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America: The Story of Me!

People Not in Their Right Minds​

Mechaerik: We just marched around those mountains, didn't we?

Sonereal. :)

Number Pi: The rest of the men aren't complaining.

Mechaerik: Of course your men aren't complaining. All they're carrying are wooden bows and arrows.

Number Pi: :rolleyes:

Sonereal: So, do you think Pacal knows we're marching onto his capital?

Number Pi: :dunno:

Mechaerik: Meh. Who cares? I smell awesome depictions of battles coming up.
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Number Pi: I guess he doesn't appreciate us doing that.

Sonereal: Mechaerik, stand back, I'll go in and take Mutal!

Mechaerik: Wtf?

Sonereal: To me, gallant axemen!

Sonereal inspected his troops. They didn't exactly inspire confidence in their commanding Chief. The most useful troops were simply mercenaries and more than a few men were hardly men. Some look as if they weren't ready to pick up a razor to shave.

But their axes inspired hope. These were new weapons and yet to be used in a war probably. Sonereal turned around and looked at the city of Mutal which loomed before him in the distance. A great river ran through it and to the north of the city rose majestic forests which stood in stark contrast to the arid hills the Americans were camped in.

Sonereal felt a tap on his shoulder and he turned around, "What are you doing soldier?"

"Sorry, Chief Sonereal, but I believe there is something you should consider when we attack the city." West India Man grinned nervously, "Something to do with the archers."

"What about them?"

"We can use them in the assault, Chief."

Sonereal laughed heartily, "Those men aren't fit for anything but defending this hill. What are you going on about?"

"Chief Sonereal, they can support our charge."

So West India Man laid out his idea, unknowingly changing the history of warfare forever.

Pacal II, Chief of the Mayan Tribe and the mother city, Mutal, fled two nights after receiving word from outlying outposts of the approaching American war party. This is important to remember because it was supposed to have been a secret to all in the capital city, especially the lightly-armed militia protecting the city. Had Pacal stayed or had his disappearance not gone noticed by a particularly nosy slave who gossiped all night and morning about the coward, the militia probably wouldn't slowed down the Sonereal Army just a little bit, enough to allow for an army to regroup in the west.

Instead, the militia gathered on the outskirts of the city. Most of the men were farmers and an alarmingly unfortunately high number of them wielded simple studded clubs or farming implements. The men were going to fight for them homes, and not the Chief. So, even before the Sonereal banner draped the walls of the Mayan Palace, Pacal had lost Mutal for even if they had won, there was no chance these men would ever serve him again.

The farmers and their tools stood in sharp contrast to the approaching army armed with fierce axes and donning nifty bronze helmets.

Number Pi shouted, "Archers! On my count!"

"One!" The archers lifted their bows.

"Two!" Each man drew back the string of his bow.


The arrow volley of hundreds arrows soared across the sky like a nightmarish offspring of an eagle and locust and found its mark in the gathered crowd of inexperienced, lightly-armored, farmers. At the same time, Sonereal's troops surged forward. No rank was formed; it was simply a blob or incredibly dangerous men itching to kill.

Meanwhile, the militia's morale broke. Many men threw down their weapons (pitchforks and sickles) while others dropped to the ground and played dead (sadly, many of these men would stop playing when the second volley hit home).

In the end, there was little in the war of fighting. Mutal had fallen without a single bloody axe.
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[Mutal Palace : Meeting Room]

Number Pi: *smug*

Mechaerik: Shut up. Fine, archers are cool. Ok?

Number Pi: Ok. :lol:

Sonereal: So, any suggestions as to what to rename the city?

Mechaerik/Number Pi: Why not leave it as Mutal?

Sonereal: Bah!

West India Man: Why not name it Area 1?

Sonereal: :goodjob:

Mechaerik/Number Pi: :wallbash:

(Enter American Messenger)

AM: Chief Sonereal! There's an envoy from Pacal. He's suing for peace.

Sonereal: What kind of peace?

AM: White peace!

Sonereal: :twitch:

AM: So, I take that as a-

Sonereal: Yeah....

(Enter Civgenius)

Civgenius: Well! I have arrived with a mighty force of axemen!

Number Pi: Cool story, bro.

Sonereal: It really is because you're on garrison duty now.

Number Pi: What the hell? I was the reason why we did so well last time!

Mechaerik: Yeah, you and your men scattered a butch of farmers but we can do that too. Archers defend better than a guy with an axe does. Think about it! Pacal was relying on a militia to defend his capital! The hard part is over.

Number Pi: *sigh* Fine. I guess Civgenius is marching out with you two tomorrow.

Sonereal: *pats Number Pi on the shoulder* Don't be blue. Here, I'll make you Governor of Area 1.

Number Pi: :D

Civgenius: When do we move out?

Sonereal: Tomorrow. What's the worst that can happen?


Next on America: The Story of Me

Omega124: *Addressing a crowd of soldiers* FOR THE CHIEF!

(charges into crowd of exotic looking spearmen)
Omega: From Slave to Holkan

Pacal arrived in Chichen Itza the same day Number Pi's archers ripped apart the Mutal Miltia two days after he fled the city. During his travels, he had a dream and he arrived to the city refreshed. Unlike the militia of Mutal, Chichen Itza housed superior troops. Troops armed with javelins but these troops also could not stand against the impressive weaponary of America. No, they would need something better. Something longer and more….pointy….than an axe.

And he would need troops fast. That's when a slave bumped into the Mayan Chief.

Omega: (bowing low) Sorry Chief Pacal, please forgive me.

Pacal: (smiling) No problem. Listen, how would you like to be free?

(Omega's eyes lit up and Pacal grins a sharky grin).

(At a training camp outside Chichen Itza)

Civplayah: Mutal has fallen and it won't be along until the Americans decide to march along the coast to strike us here. Chichen Itza is our home! (The crowd of soldiers with quivers of javelins grunted approval)

(Several oxen-pulled carts filled with men arrive)

Civplayah: What is all this?

Slaver: (Angrily) Chief Pacal has ordered half of the slaves of Chichen Itza be trained for defending the city.

Civplayah: Half! The Americans will be here in four days if they haven't stopped to rest in Mutal!

Slaver: (spits) Tell me about it! O glorious leader demands it and I obey.

(The slaver orders his men unload the carts. The slaves are tied together with ropes around their ankles)

Civplayah: Damn it. Alright. Unrope them and keep an eye on them. I don't want any of them running off.

(It took an hour to cut all the ropes and by the time it was over, Civplayah received word that not only will the slaves have to be trained by all the men will have to be trained with a new weapon called "spears". Civplayah thought he would have a mental breakdown until he saw that the spear was simply a long javelin that in most cases shouldn't be thrown.)

(Four days later)

Scout: The Americans are marching on us from Mutal!

Civplayah: 'Bout time! Well, it ain't perfect but I got these men trained somewhat. Inform Pacal we will successfully defend the city!

(The scout salutes and exits the hut, leaving only Civplayah and two other leaders, Lighthearter and Whosit)

Whosit: We are going to lose this, aren't we?

Civplayah: By a landslide. They have better weapons, armor, and numbers. We don't even have the numbers to make terrain on our side.

Lighthearter: Maybe there's a way we can walk away from this….

Whosit: How? We're out-everything.

Lighthearter: I said we, not Pacal.

Civplayah: How?

(The three men went over the details and, with heavy heart, agreed on the plan that they hoped would save their tribe)

(Two days later. Just outside remaining Mayan territory)

Sonereal: Well gentlemen, the coast looks beautiful, doesn't it?

Mechaerik: Yes. See what I see?

Sonereal: No.

West India Man: No.

Civgenius: No.

Mechaerik: (sigh) Over there…across the bay?

Everyone: What?

Mechaerik: Chichen Itza!

Sonereal: Almost makes you wonder why we don't just cross the bay.

Civgenius: Maybe because we got a hellish flood plains start that is causing so much unhealthiness the dead are dying in droves.

Sonereal: What is he talking about?

Mechaerik: Remember how there was a problem with the plague when we left? Well, those guys turned into zombies and now they're dying of plague too.

Sonereal: B-but I built a gnary.

Civgenius: Dude, its really really bad and the zombie thing's been going on since Fall from Heaven came out years ago. Haven't you noticed?

Sonereal: Fall from Heaven?

Mechaerik: Well, since the wall is broken…again, can we please get back to the matter at hand?

Sonereal: Bah! I don't know what you're so worried about. We're going to crush them again and then the war's over. What's the big deal?

No one could answer.

At this point of the story, I could write about everything that went right during this battle but it would only last a few paragraphs so instead, I'll write about the series of blunders that happened out of sight from everyone but the higher-ranking members of both sides of the conflict.

First of all, the messenger that was supposed to tell the Americans about the defectors wishes to cooperate got himself killed by a Mayan fisherman whose boat washed up outside the city between the approaching Americans and Chichen Itza. When the Americans arrived, Civplayah was just about to give the order for his troops to turn around and march onto Pacal's mansion like he said he would in the message, Sonereal charged.

Sonereal's men charged into a row of men with spears accustomed to using them like javelins which caused Sonereal's charge to look more like a Picket's charge. Civplayah, seeing a chance to turn the tide of the war, ordered a charge but over half his force doesn't charge. The slaves, lead by Omega, instead turn on the non-slave Holkan troops because Omega had sent a messenger out to Sonereal as well and this one meet the same fate from the fisherman the last one did (the fisherman would died after attempting to kill an American soldier).

At some point during all this, Pacal fled and word reached the fighting men so Civplayah tried to order everyone to capture Pacal by marching south but a second wave of American soldiers lead by Civgenius crashed into the in-fighting ranks of Mayan Holkan and ripped the force into shreds causing the slave leader and three failure of coup leaders to be taken as prisoners.

Tired of the whole thing, Sonereal allowed Civgenius to rename the city Civgenius Itza.

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Sonereal: The American City-States are willing to make peace with the Mayan Tribe on the condition that the cities of Mutal and Chichen Itza are turned over officially to us. From here on, the cities will be known as Area 1 and Civgenius Itza.

Pacal II: :mad:Deal:mad:

Sonereal: :D


Here be the most powerful civilizations the world have ever known!

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It would be nice if you don't execute us.

Actually, since Omega started the rebellion, LH, CP, and Whosit are heroes of the Mayan while you are hated which will lead to an interesting start for the next chapter.
Actually, since Omega started the rebellion, LH, CP, and Whosit are heroes of the Mayan while you are hated which will lead to an interesting start for the next chapter.

But, the four of us are under American custody, am I wrong? You could choose to execute me if you want, and I'm asking you not to.
Random Story Time!​

(Area 1: Number Pi is taking a stroll through the city with an armed escort. The city has just been pacified recently but a revolt could come at any time.)

Number Pi: (To himself, but loudly so nearby Mayans can hear) So, this was the capital of the great Mayan tribe? (spits)

Dumanios: I would've provoke them, sir.

Number Pi: (snorts) Fine. I'm not afraid of Ones but they're a pugnacious butch, aren't they? (quietly) How is the operation going?

Dumanios: (quietly) Very well. There has been little resistance but that's because the slavers strike at night.

Number Pi: Very good. How many so far?

Dumanios: Nearly 500 but the number captured a night grows every night. We expect to have twice that number ready to be sent east by the end of the week.

Number Pi: Good.

(The procession stops in front of the former palace of Chief Pacal II. It has been ransacked but is still the most imposing building in the city.)

Number Pi: Did we do this? :confused:

Dumanios: The Mayans-

Number Pi: Excuse me?

Dumanios: Ones found out about the flight of their Chief in the face of danger, they were more than pissed.

Number Pi: Have some of the new slaves repair the building before they go. I'll make it the Governor Mansion of Area 1. :king:

(Civgenius Itza)

Civgenius: Dang that was tough, eh?

Mechaerik: I guess....

(The two are in the Council of Elders building. Today, the elders of the city were not in meeting. They won't be for a very long time at this rate.)

Civgenius: What's up?

Mechaerik: I think I'm going to have a talk with Sonereal and let him know I feel like I should be rewarded a bit more for my work.

Civgenius: *shrugs* What's the big deal?

Mechaerik: I don't know. The war was easy but I've heard rumors from up north in Area 1. Number Pi is filling his own personal treasury by using his militia round up Mayans and sell them east. Do you have any idea how bad that can get?

Civgenius: It could get bad but if it does, it isn't like we can smack down the peasants like we did the first round.

Mechaerik: (Looks around the empty Council building) Maybe....

Civgenius: Don't sweat it man. :D

Mechaerik: :lol:

(Son York)

Lighthearter: Ready?

Whosit: Ready.

(The guards didn't stand a chance. The first guard walked by Lighthearter, who looked as if his hands were still bound with rope and his feet tied to the bench. The guard's neck snapped digustingly loud in the tempoary jail. Quick as lightning, Whosit performed the same trick of skill against his guard.)

Whosit: Are we going to bust out Civplayah?

Lightheater: (Shaking head): No time. Believe me I would. I bet he's tied up with that slave that ruined the plan and trust me, I want to smash his face in but there's no time for that. Let's go!

(The two escape the jail. Unknowingly to them, Omega and Civplayah came up with the same plan and escaped moments later. The two groups (three once Omega and Civplayah split up) weren't aware of the other's escape.)


Sonereal: :(:(:(

West India Man: Don't blame yourself. You'll raise a new unit.

Sonereal: Bah! I got a lot of men killed with that charge.

West India Man: Can't beat yourself over it though.

Sonereal: I suppose. Still, something feels off.

West India Man: Like?

Sonereal: Like....it's too serious.

West India Man: :confused:

Sonereal: Are you laughing?

West India Man: What are you talking abo-(is cut off by a pie to the face)

Sonereal: :lol:

And so the plot thickens. On the bright side, next update has screenies and actually GAMEPLAY background. :lol:
Subscribed, really funny dialogs.:goodjob: You have skillz!
And thanks for the mod tip, checked it. Seems to be ftw, gonna dl it soon.:D

edit: just saw that you haven't posted since Sept.. any chance of a REVIVAL?!
I'm not even sure I have the save still. :lol:

I'm pretty committed to my CiV story at any rate for now. I'll probably revisit this idea again....someday. :)
Aww.. Well, it was fun lurking while it lasted! To CIV 5!
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