Ai grows too strong!


Feb 15, 2007
Yeah, i am having little problems with AI with Prince or higher. Usually i play huge random continents and i rush very early. So i am usually the biggest Civ, and tech level little bit of ahead of any AI.

But still when there is about 2-4 AI left in game, one of them is grown too big, so its almost impossible to conquer it.

Like the game i am playing at the moment I have 2 continents myself and Zara has one, and Isabella has 2.

I tryed to attack Isabella with about 100 tanks, 20 siege weapons, i got one city, but when waiting few turns, Isabella attack against thath town with enormous army, he destroyed all my troops, he must have gotten about 200 tanks, 100 infantry and lots of siege in that stack, and lots of old units like Cavarly. So in overall, i just looker he's troops he has about 500 units in that area, wft?!?!?

Biggest army i have ever seen in Civ 4, and i have played more than 500 hours just Beyond the sword.

After that Isabella did Amphibious assaultu to my continent and took very quickly 2-3 my cities, and after that Zara attack me too, i had pleased with him, still attacking. :confused:

I had lots of similar moments in my games, usually one or too, AI grows too big. So how in hell i can stop enemys gettings so strong.
Yeah, Isabella is a pretty nasty guy :D

Seriously, you could try orchestrating wars among the AIs to stop them from teching too much and then crush them with tech superiority.
Usually the best way to deal with huge runaway AIs is killing a couple small AIs first and then attack the big one with a land/tech advantage.
You don't have to attack the big one anyway. If said AI is too big/too advanced you can ignore him and go for another victory. Often you can ignore a couple big AIs and still get a diplo win via vassals.

Those number seem a bit exaggerated for Prince. I don't play huge maps, but Isa isn't exactly the best warmonger and has an average buildunitprob.

Zara can declare war at pleased.
I agree with Dave and Ai . Zara can attack at pleased, you probably didn't checked the power numbers and the number of units looks quite big for a prince game, even on a huge map ( are you sure you aran't counting tanks more than once? ;) )

So, I think you attacked a civ you and everybody left alone for a long time with a big territory. So it had time to pile units on top of units ( like your references to good numbers of cavs hint ).....
Wow, huge games sound like great fun...:)

This doesn't answer your question on how to prevent the AI to grow so strong, but if you're already in such situation:

-do check the Demographics
-scout them before you attack
-bring plenty of stack protectors

If you destroy enemy SoDs early in the war, you can get away with far less troops than the opponent has. You can also use the city trap tactic: AI often parks way too many offensive units in a captured city then it should, that's a chance to use your siege weapons to destroy them.
Yeah, thanks for advices, these kinds of problems usually just comes in continents maps, other kind of maps, where you can attack in land, i usually rush and kill 3-4 civs very quickly, and after that, i am the number one civ in the game.

In continents maps, i guickly conquer my own continent, but after that i have to wait long time to get other continents and after that long wait, enemys are qrown very strong.

And this current game i am playing is ROM. But i have same kinds problems in vanilla too.
Check F9 Demographics often.
Stay near the top in soldiers.
I swear you have some sort of shotgun browser that fires barrages of the above post at this forum.
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