Alright, the UI is clumsy and irritating

The way trade routes are set up is great and there are advantages to basing it around the Cities instead of the Units, but it definetly isn't "intuitive". I have over a decade logged in Col1 and had assumed they left Trade Routes out until I accually started reading all the Wagon Trains Action Buttons. It then took me another few minutes to track down the Import/Export part of the City Screen.

Beyond that, I know I preffer to tell my Wagons exactly what route to follow instead of allowing them to decide when to bring the Wood and when to bring my Cloth. It would be nice to tell it to get 200 Ore from Boston, then drop 50 at New York, then 50 at Washington, then the last 100 at Philly. Just from what I've seen playing a few dozen games, that should all be doable with some new Popups and a little Python code.

Just like the choosing of Routes and full auto, you would only have to do as much micro managing as you want, but those of us that like it would have the option. But I don't expect them to address somthing like this in a patch. Its more somthing that we'll just have to mod on our own.
Can someone please just upload a screenshot, and show where the End- Turn button is... ??
Instead of being in the middle-right portion of the screen, it's in the middle-left one.

But In CIV IV it was in the same place as now....
So it was in the middle in the original Colonization??
Sorry, I was comparing the positions in Civ4 and the Colonization remake. I think it was on some menu in the original game, but I didn't mind since I pressed Enter to move on to the next turn.

Berba, check the gallery on this site. There should be a few pics showing the interface. The End Turn button is right beside the circular minimap.
But on This picture the same button is on the right side.... :confused:
Where did you get that? o_O

The End Turn button is on the other side.

I think someone mentioned modding his interface to move the button, so perhaps you got that image from the related thread.
Someone is modding here... o_O
Okidoki, but i don't care (i hope) if the mutton :) is on the left side :)
I want the right side button!
Thanks a bunch. Frickin game designers
Its not THAT bad. I've played Civ 1-4 and SMAC. I "know" the end of turn button goes on the right.

It took me two seconds to adapt.

The UI still makes me feel like I'm being waterboarded. I need to squint to differentiate between tools and fur, and buildings all look the same.
To get rid of the large brown area at the bottom - ctrl+I

Unfortunately this hides the end of turn button :p However if you place your mouse and keyboard close together its very easy to get in the habit of hitting the numpad enter key with your thumb to end the turn.
To get rid of the large brown area at the bottom - ctrl+I

Unfortunately this hides the end of turn button :p However if you place your mouse and keyboard close together its very easy to get in the habit of hitting the numpad enter key with your thumb to end the turn.

Even if you don't use the numpad for unit movement, I really can't understand the rush for pressing the End Turn button in 0.1 milliseconds, in a turn-based game. And even then, pressing Enter is way faster than moving the mouse over to the button (wherever it might be) and click on it.
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