Altering/Modding key strokes

John L

Crusty Old Fart
Nov 18, 2005
Cary, NC
Hello all, I have a question which has probably been answered already. But here goes again.

I am left handed, and have played Civ III for a long time, and have a soft spot in my heart for it. And I am certain that someone who helped develop it was left handed, because it is so easy, and fast, to play. I am able to use my mouse/touchpad with my left hand, while keeping my right hand hovering over the numeric keypad. I have almost instant access to the up,down,left, right, and 'enter' keys. I can move a unit very quickly this way, and use the 'enter' key to finalize any process I began with the left handed mouse move. It's as quick as greased lightening.

However, the people who made Civ IV must have been the same people who made my Crastsman Jig Saw. If I cut a board with it, it blows air out the right of the say, and up into my face(remember, I'm using my left hand). If I had not spent close to $100 on the turkey, I would have taken a sledge hammer to it long ago.

The same thing applies here with Civ IV. I cannot do those quick and easy things here like I can in Civ III. What a Bummer!

So, is there any way I can get under the hood, and change things so the 'enter' key has more practical use? I have several things which make me down on Civ IV, but this one is the apex of the "I hate you" items. I also don't like the smaller maps, subjective over attention to appearance over play function, and others, but the 'enter' key is HUGE in my list of things to get corrected.

Anyway, thanks for the time.
Nobody here know how to modify the key strokes? I find that a bit hard to believe.
Your best bet is probably to remap your mouse buttons and keyboard keys when Civ4 is in the foreground. Autohotkey is a very flexible tool that can do that, though it requires a bit of work to set it up in the way you'll want to.
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