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Age of Civ Players?

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Nah, I don't have a job (never said that). I just consider myself a mathematician since I'm better at math in school than in other areas (history :mad:). Seeing lots of people triple my age is kind of unusual for me though since I expected to see more younger people (as in other forums).

I thought you were about the same age as TMIT, not just two years older than me!! :eek:
Nah, I don't have a job (never said that). I just consider myself a mathematician since I'm better at math in school than in other areas (history :mad:). Seeing lots of people triple my age is kind of unusual for me though since I expected to see more younger people (as in other forums).

Hmm, you seem quite talented in general though. You can probably write well too, and history is just memorization...one can get better at this w/ practice if it's necessary.

The immortal+ players in their teens are kind of scary...hard to imagine what they'll be like when they're my age (actually my guess is more players like Usun :p). I'll try to keep getting better also ;).
I thought you were about the same age as TMIT, not just two years older than me!! :eek:

How come? :lol:

Hmm, you seem quite talented in general though. You can probably write well too, and history is just memorization...one can get better at this w/ practice if it's necessary.

The immortal+ players in their teens are kind of scary...hard to imagine what they'll be like when they're my age (actually my guess is more players like Usun :p). I'll try to keep getting better also ;).

I'll be moving on to Civ 5 I guess. :goodjob:
I might only be an Emperor-level player, but I can legally buy beer. :p

So there. :)
37 and stuck on Noble. I just can't seem to put all the things I've learned here together in one game....meh.
37 and stuck on Noble. I just can't seem to put all the things I've learned here together in one game....meh.

That's my problem. Although I only managed to get my very first win on Noble last night.

Even then it was the Wang Kon Nobles Club game and I'd read a few spoilers beforehand :sad:
I play at Prince, and hope to be moving up to Monarch soon. :)

I was a monarch player around this time last year ;). DMOC was immortal before I was prince...! Haha! Even now I only win deity off AP cheese, though I almost never play it. Immortal is getting easier though, so who knows...

I might only be an Emperor-level player, but I can legally buy beer.

So there.


Hoooooray beer! Though I rarely drink anymore. I drank more when it wasn't legal for me to do so :crazyeye:.

But I can buy Canadian beer. Muuuch better!

Hmmm. Not a fan of the mass-produced US light beers (if I had to pick one of those, probably miller), but some imports/local ones can be pretty good. Of course, it helps living in nearby to a certain Budweiser facility.........
Hmmm. Not a fan of the mass-produced US light beers (if I had to pick one of those, probably miller), but some imports/local ones can be pretty good. Of course, it helps living in nearby to a certain Budweiser facility.........
Too bad you don't live 1000 miles or so north. The best Canadian beer (IMHO) is Keith's India Pale Ale from Nova Scotia. It might be an import where you are.

It's my favorite, but I'm not allowed to drink it anymore. :(
Not allowed for medical reasons or for "I really shouldn't drink so much of that beer it sends my head wonky" sort of reasons?
Too bad you don't live 1000 miles or so north. The best Canadian beer (IMHO) is Keith's India Pale Ale from Nova Scotia. It might be an import where you are.

It's my favorite, but I'm not allowed to drink it anymore. :(
A good Portland Micro will beat any non German Beer hands down. Specialy if you like IPAs, nobody brews better IPAs then the Pacific Northwest, Portland Oregon in particular.
I might only be an Emperor-level player, but I can legally buy beer. :p

So there. :)

Hey, I can just take some whiskey from my dad. :goodjob: Whiskey > Beer ::p

And since we're speaking difficulty.. 14 years old and I'm an Emperor/Immortal player. :D I hope to try at Deity something tomorrow. :eek:
1- 26 here.

2 - DMOC's a kid? Really, from your deity write-ups I'd never imagined.

3 - Shifter should restart the Cathy series. Reading his drunk-writeups while slightly inebriated myself was...entertaining.

Somehow I've always performed better on fps games after a few beers (a few meaning a dozen in this very special corner of Italy). Never played while completely plastered though.
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