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AI tournament: Season 3

poor WK about to get his ass kicked

looks like my prediction was wrong about WK since he did not get a good start.

Unless Monty here attacks JC, Pusan is gonna become Putang
i like french and roman position right now, i would bet on those two ones.

thanks for the update,
Thanks for update. I'll stick to my initial prediction especially as Monty hates Wang more than Julius.
Bye bye Koreans in theory. Although from my experience the Koreans are normally good at defending well and do build military when needed. Of cpurse a stack of 7-8 jaguars could be an issue. -7 on diplo screen with Aztecs is not a good thing. Of course the Aztecs could yet do something silly and attack Romans. Seems doubtful as Koreans are his worst enemy.

Romans with iron now building Prets. I can see the Romans taking out 2-3 barb cities quickly. Should be strong on this map.
Shadow game, *to the end*, no pics.

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Clicked through it in an hour, watching from the sky in chipotle mode. If game 1 was anything to go by this will be a totally different result to what Kossin ends up with :lol:

Briefly though this is what happened:

Bud=Aztec, Hindu=Korea, Jud=Russia. France oracles COL.
Rome first to 6 cities by a long way.
Monty early DOW Wang. Will we see that in Kossin's game too??
More interestingly, Sury and Gilga dogpile Wang. JC joins in against Monty. Nearly a world war in the BCs!

Flurry of on-off wars mostly involving Monty and Wang, ending when Sury caps Wang.
Sury (and his vassal Wang) DOW Monty, Monty takes 2 Korean cities, Sury then takes them - LOL - taking cities off his vassal basically.
JC DOW Monty again but Monty caps to Sury a couple of turns later. JC says "D'oh!"
World peace. Sury has 2 vassals and a large score lead.
All this time Peter has taken the whole Eastern peninsula though.
Gilga and Degaulle are defensive pact confu buddies up north. Peter joins them in the DP soon.

Gilga has 3 cities with < 100 turns to culture. No sign of slider use though yet. Wants more units, jails and factories first :rolleyes:
Peter UN. Sury wins Seg Gen.
Sury immediately calls for DV vote - uh-oh, could be risky as Peter is pleased with the whole world. Nobody near though.
First ship parts - Peter. De Gaulle and Sury also start thrusters soon after.

Soooooo boring watching from space and virtually every city in the world is building research!!!!

Gilga finally goes 100% :culture: (well 80% is all he can afford.)
41 turns to L-L-L. Peter has all thrusters built and progressing through the rest. We have a race!!

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Not even close. :sad: Peter spends his last 20 turns researching advanced flight and stealth and nuking JC when he should have gone fusion and built spaceship engines. (Or nuked Gilgamesh)
Gilga CV 1872.

The map edits did produce fairly even land area for everyone - :goodjob: Kossin.
No spectacular conquests - I guess Monty being chronically underpowered and Wang being PRO might have contributed to the lack of land changing hands. Disappointing from the mighty praetorians. Sury got 2 vassals with little effort really, but couldn't turn that into a win.
Gilgamesh almost won it accidentally really - he was unspectacular throughout. Only 8 cities, and 6 world wonders (including GLH, Colossus, Pyramids but no Sistine or Parthenon or anything like that). Peter got the most wonders.

So based on my run only I'd say:
Winner: Gilgamesh.
Runner up: Tough between Sury and Peter.
Wildcard: The other one of those two.
Monty and Wang were useless as they are more often than not. De Gaulle did quite well but should have done much better with the land he had and being the only AI never to have any war. JC was a real let-down - hope of seeing him bash Monty was the main thing keeping me clicking End-Turn :lol:
Wang Kon's development and position are indeed horrible, protective doesn't seem enough to save him. I'd predict a fairly inconsequential but depleting war against Monty, and then JC swooping in to take advantage of the situation.

JC and Gilgamesh look ready to take the lead.
Group C Game 1 - 1AD

2 months fly by so fast. I wasn't even that involved in the recent SGOTM but that did take precedence whenever I did have time for civ4. This being said, I have some time today so I will go through part of the game in order to cover more ground later... writing these reports is relatively fast once the screenshots are selected. Enough talk, let's resume where we left off the AIs at turn 50 (click in case you need a refresher, I certainly did!).

On to the game!

Peter's start just got better once the late Oracle (it was late... post-2000 BC is quite late on Deity) netted him Metal Casting.
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Montezuma would get lucky (discussable I guess) and nab this barb city with a wandering Archer.
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What's wrong with this picture? At least, in the hands of a human this would never happen...
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Spoiler what's wrong :
Built Pyramids
Used Hereditary Rule
Is researching Monarchy ... well granted he has 2 Wine resources but...
Less RNG more decisions please!

By turn 70, I'm happy to see that Peter's start has its own difficulties. Namely, he's having difficulty expanding; 6 cities doesn't cut it on low sea level. Given the strength of his start, it's only fair that some downside came with it...
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If you looked carefully at the previous screenshot, 2 AIs have started plotting.
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Gilgamesh never did much but we'll get to that a bit later.

War eventually came... Praets! Prats! Prts!
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In answer to this, the DoWer, Montezuma, invaded Rome:
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Errr... well ok, that's not very impressive. I've had Monty attack me earlier than that and with a larger stack, what gives!!

Fast forward 10 turns...

Peter is making progress but this is still bad for him.
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Gilgamesh enters in a proxy war with the French... very small stacks and disorganized from both sides. At least the GLH will help Gilgamesh's 5 coastal cities.
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We hadn't revisited the Aztec-Roman war for some turns... Montezuma is actually making ground: (are you surprised?)
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Different priorities perhaps may explain why.
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Or maybe Monty just didn't send enough units to hold the city as it was later recaptured by an Archer... The faceoff between the 2 SoDs takes a long time, those are nice stacks.
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Eventually the romans prevail and acquire a 12th city. 12 vs. 7, that could later pose problematic for the aggressor.
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And this brings us to 1AD, for a quick view of the various AIs.

Gilgamesh - the war with De Gaulle isn't doing ANYTHING. The incompetence level is enormous from both sides!
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Julius Caesar - I guess you can see where this is slowly going... Julius is a bit backwards in research but that is slowly being fixed with a huge empire. The units going into Aztec land should be dead meat considering Monty is running around with XBows.
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Suryavarman II - a quiet round from everyone's favourite Alien. A rare smart(? or just plain lucky really) move in combining TGL and NE in the capital. With 10 cities and no wars so far, Sury may prove a good challenge for Peter down the line. Nice rivers going around for good tile improvements.
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Peter - unofficially the tech leader, shared surprisingly with Montezuma of all people. Peter's tech power is very good, yielding 121 bpt at only 50% slider!
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De Gaulle - as bad as Gilgamesh's start to the war was, De Gaulle didn't do anything good to capitalize on it. There's even a GREAT barb city [gold, pigs, flood plains] which he could easily capture but since the AI prefers to suicide troops on heavily fortified locations... it survives.
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Montezuma - great economy! Great techs! Actually making an Academy that makes sense! Attacking Julius Caesar ?????????????????
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Wang Kon - opportunistic: grabbed a city from Gilgamesh when he wasn't looking. Perhaps the next set will see Wang Kon making some more progress? OTOH, terrible terrible development of his land with so much jungle still lying around.
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Various Demographics
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An overview of the land grab from everyone.
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Wars have begun, but not in the directions expected so far. There's no threat of runaways at the moment but that may well change in the next set.
Thanks for pursuing Kossin :)

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Go Julius Go! :hammer:
thx for the update :)

We are at a turning point here.
If julius finaly break monty, the game is won, else, it's peter that will crush him from behind.
WK, as always, hated by everyone. how can he be so consistent?
I think Sury has a good chance. He is a good allround AI and his position isn't bad.

I like his chances too. Especially if he :backstab: WK or Monte with their stacks on the other side of their lands. He can easily slice into WK/Monte's core and he's one city away from striking each's capital.
JC ftw! It sucks to be Monty n' Rolled in early stages of the game. The war is important to both sides, winner surely claims the victory. If Sury or Pete will join the war, they would be strong and decide the winning side. I don't believe in the northern part at all.. WK or DG just cannot win a game.
LOL at using the Mids for HR and double LOL at researching Monarchy afterwards.
It's quite a common practice among AIs, I find, to build the Mids for HR. At least Shaka and Monty have the wisdom to run Police State with it.
1. Sury
2. JC
3. WK

Wang will stay strong, PRO will keep him in the game long enough until gunpowder/liberalism; and that's when Monty gets completely left out and becomes a non-factor. *unless he gets double teamed

this still stands

but if JC claims #1 I wouldn't be too shocked

4 GGs by 1 AD is unthinkable
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