AI - Been Caught Stealing


Dec 26, 2001
Fanatika - Where did everybody go?
Here is an example of my own civ fending off espionage missions vs. the French all in one game. I don't think I've seen so many attempts in one game before.

Note, I was in a Republic. The French were a Democracy.

First, fending off a propaganda attack!

Second, the thievery!

None of my citizens were unhappy in Nottingham after the propaganda attack. However, I swear I've seen citizens become unhappy after failed propaganda campaigns (as a % of the citizen unhappiness). Anyone else seen these? How often?
:cool: :goodjob: :goodjob:

I've caught world leaders trying to plant spies many times before, have caught them trying to steal plans and maps, and have had my production sabotaged - but have never seen an unsuccessful proaganda campaign. Cool :cool:
to stop their attempts: declare war, AHANILATE, repeat step 2.
Originally posted by Dynamic Cow
to stop their attempts: declare war, AHANILATE, repeat step 2.

I wish. I was wiped out shortly afterwards. As you may be able to see by the screenshots, I was researching Electronics while the French had modern armour. I was blitzed a few turns later.

The failed propaganda was actually done twice. I saw that "failed" screen a second time on the same city.

BTW, this is about the city spacing I usually employ under Emporer level. A bit of overlap. Maybe I need to pack the cities in a little tighter.

I never got a GA in this game. I was beaten to the early wonders and my iron disappeared when I could build ManOWars. Wouldn't have mattered anyway because I would have had to try to beat destroyers with them. Just wish the English GA was easier to get.
this is off topic but i must know: what is the name of the railroad graphics you have? i must have it!
send waves after waves of warriors. Sooner or later one of them will defeat a modern armor ;)

Perhaps you should have declared war on somebody far away from you and then get everybody else to join in the war with you. That'd slow them down a bit.
I think it was the Civ2 style Railroads:
Alternative Civ2 style railroads

I'm not exactly sure because Chieftess handed me some railroads file one day.

DaDoo. Good idea. When the AI's were not fighting, I actually gained all that jungle land against a weak opponent and got some other civs to co-operate. I caught up a little, but not enough...

BTW, France has done extremely well in 2 games in 1.29 against me. I wonder if it is coincidence...

Does difficulty level have anything to do with AI cheating, or indeed the fact that you were being outcived by the French.

I normally play on Monarch level. The most devious operation the AI has ever attempted against me was setting up an embassy. :rolleyes:
It has to do with how much money they have. I play on Monarch and have these things happen all the time. More or less, after long times of peace you will start to see these things. Or maybe in your game they just don't get caught. :lol:
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