Age of Man


Apr 10, 2006
This is not a mod but it felt like this would be the best place to put this game setup. Using Hotseat it is possible to create some interesting variant SP game scenarios. My latest experiment i call the Age of Man.

Start up a Multiplayer custom game on Hotseat.
Choose Quick Start and any other game options you like.
Choose your civ and leader normally - set to Human to your desired difficulty level.
Pick a handful of your favorite civs leaning towards evil ones for balance - set to AI.
Select a handful of civs as Cardith Lorda of the Kuriotates and set them all to Human. Keep dificulty at default Noble.
Now go through all the Cardiths and change the name of the leader and civ of each one so that they differ enough to recognize.
Launch game.

Complete the quick start for your civ and for each of the Cardith clones keeping in mind his sprawling trait to maximize the civ's effectiveness. Try to plant 2 or even 3 cities if you have the space and good sites. This results in a much better start for the AI then if they are left to crowd their Kuriotate cities themselves.
Once the Quick start of all the civs is done start your first turn.
For each Cardith clone turn it over to the AI by holding the Alt key and hitting Q. You will get a message saying that that player retired but in fact they just turned AI.

This setup will mimic the large growing human domination common in a lot of fantasy literature. On a Huge map i select 6-7 Cardith clones and 6-7 other civs. For the other civs i like to pick the neutral and evil elf leaders and the Khazad (neutral dwarves), both orc leaders and maybe the Dovellio. For an added challenge you could set all the Cardith clones to be on the same team but i prefer the feel of squabling growing citystates instead of one huge human empire.

Be warned this scenario takes awhile to set up.
To minimize the frustration of getting stuck in a lousy start spot and having to redo the whole setup you can pick 2 or 3 civs to set as Human and keep the one with the best start setup turning the others to AI with the Cardith clones.

Any opinions? Let me know if you try it.
An improvement: select the option that allows you to use any leader for any civ, and don't make it Cardith Lorda of the Kuriotates, make it Cardith Lorda of the Bannor, Grigori, Hippus, Lanun and Amurites.

That way you'll have different types of human civs, except that they're all limited to the tiny empire Cardith brings about. Also, this way they'll be actually human... Kuriotates use a lot of nonhuman units (such as centaurs).

and... FFH sucks on Huge maps due to massive slowdown in the late game. but that's tangential.
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