven institutions and the arrest of their proprietors, employees and customers. As well, warrants were signed by Noyyau judges for the arrest of two-thousand three-hundred eight-seven individuals.

This afternoon, as the bell struck six times, in nearly every city and town in which the Watch has a presence members of the Watch conducted, in the King’s name, simultaneous raids and arrests against those they had warrants and writs for. On the seas The Naval Activities Branch of the Watch has tracked ships and will intercept them. Outside of cities, the Mobile Branch has been tracking caravans and other mobile institutions they have warrants for, they will be conducting raids on these camps at a time when it is safest for them and the slaves. Over the next week much of the illegal slave trade in the Noyyau Kingdom will be disrupted.

This operation had three purposes. First, to disrupt the illegal slave trade and tax evasion related to slavery. Second, to send a message to criminals of all sorts that they are not and will not be tolerated in this kingdom. Third, to rescue as many illegally held slaves as possible from a terrible fate.

House Florentanius is confident that all of these goals were met. However, House Florentanius would like to assure all Noyyau people that this is in no way intended to criminalize or punish those who legally held slaves. This operation was intended to target those who illegally possessed or held slaves and to ensure they face trial and justice.

Any information that was inadvertently gathered about illegal activities in House Caterpillar territories has been shared with the Vertedigers, it will be used at their discretion and judgement.
Author's suggestion: Play this in the background.

Current Civics of the Noyyau Kingdom, as of the latest change.

Government: Monarchy
Nothing has changed, King Felix and his future descendants shall rule, as is the Spirits' will.
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Rule: Bureaucracy
The old Nobility has gradually faded from the day-to-day governance of the Kingdom, their place taken by an ever-growing class of clerks, scribes, accountants, and other such civil servants.
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Society: Burgeois
Noyyau society has also evolved, the traditional agrarian Feudal system slowly replaced by the city-based middle class, grown out of the old Guilds, involved in all the manufacturing and trading activities that have allowed the Noyyau Kingdom to prosper.
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Economy: Free Market
The traditional Noyyau Coinage, a common sight all around the world, could not be used forever as a solely physical exchange good. Letters of credit, insurance policies and other such financial tools have become increasingly common, backed by powerful institutions like the Central Bank (in Ringhio), the Royal Treasury (in Noyyau), the Hanseatic League (also in Noyyau), and the East Ocean Company (in Tehran), making it easier to conduct trade and travel.
Lower customs tariffs and better transport technologies have also contributed to the growth of the economy, with the government happy to let traders do their business without much interference, as long as taxes keep getting paid.
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Military: Volunteer Army
Pioneered by the reforms of the Watch of House Florentanius (itself borrowing from Pakistani ideas that “spread” to Noyyau thanks to the Giacola Rogues), the Noyyau Royal Military also adopted a more modern structure and recruiting policy, based on personal skills and accomplishments, rather than only on one's place within the old Feudal society.
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Religion: State Church
While society marched on, the Shinto Church of Noyyau, firmly in House Spirictum's hands, has moved little from its traditional roles within Noyyau society. Their continued support of King and Country is the bedrock on which the modern trading Noyyau empire has been built.
The Shinto Guards continue their daily policing and peacekeeping duties, along with the House Florentanius Watch and local forces like the House Caterpillar Verteidigers and the House Greek Guards.
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Welfare: Public Works
The massive Public Works program is another foundation of Noyyau prosperity, giving work to thousands of otherwise indigent people, preventing them from flooding the streets begging, or falling into the spiral of crime.
The Noyyau Public Works enterprises provide a sizeable portion of the raw materials used in the Noyyau economy, and help prevent large tracts of sparsely populated Pictland from becoming lawless wilderness.
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Foreign Policy: Interventionism
The recent period of heightened international tension and conflict has spurred the Noyyau to abandon their traditional Isolationism in favor of a more active foreign policy, aimed at protecting the Noyyau trading interests abroad.
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We in House Greek are pleased at the operations against illegal slavery conducted by the House Florentatius Watch.

We also wish to once again propose the House Greek plan on foreign affairs, as quoted below:

"The Inca, whom we have been raiding of late, are positioned well as a potential foothold onto the Catfish Continent. If we invade and overwhelm them, we will have a base from which to launch further conquests on the continent. We can even play the Siamese, Lithuanians and Indians off on each other, wait for them all to be exhausted, and then crush them with brute force and take part of the continent, and its many resources and riches, for the glory of Noyyau."
Author's suggestion: Play this in the background.

Noyyau-sanctioned piracy continued unabated all over the world's oceans.
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The Northern Training Expedition reached its conclusion with the destruction of Cuman.
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The mercenary warlords sent to siege Khoisan took their time to enjoy themselves.
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In southeast Siam, the Lithuanians gathered forces for a new offensive towards Khon Kaen.
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In southwest Siam, however, the fighting had died out, the Siamese having regained control of the countryside and the Indians retreating to conquered Pak Kret, cut of from their supply lines and on the verge of starvation.
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The Security and Intelligence Service went through some growing pains, as one of its agents in Karakorum was captured by their Mongolian counterparts while attempting to steal samples of mongolian firearms.
In Sofia, meanwhile, a foreign saboteur was killed by the local Shinto Guard in a botched attempt to assassinate a city official.
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Noyyau observers reported on the development of the Hurrian conquest of the Viking Kingdom: the upstart Hurrian Republic veritably swarmed the Viking lands, their numerical and technological superiority undisputed. Noyyau military commanders were impressed by the coordination and the logistics of the Hurrian military, able to control the territory of an entire nation before even attempting to attack their cities and strongholds, waiting instead to starve them of food and hope before simultaneously attacking all the major cities (at least, that's what the Noyyau commanders theorized).
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After having established a new Garrison and training school in Maeatae, Duke Michael Greek returned to his ancestral homeland, to personally oversee the formation of the new Greek Guard, and to bring House Greek back into the Noyyau spotlight.
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The usually uneventful life on the East Coast was disrupted by an earthquake in the mountains near Kleos-Spledos. Unfortunately, a mine collapsed, causing a large number of fatalities.
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This uprecedentedly long period of peace for the Noyyau, especially after the latest reforms, was considered by some to be a new Golden Age. Everywhere in the nation new buildings were constructed, commerce expanded, life flourished.
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Despite the recent mishap with the rookie SIS agent, the Giacola Rogues were successful in their mission, bringing back home detailed information on the new weapons and tactics of the Mongolian cavalry, the Mongolians themselves having copied them from the warmongering Hurrians.
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At long last, the House Florentanius Watch training mission in Venetian London was completed, the Venetians now able to keep the peace in the troubled city on their own. The Watch Arquebusiers returned home, to be reassigned in troubled Timbuktu.
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The Hurrians began the final phase of their thorough conquest of the Viking Kingdom with the capture of the Viking capital, Nidaros. The Canadians, vassals of the Hurrians, had been sieging the city for a while, but had actually waited for their masters to arrive in force, obeying the orders to not capture the prize themselves.
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In the Catfish Arctic, the mercenary warlords finally conquered and raized Khoisan, having been recalled to Noyyau by the King, to be a part of the reorganization of the Noyyau Military.
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In southeast Siam, the Lithuanians were soundly defeated at Khon Kaen, sustaining massive casualties. It seemed the Siamese had been able to recall forces from the west, where the Indians were strangely passive, and use them for effect at the siege of Khon Kaen.
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The traditional and arcane knowledge of Alchemy, made famous by the House Greek inventor of the eponymous Greek Fire, was collected and rationalized into one of the first modern Sciences, Chemistry, thanks to the efforts and knowledge of Felix Hoffman. His own contibution to Chemistry was the synthesis of a new medicine, a white powder with pain-relieving, fever-lowering and anti-inflammatory properties, marketed as a veritable panacea for a myriad of ailments.
In true Noyyau tradition, it did not take long for Hoffman to join the ranks of the wealthy Burgeois.
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We now have 3 different Great People available: a Scientist, a Merchant, and a Priest. They could be used to trigger another Golden Age (effectively doubling the length of the current one we're in), or be kept in reserve for the future, to found Corporations or (in the case of the Priest) build one of the last remaining Shrines, either Christian or Muslim (both conveniently located in Assyria, near our borders).

A few Indian reinforcements were spotted trickling to starving Pak Kret, undisturbed by the Siamese, as they had concentrated their efforts in the east against the Lithuanians.
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After the fall of Nidaros, the Hurrians began quickly conquering the rest of the Viking cities.
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Noyyau Pirate flotillas formed and dissolved quickly, often from the survivors of previous naval battles.
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Despite their first victory in the east against the Lithuanians, southwest Siam was shaken by a Polynesian revolt. The timing of the revolt coincided exactly with a sudden ceasefire between Siam and India. Noyyau observers suspected Siamese hardliner generals and nationalists as the instigators of the revolt, angry that the Indians had not been evicted from Pak Kret before agreeing to the ceasefire.
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The Duchy of Venice also benefited from the Noyyau Golden Age, their own growing markets open to Noyyau exports.
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After their defeat at the walls of Khon Kaen, the Lithuanians needed a victory, and the Siamese desert outpost of Saxon (originally an oasis waystation of local ancient desert nomads) was soon taken without excessive trouble. Siamese troops dispatched to defend Saxon arrived too late to be of any help.
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While the defeated Lithuanian expedition continued its retreat, more Noyyau observers disembarked in Samut Prakan, soon to be followed by Noyyau troops independent mercenaries contracted by Siam.
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The Noyyau Department of Investigations was formed as the national branch of the Security and Intelligence Service, its first agents recruited from a wide variety of backgrounds, including the SIS itself, the House Florentanius Watch, and former irregular informants and collaborators of the old intelligence and counter-insurgency services.
It did not take long for the NDI to score its first operational success in Timbuktu, where simmering malcontent seemed to be about to erupt at any time.
Meanwhile, the Venetian writer Joseph Conrad became famous for his stories set during the Noyyau-Venetian War (or the Venetian Conquest as it was known by the Noyyau), focusing on the horrors and inhumanity of war.

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Author's suggestion: Play this in the background.

The first contingent of Noyyau mercenaries disembarked in Samut Prakan during the night, their weapons covered, without attracting too much attention. At sunrise, they were already on their way towards Khon Kaen, to bolster the Siamese defenders against an expected renewed Lithuanian offensive.
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The first units to benefit from the knowledge gained from the Mongolians were the Noyyau Noble Knights, receiving firearms specifically designed for cavalry use and experimenting with new tactical maneuvers, as part of the larger reorganization and upgrading of the Noyyau Military.
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Viking cities fell to the Hurrians one after the other, the curtain of history closing on the Viking Kingdom as an independent nation.
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Ende, the last Viking stronghold, fell to popular disorders as the ethnic Majapahit population (themselves conquered by the Vikings long ago) revolted against the Vikings, wanting an immediate surrender to spare the city the horrors of a doomed battle.
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The Security and Intelligence Service mission in Mongolia brought to Noyyau even more samples of advanced weaponry, in this case Mongolian Muskets copied from the Hurrian ones. The operation was deemed a success, despite “regrettable losses in manpower assets”.
The Mongolian diplomats never mentioned any incidents, leading the Noyyau to think the unfortunate Spy had been loyal and never revealed his identity.

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To better understand the current situation, here is an overview of the foreign Civics.
Refer to this post for the overview of the foreign diplomatic relations.
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Notable cases:

Pakistan is a nation divided between the cities and the countryside: it is ruled by a progressive Monarchy whose power is kept in check by an active Senate, it was the first nation to adopt a Volunteer Army and its Free Churches are a model of religious tolerance. Yet outside the major cities, the land is still worked by peasants according to Feudal concessions and traditions that are centuries old.

India is somewhat more backwards, still relying on a massive Standing Army that has started to show its shortcomings in the two-front war against Siam and the Ottomans. Maybe the sudden ceasefire with Siam has been more necessary to the Indians than the Siamese.
Despite the presence of most of the world's major religions in its cities, the Indian Kingdom is quite Intolerant of any faith other that the State-approved Zoroastrianism, leading to some tensions both internal and diplomatic.

The Siamese Kingdom, while being attentive to the needs of its Proletariat, enforces a somewhat anachronistic Divine Cult of the Royal Family, the current wars only reinforcing the perceived need of national unity and obedience.
Ironically enough, they share the same Judaistic faith as their Lithuanian foes, having so far refused all Noyyau diplomatic attempts to accept Shintoism as a State Religion. Maybe this war will finally convince them to change their minds?

The Hurrians and their Canadian vassals are oligarchic Republics, where only the upper Castes of their society have any say in politics. The Bureaucratic Caste controls virtually all aspects of day-to-day governance. Their Standing Army is vast, commanded by officers from the upper Castes, though the majority of their troops are either conscripted lower-Caste subjects or Slaves, the backbone of their economy still relying on forced labor (probably the reason the Hurrians managed to field such a vast army).
Author's suggestion: Play this in the background.

The first shipments of the new Muskets were delivered to the most elite Noyyau warriors.
During a demonstration of the new weapons by the Greek Raiders, King Felix expressed his pleasure for the recent peaceful resolution of the issue of city guards in House Greek-held lands, praising both involved Houses for their pragmatic decisions.
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While personally overseeing the implementation of the military reforms by visiting the major Garrisons across the Kingdom, King Felix was surprised to find a woman commanding Tehran's military school. As it turned out, Lady Pantea was the scion of an ancient Iranian noble family, tracing its lineage back to the pre-Noyyau era. King Felix was impressed by the Lady Pantea's firm authority and effective leadership, and invited her to have a greater role in shaping the new Noyyau military.
It did not take long for rumors to spread about the King having fallen in love with the beautiful Iranian warlady.
In what was becoming tradition for the Royal family, the Noyyau Kings seemed keen on looking for their Queens among the many nationalities that formed the great Noyyau Kingdom.
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Noyyau ships docked almost daily in Samut Prakan, the presence of the Noyyau mercenaries hardly a secret anymore, though the Siamese certainly did not complain. The locals even began calling the route linking Samut Prakan with Khon Kaen as “mercenary road”.
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Once Noyyau metallurgy improved enough for Muskets to be mass produced, the step to upgrading the ancient Bombards was relatively short.
The study of the ballistics of the new Cannons led to the formalization of another fundamental Science: Physics.
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Samples of Dutch Galleons were acquired for study. The East Indiamen, as the Dutch called them, were the ideal combination of the firepower of a Frigate with the cargo hold of a Galleon. Unfortunately, these vessels owed their superior qualities to a specific timber, able to grow only in the Dutch Republic, and reproducing them with Noyyau materials was deemed not feasible.
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The Lithuanians established their frontline just outside of Nakhom Pathom, making good use of the defensive opportunities provided by the Siamese riverlands. Once their position was secure, though, no further movement was spotted, probably owing to their recent defeat at the walls of Khon Kaen.
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The Viking Kingdom met its demise with the inevitable fall of Ende, the Hurrian hordes unstoppable in their numbers. Only a scarce few Viking ships remained of the once proud nation, going into hiding in the most remote parts of the ocean they could find.
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What had started as a mere training mission in infiltration and information gathering for new SIS agents spiralled out of control, in repeated attempts to cover up previous mistakes and unlucky accidents. When an agent was eventually captured, the SIS resorted to stirring up an improptu revolt, using the ensuing chaos to destroy all evidence and finally leave the Ottoman colony.
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Not long after the Florentanius Watch left London, tension flared up again in the city, the rebels possibly having awaited the departure of the Noyyau peacekeepers before attempting a new revolt.
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With the Peace Treaty between Siam and India having returned south-western Siam to relative tranquility, the Noyyau observers moved further south, to report on the Ottoman-Indian war raging in the deserts of the Catfish continent.
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Pirate expeditions were always fraught with risk, and once again some captains ventured too close to the Roman coast, and despite their initial victories, were ultimately overwhelmed by the determined Roman navy.
Their defeat was later avenged by another pirate flotilla, having arrived too late to save their sunken comrades.
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The Siamese launched a counterattack to recapture the fortified ruins of Saxon, meeting fierce resistance from the entrenched Lithuanians.
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An aspect often neglected in the unregulated growth of the Noyyau cities, it took intense efforts from the local governors to include sewer and public baths building in the Public Works plans, and even more to have them actually built in the increasingly unsanitary major cities.
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While the Noyyau armed forces were still reorganizing, the extremist Pict expatriates hiding in Sofia attempted one last rebellion, initially even obtaining some victories, like the destruction of Sofia's Town Hall, and the massacre of one of the defending units, torching their barracks while they were sleeping.
What they did not predict, however, was that the expedition led by the Foreign Mercenary Warlords had just returned to the mainland, disembarking on the mainland less than a day's march from Sofia.
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As it had happened countless times before, so it had happened again: the might of the Noyyau military crushed into dust any attempt at resistance.
The Noyyau Noble Knights demonstrated the unstoppable power of a Cuirassier charge, supported by the artillery bombardments of the Foreign Warlords.
The Noyyau Department of Investigations passed their own test, hunting down those rebels that attempted to hide from Noyyau retribution.
It was widely believed that this would probably be the Last Pict Rebellion.
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On the Catfish Continent, the Siamese attack on the Saxon desert fort failed miserably. Despite inflicting serious casualties on the defending Lithuanians, the Siamese simply did not have enough reserves to keep charging.
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On the southeastern front, the Siamese sent their recently “acquired” Mercenaries to conquer the fort built on the ruins of Rayong, conquered by the Lithuanians at the beginning of the war.
After a prolonged siege, the Siamese finally retook control of the area, though for how long would remain a question, as a sizeable Lithuanian force was spotted approaching from the desert.
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Further south, the Ottomans advanced aggressively towards the Indian capital of Delhi. Would the Indians be able to defend their threatened capital?

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Duke Michael praises the valor of our mercenaries in Siam, as well as the valor of our brave troops for putting down the insidious Pict rebellion.
Okay, so I'm lost again. Is there a brief synopsis I can access in regards to my house and other houses? I'll figure out the rest later.
There is. It should be on the front page under the "Houses" spoiler.

Found it, right here
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OOC: I just got out of another meeting. I’m doing this, then going straight to bed.

1. House Florentanius would like to express its continued support of the Northern Training Expedition.
2. House Florentanius is interested in the Hurrian strategy and would urge Noyyau military commanders and scholars to look into and further develop these for possible use by the Noyyau military in the event that they are needed.
3. House Florentanius would like to express its most sincere condolences for the lives of all those lost in the tragic earthquake and mine collapse. In order to prevent future incidents House Florentanius would urge that the MEDC explore options for minimum safety standards in mines and quarries.
4. House Florentanius is pleased with the advances made by Felix Hoffman.
5. House Florentanius would like to congratulate the NDI on its successes. The leadership of The Watch of House Florentanius would like to note that they have a vested interest in working with the NDI.
6. House Florentanius would urge Noyyau military commanders to adopt a more unified approach to training, perhaps reforming all training programs to have similar standards before training soldiers in their specialized tasks and roles. The Watch of House Florentanius is willing to work with military commanders if they wish to emulate some of the parts of the (admittedly long) training of the WHF. Of course, the WHF training can last up to four years so it is recommended that the training be more limited than the WHF’s.
7. House Florentanius is pleased with the trades made between the Noyyau and the Dutch. House Florentanius looks forward to future business between the two nations and hopes that both nations may prosper from this arrangement.
8. The Watch of House Florentanius would like to express its distaste for the rebels, but remains confident that those who trained under the WHF will be more than capable of handling this infestation.
9. House Florentanius would like to congratulate the cities whose mayors and governors are implementing sanitation systems. It is the hope of House Florentanius that this will be spread to every city and town in the kingdom.
10. House Florentanius is pleased with the removal of the Pict rebels. House Florentanius would urge these rebels to at least lay down arms, if not surrender themselves. As it was in Former Iran, concessions will be made to those who surrender themselves and deals can be negotiated.
11. House Florentanius is pleased with the results of the rebellion, however, House Florentanius and the WHF hope that the Noyyau do not grow complacent as that will certainly lead to casualties.
Okay, so I'm lost again. Is there a brief synopsis I can access in regards to my house and other houses? I'll figure out the rest later.

There is. It should be on the front page under the "Houses" spoiler.

Found it, right here

The first post has links to a review of the Houses, as well as current Civics and (relatively) up-to-date world maps.

The current situation in brief:

The Noyyau Kingdom has been at peace for a long time now (the last conflict has been the Conquest of Venice, which is now our Vassal).
However there have been constant Pict rebellions in former Pict territories, but dedicated efforts have relegated the rebels to former Northern Pictland, and the Golden Age is further helping in pacifying the whole region for good.

Meanwhile, while nominally at peace, the Noyyau are waging an intense proxy naval war against the rest of the world, by (secretly) sponsoring corsairs to attack other nations' ships.

Recently, two major wars have erupted on the other continents:
-a minor border conflict between Siam and India had a domino effect on the Catfish continent, where the Noyyau have intervened by helping the Siamese with units and espionage against Lithuania (ironically, the original combatants Siam and India have meanwhile signed peace)
-on the Lower continent, the Hurrian Republic surprised everyone by having the most advanced units and a very large army, using it to great effect: they invaded and effectively annihilated the Vikings, conquering all their cities, without too much trouble.
Author's suggestion: Play this in the background.

Noyyau intervention in Siam included covert operations by the Security and Intelligence Service. Siamese prisoners in Lithuanian-conquered Nakhon Pathom were freed in a night attack on the Lithuanian military prison, under cover of popular unrest in the city. Ignorant of the true identity of their saviors, the Siamese prisoners promised that retaliation would soon come to the Lithuanian conquerors.
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The Indians desperately counterattacked the Ottoman force marching on their capital of Delhi. Despite their inferior numbers, the Indians managed to inflict enough casualties to make the Ottoman army retreat.
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Meanwhile, the Ottomans launched a surprise attack on the southern Indian city of Pataliputra, the Ottoman army suddenly emerging from the jungles and surprising the few Indian defenders.
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While House Florentanius sponsored a Kingdom-wide renovation of military Garrisons across the Kingdom, the entirety of the active Noyyau military (all units not on garrison duty) made camp in the Pictish Plains, to receive modern Muskets and Cannons, and to be reorganized into effective formations adequate for the modern battlefields, after too many years of garrison and counter-insurgency duties.
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As promised by the liberated Siamese prisoners, Nakhon Pathom, despite being under Lithuanian military control, became a battlefield once again, every street corner and window hiding dangers for the Lithuanian garrison.
The Lithuanians were forced to spread out into the countryside as well, to stop Siamese fighters from disrupting all supply caravans to the contested city.
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To further harass the Lithuanians, a corsair fleet was sent to raid their coastal waters.
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Near both Delhi and Pataliputra, the Ottomans retreated, surprising the Noyyau observers. While near Delhi the Indians put up a fierce resistance, Pataliputra had merely a token garrison, which the attacking Ottoman force could have easily overwhelmed. What was going on in the upper echelons of the Ottoman military?
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Despite repeated defeats in the past, Noyyau pirates insisted yet again in attempting to fight the Roman Navy, with predictable results.
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The Siamese island colonies in the Catfish Whiskers staged public demonstrations against the increasing taxes and conscription caused by the ongoing war.
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While the Indians sent what few troops they could spare to Pataliputra, the Ottomans once again approached the city.
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The Ottomans advanced again on the Delhi plains as well, constantly harassed by the Indians.
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Indian-conquered Pak Kret, a shadow of its former Siamese self, was visited by the Giacola Rogues and the Security and Intelligence Service, there to “suggest” to the few remaining Siamese inhabitants to return to the Siamese Kingdom, no matter what that might require.
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The recent corsair defeats at the hands of the Roman Navy prompted discussions about the current (non-existent) requirements to became a sanctioned corsair. Taking inspiration from the current reforms of the military, successful retired captains were called to teach would be corsairs what they had learned in their years at sea, the Royal Treasury funding Naval Academies in the major shipbuilding ports in the Kingdom.
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Following a heated academic disagreement over his recent publications about the laws of motion and gravity, controversial Noyyau physicist Isaac Newton emigrated to Xadhoom, where he opened his own teaching institution.
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Pirates roaming the Western Ocean met the growing Assyrian Fleet, unhappy about their presence so close to the Assyrian capital.
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The first graduation of the Robertian Naval Academy coincided with the launching of the first of a new class of warship, the Man'o'War, more compact and somewhat slower than the traditional Noyyau Frigate, though sporting a significant increase in armament.
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The Security and Intelligence Service began laying the groundwork for future operations in Canada, with the final objective of destabilizing the vassal of the Hurrians, and possibly have the Mongolians annex their territory.
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The Siam-Lithuania war continued to be fought over the same territories, Rayong Fort being retaken by the Lithuanians not long after the recent Siamese takeover.
This movement of Lithuanian forces allowed the Siamese to finally succeed in their attacks on Saxon Fort in the desert.
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The Assyrian Fleet proved to be quite determined as well as having plentiful reserves, forcing the Noyyau Privateers to retreat after a lenghty battle off the coast of Nineveh.
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The ongoing Ottoman-Indian war on the Delhi Plains continued to baffle the Noyyau observers, unable to understand what was either side's strategic plan, or if there even was one at all.
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Through unsanctioned information channels, some Noyyau corsairs understood that Canada had become a “preferential target”, and sailed to investigate possible gains, discovering a thriving Canadian merchant navy just waiting to be plundered.
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Venetian London once again was shaken by popular uprisings, the Venetians at least having learned to quell such uprisings, if not to prevent them.
Though no official request for help arrived from the Venetians, Noyyau commanders discussed the possibility of sending another peacekeeping mission to London, pending approval by the House of Nobles and the King.
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Pirate raids against Canadian shipping escalated quickly, with corsair reinforcements arriving from Incan waters.
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SIS agents on their way to Diyarbakir reported that the Roman Republic dared settle a colony on rightful Noyyau soil, in the Moroccan Peninsula.
When Noyyau diplomats politely requested the handover of the unlawful settlement, even in exchange for compensation, the Romans adamantly refused.

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Questions for the House of Nobles:

1) What (if anything) should be done about the unrest in Venetian London?
2) What (if anything) should be done about the Roman colony (Neapolis) in the Moroccan Peninsula?
1. House Florentanius is pleased with the successful actions taken by the SIS and would urge them to continue on their course.
2. House Florentanius is pleased with the advances being made in naval warfare and hopes to see more success by the Noyyau corsairs.
3. House Florentanius would urge the rebels in Venetian London to cease their activities.
4. House Florentanius is pleased with the successes of the corsairs in Canadian waters.

House Florentanius strongly condemns the actions taken by the rebel in Venetian London and would urge that the House of Nobles send forth a notice to the Venetians informing them that the Noyyau are more than happy to provide them with additional military aid if nessesary. If the situation escalates House Florentanius would request that an armed intervention force be allowed to sail for London to prevent the further spread of violence.

In regards to the Roman colony House Florentanius urges strong action be taken. This colony should be blockaded and Roman businesses boycotted until this colony is either removed or passed into the control of the Noyyau. If the Romans respond violently they should be put down like the dogs they are. The Noyyau must send a strong message and establish a precedent; we are not to be trifled with.
Duke Marcus agrees with the noble scions of House Florentatius; the Romans must be punished, by force if necessary.
While House Florentanius is thankful for the support of House Greek in the matter of the Roman colony House Florentanius would like to ensure agreement among the noble houses that violence must be a last resort, war against the Romans would be costly at any time, however, when so many of our mercenary allies are overseas and our army is undergoing upgrades and improvements, this war may be more than we can safely handle. However, the Romans must be punished for their impudence, while a non-violent solution, or at least one that cannot fall back onto the Noyyau, would be preferred, if violence is nessesary, then so be it.
I'm sorry for not joining in like forever.

The house of Giacola suggests we fund rebels in the Roman city - they may have stolen the land from us, let's see them keep it. And I suggest we make our designs on our continent clear with a Noyyau Doctrine, in case foreign powers mistakenly think there is no consequence for such a breach of borders.
Author's suggestion: Play this in the background.

Distracted by the discovery of the Roman colony in Noyyau territory, the SIS agents fumbled their mission in Diyarbakir, discovered by the Ottoman garrison before they could even meet their local contacts.
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Unsurprisingly, the Lithuanians retook Saxon Fort, right in front of the Siamese troops that were to be its garrison.
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Adding to the chaos on the Delhi Plains, the Ottomans sent another army towards Delhi, though Noyyau analysts were skeptical about their chances to actually reach the Indian capital.
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While the rest of the Catfish continent was busy fighting each other (except the Incans, who were busy fighting Noyyau pirates), Pakistani society reformed itself, becoming a beacon of tolerance and freedom for the world.
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While the Noyyau Nobles discussed how to react to the Roman colony of Neapolis on the Moroccan Peninsula, the Roman Republic signed a defensive pact with the Dutch. It seemed that the Romans were aware of having angered the powerful Noyyau Kingdom, and sought to protect themselves by allying with the Dutch, a nation known to be friendly with the Noyyau.
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While naval battles raged off the Canadian coasts, the SIS began infiltrating its agents in Canada, encountering some difficulties on the way.
The Dutch meanwhile signed another defensive pact, this time with the Mongolians. Were the Dutch attempting to create an alliance to dissuade their Hurrian neighbours from having more expansionistic thoughts?
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The Nakhon Pathom rebels continued to fight the Lithuanian invaders, with some help from “foreign benefactors”.
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As was becoming usual, the second Ottoman expedition against Delhi was also repulsed by the tenacious Indians. The Noyyau observers wondered, however, about how long could each side keep up this war of attrition.
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The pirate naval war against the Canadians further escalated with the arrival of a squadron of Iranian Men-o'-war, on their maiden voyage directly from the Tehran shipyards.
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The SIS further attempted to destabilize Indian-conquered Pak Kret, their previous efforts not having caused any tangible result.
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On direct orders from King Felix himself, a contingent of House Florentanius Watchmen was sent to Venetian London, the Venetians self-evidently still needing Noyyau guidance in managing unruly minorities.

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* * *​

Here is an updated overview of foreign relations (the Romans highlighted for your convenience).
Important things to consider:
-The Dutch have Defensive Pacts with both Romans and Mongolians.
-The Hittites would be willing to sign a Defensive Pact with us.
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Now that the Romans are no longed at war with Pakistan, and indeed have neutral or positive relations with anyone that counts, it would be possible to start building better relations with them (and perhaps even stir up some trouble between them and their neighbouring Holy Romans). Of course, there is that whole “colonizing our continent” problem to be solved first...

Here also is the scoreboard, with number of cities (far right number) and known military power ratios (higher numbers mean we are stronger).
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The Hurrian Army is massive, with top of the line weapons, though most of their power is on land, while most of their navy has never left the Lower Continent South Sea.

Comparing the Indian and Ottoman power ratios makes it easy to understand how desperate the Indians are, and why the signed peace with Siam in order to defend their heartland against the Ottomans (who, by the way, conquered several Indian cities in the distant past).
Why the Ottomans keep marching randomly without attacking the Indian cities, though, is beyond my understanding.

Finally, our Assyrian neighbours have an army larger than our own, though their units are outdated, and what we lack in numbers we make up in technology.
Relations have somewhat deteriorated in recent times, probably due to border tensions (the entirety of the Noyyau-Assyria border is held firm by a string of Forts on our side, preventing their expansion into what the Noyyau consider their own lands, despite not being currently used).
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