Amazon Troubles

Mine is now officially "shipped" although its tracking status is "waiting for pick-up" or whatever. Delivery is Nov 1-3, and I got standard shipping fee waived (I guess I should have whined harder to get the free 2-day shipping).

I ordered Oct. 4. i'm not sure how exactly the order date and delivery method affect your spot in the shipping queue...
I want to thank whoever posted earlier in the week saying they *****ed out Amazon and got their shipping waived.

I sent them an email a few days ago complaining. I had next day shipping selected. They emailed me back and they removed the shipping charge. Not sure if they downgraded it to saver shipping.... but my copy shipped today via A1 Courier. Is that their next day shipping carrier?

If so... then i'll have it tomorrow and only paid $44.95. Not bad. Its a good thing I had Quake 4 to hold me over. :D
I had the same problems with Amazon. I wrote them a nasty-gram (actually, it was very professional and polite- it isn't the responder's fault that their company is incompetent) and got an automatic response saying "we're sorry, we'll get it to you as soon as we can, thanks for understanding". As the email answered exactly 0 of the questions I asked, I wrote back another nasty-gram (still polite but carrying a little more frustration) and then I got an email back from a real person saying they would waive my shipping fee and, because they couldn't change the shipping to overnight at that point, gave me a 10$ coupon for whatever I buy next from Amazon. Not too shabby. Still grumpy though, I checked about 30 minutes ago and it was "shipping soon". Inspired after reading this thread, I checked it again and it has just changed to "shipped on Oct. 27th". :goodjob:
cancerkitty said:
Anybody else's ship yet? Mine has said "Shipping Soon" for about fourteen and a half hours now. That's a pretty lax definition of 'soon' if you ask me.

Mine shipped yestarday and is on the truck for delivery today. Though I am in Miami Beach and the hurricane has screwed everything up, so if they get it to me today I will be very impressed.
Has anyone received their shipment from Amazon yet? While it was nice of them to deduct the cost of my shipping, it still says that the delievery estimate is Oct 25th :rolleyes:

I shot them yet another email asking for an update...well see if I get one. My shipment has been "stuck" in "Shipping soon" for over 24 hours now :mad:

Just curious if anyone has actually got their game yet.
Wish I'd thought to complain about the late shipping. Apperently they feel no reason to refund your shipping fee if you don't yell at them. Oh well, at least the game has offically been shipped now.
:dance: it shipped it shipped!!! :dance:

but check out my estimated delivery date...:lol:

tems shipped on October 27, 2005:
Delivery estimate: October 25, 2005
1 package via UPS Next Day SaverTrack your packagewith tracking number

* 1 of: Sid Meier's Civilization IV Presell Edition

Wonder if the next "IT" is a time machine? It's sure be more interesting then the Segway
I hate amazon!!!:aargh:
I have decided to never use their services again, never visit the river they're named after, and never afiliate my self with tribes, regions, or enterprises of a similar name. If they had a phone #, I would call and give them a piece of my mind, but they save money by having no costumer service. I thought the point of ordering from a place like amazon was so that you could get it before stores did! I'm getting after bestbuy/gamestop are getting their, like, fith shipments!
Phone # for Amazon: 1-800-201-7575 (it works)
Email for Amazon: (first one came back -, second one i got a response!)

By sending them nasty e-mail and saying "I will never be shopping again at Amazon again due to poor customer service", I got free shipping!!! So say that in your message and hopefully they will give free shipping. I saved 10 bucks that way.

Oh ya Amazon can <insert badpast tense adjective> themselves.
a lot of major retailers/e-tailers were having problems with distributors (?) - i work at a big-box electronics store, and our shipments were a day later than they were supposed to be :mad:
I also love Amazon.

About week a go my order stopped showing on the "my account" screen. About 4-5 days ago I sent an email asking what I was going on. I got a pretty quick response which didn't answer my question, said that their life sucked and that they were going to give me free 2-day shipping. Well, today I get a letter saying that CIV had shipped and that I was being charged $9.48 for shipping. :eek:

I just shot off a letter and hope to get this resolved quick. :rolleyes:

I ordered with amazon because I live in a small, rural town where the only place to buy PC games is a notoriously unreliable Wal-Mart. However, I don't think I will be using Amazon again.
I was getting a little annoyed with Amazon but its finally on its way. Its now in the hands of UPS so at least I can track it (somewhere in CA at the moment). I'd recently paid the $79 a year for their enhanced shipping deal (free 2-day and only $3.99 for 1-day) - so I went for the 1-day. UPS say it will be here tomorrow (I just wanted it to arrive for the weekend at least).

I've got fingers crossed it will work ok with my ATI X600 card - but at least the slight delay has allowed some fixes to be worked out - so either way I'm optimistic.

Personally, I'm expecting to loath the game a little to start with (just like I did with Civ III after playing Civ II so much) - but I fully expect to fall in love with it all over again in time.
Exile_Ian said:
I was getting a little annoyed with Amazon but its finally on its way. Its now in the hands of UPS so at least I can track it (somewhere in CA at the moment). I'd recently paid the $79 a year for their enhanced shipping deal (free 2-day and only $3.99 for 1-day) - so I went for the 1-day. UPS say it will be here tomorrow (I just wanted it to arrive for the weekend at least).

Ha awesome. I want it delivered to San Fran, so they ship it from the east coast, but you get it from CA. What gives? I thought Amazon were a bit more sensible than that (unless of course it's to do with the preorder edition).

Still don't like how Amazon lie on their tracking page and say it's two days ahead of what the UPS page says.
I ordered mine from amazon on Oct. 25th. On the 26th I tried to update the standard shipping to next day; but my package was in the process of shipping or some such, and could not be changed. On the 27th I received an email that it was shipped via the USPS with an estimated delivery of Nov 1-2. My AoeIII that I also ordered on the 25th; is "shipping soon" with a delivery estimate of Oct 31- Nov 2. Now how does that work?

It's also interesting that my very late order has nearly the same shipping and delivery dates as those who pre-ordered well in advance. Makes me wonder if there was a mixup before the games ever got to the point where amazon could distribute them.

Whatever the reasons for the delay, I have learned to buy my games from gamers and not librarians. If I had ordered from EB, I would be playing the game right now. (That is of couse, if my Radeon x300 lets me :sad: )

Another note: I only bought this game through amazon because I was supporting the EVG forums. I don't regret it, but in the future I'd much rather paypal a $20.00 bill to support a favored site, rather than purchasing through amazon. Although EB Games etc would be okay. I don't even buy books from amazon. All my online book purchases have come from B Dalton and Barnes and Noble.
I may end up being the first person in the US to actually receive the game via Amazon. I just looked at the shipping/tracking status and UPS shows my package to be delivered today. It is actually at a UPS transfer station about 3 miles from my house. Unfortunately, I'm at work...hopefully they will see the posterboard I taped to my front door asking them to PLEASE leave it at the front door.

BTW - I did also get my 2 day shipping refunded by emailing a nasty-gram.
White Elk said:
Another note: I only bought this game through amazon because I was supporting the EVG forums. I don't regret it, but in the future I'd much rather paypal a $20.00 bill to support a favored site, rather than purchasing through amazon. Although EB Games etc would be okay. I don't even buy books from amazon. All my online book purchases have come from B Dalton and Barnes and Noble.

Ditto - I went with Amazon mostly because it was a tagged link from CFC. I very rarely preorder computer games (in fact Civ4 may be my first), but it'll never again be from Amazon, I'll just send TF a check or paypal or something.
Went to Gamestop and picked up a presell edition - had them swap out the French teck tree with the display copy that was in English :goodjob: - and then went home and cancelled my Amazon order that was too ship next week :eek: !

Anyway, if you can try and get it at a Gamestop. Other than this order Amazon has always been awesome for me. Too bad in this case they werent, but I will still use them in the future.
Mine has finally, after being "processed" for 1.5 days, entered the "shipped (i.e., carrier notified to pick up)" phase. So it'll probably be picked up tonight, and won't get delivered until the middle of next week.
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