[GS] AI Changes Ideas...


Jun 24, 2019
Probably the topic talked about most. This issue has been discussed to death... I'm not going complain about the AI*. This is simply a post to present some of the things you'd like a possible AI Patch to have. Imagine Firaxis published a whole megapatch just addressing AI issues, what would you like to see? If it has already been done, apologies:

I'll start...
1. Difficulty scaling. Yes, the early game is really all you have to worry about on Deity. I'd rather Deity games always have a nail-biting finish. The difficulty scaling is already harsh for newcomers, but once you get the hang of it, that's it. And that's my point. Why not have even seasoned Deity gamers be challenged often? Make it an actual achievement to win on Deity.
At the very least: include a Hardcore Mode. When checked, you can only save on one slot (Autosaves are disabled. Bye bye reloading). And because civ players are so crafty, you can even make this save is 'ongoing'... meaning it saves the game per move you make, not at the end of every turn! That way, you cannot experiment to see if you plan will work and then reload before you end your turn. Every move counts!

2. Make every difficulty level have a bonus that makes it unique. For instance, Emperor AI can be set to never get a Dark Age AND -50% score cost in every era. That almost guarantees that you're going against AI in Golden Ages, BUT it means you never have to worry about any civ in a Heroic Age. Picking Emperor would mean a completely different experience from any other difficulty level. Give each difficulty its own difficulty quirk. It just makes things more... unique.
At the very least: increase optional settings for the AI when creating a new game. Let everything be checked/unchecked as per standard, but you can alter it to your liking. This would make things interesting as you can tailor your game to have so many varied experiences (e.g. you can set AI to only go for military, which means units and massive invasions)

3. Victory Conditions. The AI just can't win Religion or Culture on its own. That needs to be addressed. If an AI civ decides culture is its thing, then let it build those wonders, slot those cards, get those great people, make national parks, seaside resorts and so on. It does do this, but it seems a little... random. I'd like to have an AI-only battle where the AI could actually win Culture before the turn limit.
At the very least: an AI-Only setting! The easiest thing to implement in my entire list

4. Don't make the AI have an easier game, make the player work for it. This is actually what prompted me to make this post. As difficulty increases, don't give the AI any bonuses, change the game a little (if anything, keep the AI at Prince and make it MORE difficult for the player. For instance, at -1 amenities on higher difficulties you should already be facing danger of rebels spawning PER TURN. Say maybe 5% chance. It grows to 40% chance at -2 and -75% at -3. At -4, the chance is 95%. Unit maintenance is doubled. -1 per era score above 1, and -25% to all yields (and -50% to plot removals and pillaging; happiness and Magus basically take you to 0!). All spies and rock bands work at -1 level.
At the very least: increase the late-game bonuses AI gets. If you're going to START the AI at that level, then it only makes sense that the AI should get a little bit more push later on too (so AI spies get +1 level, or they can make national parks on Charming(2) appeal, and so on...)

5. AI Behaviour. Probably the most important. AI MUST behave differently on higher difficulties. As it is, Deity is essentially Settler AI with production boosts. You could make AI on Deity go hard on its preferred VC from the moment it locks it in. Going absolutely hard for it, stopping only when it notices another civ - with emphasis on the human player's civ - has reached the 'home stretch' (has racked up enough tourists to overpower the lowest-ranked culture civ, launched spacecraft, 10/20 diplo victory points, half the Capitals captured, and half the Civs converted), which then makes it switch to only two targets: (1). Stop him! (2). Double down on pursuing the victory!
At the very least: Deity AI shouldn't be falling for the "oh, those guys gathered all around your borders? Uh... they're just passing through" gambit. They really shouldn't be THAT gullible. Oh, and please, just... just upgrade those men you have lying around.

*Firaxis, you're doing a stellar job. The AI is actually quite great. This isn't a complaint, just taking note of areas of potential improvement
I'm strongly against "fixing" the AI by making cheat rules that helps it. AI needs to be fixed by actually fixing it, i.e. teach it to make meaningful decisions. I know it's a monumental task, but the alternative is just going to be boring. For instance making the AI always avoid dark ages may help it, but it also disables an entire game element for the player.
I'm strongly against "fixing" the AI by making cheat rules that helps it. AI needs to be fixed by actually fixing it, i.e. teach it to make meaningful decisions. I know it's a monumental task, but the alternative is just going to be boring. For instance making the AI always avoid dark ages may help it, but it also disables an entire game element for the player.
Yeah, that's what we all want. Make no mistake. However, that isn't realistic at the moment. To be honest, we're never getting a 'fixed' AI. So... the next best thing...
I completely disagree with kaspergm on the basis that it is wishful thinking and I'm very sceptical of any attempts at this stage of an AI overhaul. So I'm all for AI cheating. I see it as the only reasonable solution. However, it depends on the manner in which it cheats.

First of all, I really dislike your idea of AI not going through Dark Ages. As for your Ironman mode, although I couldn't care less about the option being in the game for other players, I can guarantee you it is not going to work as you intend it to. I assume the intention would be losing because of poor decision making. Instead, you'd lose because of:

- Misclicks;
- Forgetting to change social policies;
- Forgetting just about anything really, like "oh damn, I was meant to upgrade all those units. I need to reload." I don't really see this as player cheating. Games can get pretty vast in a Civ game, so forgetting stuff is pretty normal.

So the result would be that, instead of you feeling you lost due to it being challenging, you'd feel like you lost due to a series of dumb mistakes which are neither strategic or tactical in nature.

Anyway, here are some AI cheating ideas:

- A better scaling of production/gold/science/culture through the eras, instead of static as it is at present. I don't ever play Deity because I find it pretty boring. All the challenge is in the early game. Instead, it should start, for instance at 30-50% for production/gold in the Ancient era and gain a further 10% in each subsequent era. Something similar for the other three.

- The 4/5 warriors the AI starts with at present is just dumb. AI Should start with 0 to 2 workers, 1 to 2 warriors and 0 to 2 scouts, depending on difficulty. Furthermore, AI should get either 1 or 2 Settlers depending on Difficulty, but not three.

- Cheaper Builders for the AI. Repairing Districts and Buildings cost 50%-75% less. Upgrading units cost 50% less gold and resources as standard. I really see this as a BIG issue. AI takes forever to fix stuff, which handicaps them severely.

- An option to limit the amount of Wonders the player can build. With this on, player is limited to a maximum of one wonder per era, and two wonders per city for the entire game. Also make Wonders cheaper for the AI as difficulty increases.

- Luxury Resources provide only 3 Amenities to the Player.

- A natural -1 to Spies, as you mentioned, might be a good idea. Not sure about the +1 bonus to the AI in home territory, however.

Etc, etc.

You can see the kind of tweaking I'm aiming for. The aim is a sustainable level of difficulty, rather than the "hit by a truck" you get at present, which is just really lame.
I completely disagree with kaspergm on the basis that it is wishful thinking and I'm very sceptical of any attempts at this stage of an AI overhaul. So I'm all for AI cheating. I see it as the only reasonable solution. However, it depends on the manner in which it cheats.

First of all, I really dislike your idea of AI not going through Dark Ages. As for your Ironman mode, although I couldn't care less about the option being in the game for other players, I can guarantee you it is not going to work as you intend it to. I assume the intention would be losing because of poor decision making. Instead, you'd lose because of:

- Misclicks;
- Forgetting to change social policies;
- Forgetting just about anything really, like "oh damn, I was meant to upgrade all those units. I need to reload." I don't really see this as player cheating. Games can get pretty vast in a Civ game, so forgetting stuff is pretty normal.

So the result would be that, instead of you feeling you lost due to it being challenging, you'd feel like you lost due to a series of dumb mistakes which are neither strategic or tactical in nature.

Anyway, here are some AI cheating ideas:

- A better scaling of production/gold/science/culture through the eras, instead of static as it is at present. I don't ever play Deity because I find it pretty boring. All the challenge is in the early game. Instead, it should start, for instance at 30-50% for production/gold in the Ancient era and gain a further 10% in each subsequent era. Something similar for the other three.

- The 4/5 warriors the AI starts with at present is just dumb. AI Should start with 0 to 2 workers, 1 to 2 warriors and 0 to 2 scouts, depending on difficulty. Furthermore, AI should get either 1 or 2 Settlers depending on Difficulty, but not three.

- Cheaper Builders for the AI. Repairing Districts and Buildings cost 50%-75% less. Upgrading units cost 50% less gold and resources as standard. I really see this as a BIG issue. AI takes forever to fix stuff, which handicaps them severely.

- An option to limit the amount of Wonders the player can build. With this on, player is limited to a maximum of one wonder per era, and two wonders per city for the entire game. Also make Wonders cheaper for the AI as difficulty increases.

- Luxury Resources provide only 3 Amenities to the Player.

- A natural -1 to Spies, as you mentioned, might be a good idea. Not sure about the +1 bonus to the AI in home territory, however.

Etc, etc.

You can see the kind of tweaking I'm aiming for. The aim is a sustainable level of difficulty, rather than the "hit by a truck" you get at present, which is just really lame.
Okay, so I thought about your complaint regarding Ironman mode. And I agree a little. I thought of a small fix, to have a single save slot that autsaves at the beginning of every turn, meaning if you made a mistake you HAVE to reload the game before you end your turn. Ending the turn is basically you saying you're satisfied with everything. You lock your decision in and boom! The game moves on.
I do think it is a neat idea because remember, it isn't tied to any difficulty level; it is an option you can switch off if you don't want it. You can also have it on at Settler Difficulty. Sometimes, I feel like instead of reloading a missed Heroic Age by 1 score (my wife did that once, she spent all day trying to earn that extra score!) or losing a Wonder by 1 turn, it would make for an interesting experience to live with that hate... again, optional.

Responses to the suggestions you made:
- I like the idea of incremental bonuses for the AI. That's the sort of thing I was going for in my fourth point, and I think they're some mods that do this
- why do you think the start is too strong on much higher difficulties? I'm approaching this from the reasoning that the absolute highest difficulty must be REALLY difficult to beat (and not just in the beginning, but throughout the game). So everybody can find the area they're comfortable with. Having 8 difficulty settings must make each couple of jumps feel like a real spike.
- I agree that for the AI, builders, repairs and upgrades must be cheaper. Maybe scale it with difficulty?
- Wonder limit? Hmmm... interesting. Don't know what I think about this. Wonders have the capacity to be game-changing, but usually you can make do without most of them. I'm intrigued
- yeah, nerf amenities. Totally agree! This one is just a general fix, but to add on... reintroduce +1 production for lumber mills built next to rivers. I liked the mini-game that this condition used to have!
- what gave me the idea for the spy thing is I was looking at the areas in which the AI isn't utilising certain game features. Another example would be making and using aircraft. It almost isn't necessary to make your own because the AI just can't do it (although they're still better than before. Much better). And fighters are the best defence against GDRs!
I thought of a small fix, to have a single save slot that autsaves at the beginning of every turn, meaning if you made a mistake you HAVE to reload the game before you end your turn. Ending the turn is basically you saying you're satisfied with everything. You lock your decision in and boom! The game moves on.

Thing is, you only ever realise you forgot to change policies AFTER you press end turn :p. But like I said, I don't really care. I could even play it IF Firaxis adds a message saying "You can change policies for free. Are you sure you want to end your turn?" every time you press the end turn button without changing policies. I mean, how hard can that be? Kind of dumb not to be in the game in the first place tbf.

why do you think the start is too strong on much higher difficulties?

I find it lame. It's repetitive and predictable and doesn't correlate with end game difficulty. It feels too artificial. With scaled multipliers rather than static, the AI would start with a smaller but still considerable advantage, reach its current multiplier level around Renaissance or Industrial era and get even higher multipliers beyond those eras, possibly even above 100%.

Current Deity Production/Gold bonus - 80% for all eras

Alternative: 50% - Ancient, 60% - Classical, 70% - Medieval, 80% - Renaissance, 90% - Industrial, 100% - Modern, 110% - Atomic, 120% - Information, 120% to 140% Future.

If that's too slow, start maybe at 60%.
Tbh the worst part about Deity is really the amount of Settlers and Warriors.
I'm down with that. AI that can keep up, maybe even catch up and surpass you in the late game at the highest difficulty would be good
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