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Alliance of the Greek City States: A new interactive AAR


(Financial, Philo)
Jun 12, 2008
Canada (Greatest Country Ever!!!!!)
Welcome to AGCS. This will be a combination of my Realpolitik rome and Fued.
We will be using the map GEM 200BC playing as the Greeks. Revolutions, City Flipping after Conquest and Barbarian civs and all victories except for time enabled.

To join just state the name of your house, the name of your house master, the city state he works for and his age. You can also give some brief background about your house.

Since the fall of our great leader, Alexander I, we have been in war, with all the city states fighting each other for control of very little territory, for the last 130 years, this war has gone on, with no end in site. However in 207 BC, Macedon managed to unify Northern Greece and in 203 BC, Corinth signed an alliance with them.
Then in 202 BC, the unthinkable happened, the Spartans lost to Macedon in the battle of Sparta. Under the Athenians, the rest of the city states would wage war on Macedon, but this was without prevail, as Macedon would raze the city in 201 BC. Without Athens or Sparta, the Greek war effort seemed hopeless. However 1 man, Attalus I, believed otherwise.
He decided to temporarily unite the 3 remaining city states, and in a last desperate attempt wage war on Macedon.

We are the aristocrats and leaders of those city states and we must help Attalus I achieve his goal of destroying Macedon.

Game Rules
AGCS is a game where it isn't about trying to advance your country (though it helps) but advancing your standing in the world.

This game isn't just about holding onto power. You can try to hold onto absolute power forever but at some point you have to ask whether you want to risk everything for it. Do you want your entire House wiped out in the violent winds of Revolution or will you cede power to the opposition to save your skin?

Maybe you don't want to be in the seat of power. Maybe you just want to be destructive? Then don't be surprised if you find your House exiled. In this game, there's not just "Administration" versus "Opposition". It's "Administration" versus "House" versus "House" and so on.

Your House will be the key to success. Will you form a political alliance through intermarriage? Will you try to claim the throne if there's a King? Or will you decide that one tile of farmland is enough to be competive?

Your starting plot (if you get one) is important because how you use it will affect the rest of the game for you.

Finally, you will have to realize that there is a world beyond your country and being a land baron in a small, weak nation that was made weak by internal bickering won't benefit you. So, if you have to pay a small tax (or even big one), what can you do besides take it for now? Depending on the government, you can get a plot of land for a cost or for free but you will be taxed and building an improvement can cost you money.

If you have holdings in a far-flung province, you're going to have to make deals or else you'll find that you're not connected to a city and unable to trade.

Some concepts and rules:

A "generation" is 50 turns.

A "tunrset" is 10 turns.

There are three generations active at any given time. How does this affect you? At the transition of a generation, I will check the population. So, let's say Generation I has a population of 10,000. I will decide their viewpoints and other fancy stuff. Generally, this generation is most resistant to change.

You will have to pay taxes at some point. Don't get too upset about it though. Please.

Players can buy and sell land. For balance purposes, only members of government can actually collect taxes.

Rules are subject to change.

THIS IS VERY VERY IMPORTANT. If you own a plot of land, you better hope that you're connected to a city nearby because if you don't, you'll lose half that plot's "yield". Problem with that? You still have to pay taxes.

Even though the game speed is slow, please notice that new civics WILL change how the game is played. Houses are very powerful at the beginning of the game is some ways but as power centralizes and the government becomes more democratic and centralized, the government may decide that it wants to establish government ran railroads and such.

We will not discuss how communist civics will affect land ownership until later. Much….much later.

Keep off-topic stuff to a minimum. And roleplay!

Here's something I've learned in the England RP. People need to keep track of foreign relations!

Funding and buying buildings is super important. The Mayor/Government can make money off of people building buildings and could even tax the building. Houses can increase their influence with the people of the city and reserve specialist slots.

Negotiate often and through PMs. Especially with other players. Feel free to start your or Chatango page.

House feuds can be mutually destructive.

All units are useful in some way

This game can last forever. Players don't need to play the mod or have the game to play after all.

Oh, rules subject to change and I get final say and yadayadayada

I will start NPC organizations and such to further advance the game and by advance, I mean shake things up a bit. And by shake things up a bit.

The are a few city states at the beginning, once you create your house, you have to choose your allegiance. They are, Delphi, Pergamum and Rhodes.

Income: Income for the players (for now) is the total income (#of hammers, gold and food the city produces) of the city state they live in minus the city maintenance.

IMPORTANT: Maximum of 1 PC per house.
Normal Options:

Hire Mercenaries: Pretty straightfoward. You hire a mercenary unit available for hire. Hiring mercs from inside your country costs half than it would cost to hire foreign mercs but if the foreigners have better weapons then you could have an advantage! However, mercs can't be upgraded and their contracts must be renewed every 30 turns. Please PM me when you want do this.

Raise Troops: You can ask the ruler of a city to raise troops for you. This option might cost you less or even be free but its up to the ruler. The advantage? Those units last forever and can be upgraded. Some units can only be raised. Such as settlers.

Fund building: The House can fund the building (with permission of the Mayor) of a building. How does this help you? If the building gives a specialist slot (or slots), you control those specialist slots.

Assassination: Attempting to assassinate another player will cost 10 gold. RNG will decide if it fails, and a coin toss will decide whether or not you get caught doing it.

House Options:

Political Marriage: This option is like a permanent alliance in-game. A lot of thought should be put into arranging these marriages for they basically combine the two Houses and all their resources are pooled. This alliance lasts two generations so think wisely. Divorce of death can lead to nasty….nasty things happening.

Spread Rumors: Another PM power. You can spread rumors about another House and weaken their standing in a single city or across the country. There's a small chance you'll be caught. This costs gold.

City Feud: When two feuding Houses have specialists in a city, a side can declare an attack. Think Capulets versus Montagues from Romeo and Juliet. The loser of the feud loses one building. There's a 10% chance the building is destroyed. The loser's standing in the city will be weakened as well.

Purge City: A powerful enough House can purge another House from a city they share. There are several different possible outcomes for this. Depending on the power differences, the weaker House is purged. There's a 30% chance for each of that House's buildings being destroyed. If the purger doesn't have enough power however, the battle will end in a draw with a 10% chance of buildings being destroyed. This is an advanced option.

Seize Control of City: Very expensive and requires military muscle to back up. Basically, you march your army into a city and claim it. Of course, this doesn't work if the city has a garrison and doing this can lead to civil war.

Levy Taxes: The ruling House can set taxes. Maybe even against just a single group (such as just farmers or merchants). High taxes could lead to interesting problems.

Coup d`etat: Overthrow the ruling House! You better have the influence and strength to do this. You could simply demand the House out as well.

Exile: The ruling House can strip a House of all its holdings and basically kick them out for 50 turns. This can cause major backlash if the House is popular. The exiled can challenge this by not leaving which would force the government to have to send troops to strip the House of property.

Other options: There are a ton more. Just PM me if you have ideas. I can't limit imagination.
Leader: Attalus I
Electoral System: Republic (elections every 20 turns)
Income: 49
Tax Rate: 17%
# of Cities 2: (Pergamum and Byzantium)

Leader: Helen
Electoral System: Hereditary
Income: 28
Tax Rate: 14%

Leader: Pericles II
Electoral System: Dictatorship (elections every 50 turns)
Income: 19
Tax Rate: 11%

Delphi House-Mosher
Leader: Mosher (Age 35)(Agg/Ind)
Heir(s): none yet
Home: Delphi
Land: none yet
Projected Income: 12
Background: Original leaders of Delphi, the dynasty died out long ago, but Mosher is looking to remake the once great name.

Rhodian House-christos200
Leader: Christos (Age 20)
Heir(s): none yet
Home: Rhodes
Land: none yet
Projected Income: 9
Background: Original leaders of Rhodes, the dynasty died out long ago, but Christos is looking to remake the once great name.

House Stark-NinjaCow
Leader: Eddard Stark (age 38)(Phi/Char)
Heir(s): none yet
Home: Delphi
Land: none yet
Projected income: 12

House Illyria-Terence888
Leader: Rondo the Strong (Agg/Org)
Heir(s): none yet
Home: Pergamum
Land: none yet
Projected Income: 11
Background: Members of an ancient mercenary tribe that hellenized years ago. Now their military powess and their purse from numerous battles are counted in any house's bid for power.

House Cornithia-Yoshiegg737
Leader: Spyros II (Age 20) (Fin/Imp)
Heir(s): none yet
Home: Rhodes
Land: none yet
Projected Income: 9
Background: House Cornithia is a group of individuals who came off the street. Many of these individuals have great skill in the management department but are also great in swordfighting

House Chiro-Civ'ed
Leader: Patríkios Civ'ed (28) (Spir/Fin)
Heir(s): none yet
Home: Pergamum
Land: none yet
Projected Income: 11
Background: The Chiro are a runaway group of religious fanatics. They would rather establish a theocratic state in Greece than all these city states.

House of Khan-Domination3000
Leader: Dommy Khan (age 18)(Agg/Imp)
Heir(s): none
Home: Pergamum
Projected Income: 11
Background: Exiled from Mongolia when they tried to overthrow the Khan

NPC Houses
Soter House

Leader: Attalus I (Age 40) (Cre/Phi)
Heir(s): none
Home: Pergamum
Land: none
Projected Income: 11
Background: House Cornithia is a group of individuals who came off the street. Many of these individuals have great skill in the management department but are also great in swordfighting
Current Administrations:
Leader: Attalus I (NPC)
Military Advisor: Rondo 'Strong' Illyria (Terence888)
Domestic Advisor: Patríkios Civ'ed Chiro (Civ'ed)
Foreign Advisor: Unnamed NPC (hes not that important)

Leader: Helen III (NPC)
Military Advisor: Mosher Delphi (Mosher)
Domestic Advisor: Eddard Stark (Ninja Cow)
Foreign Advisor: Unnamed NPC (his name is not important)

Leader: Pericles II (NPC)
Military Advisor: Dommy Khan (Domination3000)
Domestic Advisor: Spyros Cornithia (Yoshiegg737)
Foreign Advisor: NPC
I'd like to form the Rhodian House, based near Rhodes! (Real original!). I, Mosher, am the house master (if possible). Age: 35

Traits: Agg/Industrious.
I’m in as the House Stark.

More detail later.

Anyone who can guess where this comes from gets a free smiley.

Winter is coming.
House Illyria

Members of an ancient mercenary tribe that hellenized years ago. Now their military powess and their purse from numerous battles are counted in any house's bid for power.

House Leader: Rondo the Strong, 32 and oldest man of the house.

Put me in the most military/close to wilderness citystate! Conversely, put me near a rich city state.
YES! I caught one of these when it just started!

Ahem...I form the House Cornithia in Rhodes

I will lead the house as Lord Spyros II (re-used name FTW!)

House Cornithia is a group of individuals who came off the street. Many of these individuals have great skill in the management department but are also great in swordfighting

EDIT: Oh! And Lord Spyros II is 20 years old

EDIT EDIT: Traits are (Fin/Imp)
House Stark


House Words: Winter is Coming

House Leader: Eddard Stark Age 40(ish)

House Background: The Starks value nobility and honour. They will never abandon their code of honour. NEVER. They would rather forfeit power than betray their honour. They will never allow someone to who is dishonourable to take The Iron Throne control of Greece. You can trust the Starks, because you know that they would never betray you, unless you betray them. The Starks wish to see the seven kingdoms City-States of Westeros Greece reunified. The Starks are always prepared for the worst, because they know that Winter is Coming.

House Home: ??? (Question, which is the most northern City-State? That is the Starks home.)
Ok, important breakthrough. Each house leader can pick 2 traits (the in game civilization 4 traits) to use. When they are ruling a city state, I will edit the game file so our leader will have your traits.

The trait options are:
Eddard is Philo/Cha. In fact, I think the whole Stark family is.

Leader: christos200(age 20) and jackiechan25 (age 40)
Heir(s): none yet
Home: sparta
Land: none yet
Projected Income: 20
Background:in 202 BC, the unthinkable happened, the Spartans lost to Macedon in the battle of Sparta. now the spartans are back to take revenge.
I found the House Chiro!

The leader is Patríkios Civ'ed (28): Spiritual/Financial.

Home is... Is Crete possible?

Background: The Chiro are a runaway group of religious fanatics. They would rather establish a theocratic state in Greece than all these city states.
YES! I caught one of these when it just started!

I know right? :lol:

As said in the edit of my first post, the Rhodian House is Aggressive and Industrious.
Home is... Is Crete possible?
Crete isn't possible to be living in yet. You can start in the 3 cities I listed. You can later on buy Crete for 36 gold and live on your land.

Leader: christos200(age 20) and jackiechan25 (age 40)
Heir(s): none yet
Home: sparta
Land: none yet
Projected Income: 20
Background:in 202 BC, the unthinkable happened, the Spartans lost to Macedon in the battle of Sparta. now the spartans are back to take revenge.
Sparta is under enemy occupation and therefore not possible. Your welcome to temporarily live elsewhere and move to Sparta when we take it.
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