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America: Write Your Own History

And now Elvis starts to become famous.
Since it's 1952 the B-52 is in existence now. It doesn't really matter though.
Oswald Murray is an American sociologist working for Harvard College. Despite being white, he has sympathized with the plight of blacks and Latinos and has expressed his views in support of racial equality in various speeches and essays. This essay summarizes Murray's observations regarding race relations in America during the post-Browder era.

If there was one thing that Earl Browder and his Communist Party did right, it was race relations.

Perhaps I am exaggerating a little. The Communists often acquiesced to the locals often in regards to race. A disproportionate amount of Negros, along with Latinos and Asians, ended up in the Appalachian concentration camps. Conversely, Colored people constituted a disproportionate percentage of all crime victims. Severe de facto segregation remained across the nation. Consistently, the public schools, hospitals and neighborhoods that were largely populated by Negros were poorer than those populated by whites. The collective farms created out of the landlords' holdings in the South remained in the hands of the landlords, with Colored sharecroppers remaining sharecroppers in all but name. The wealth of an average Negro family was ten times less than that of an average white family, and the average Negro had a life expectancy that was shorter by five to ten years.

But Browder, in a brute-force manner, tried to end the worst of racism. He forcibly ordered desegregation in education, services, and transportation, among other areas, ending the Jim Crow laws and one of "Reconstruction's" long shadows. But he went further than that. With no heed to local concerns, he established race-based quotas that required employers and university administrators to hire or admit at least a minimum of Negros and Latinos. In some neighborhoods, he ordered the "busing" of students, ie. take children to schools as far as two hours away from their homes in order to ensure diversity. And he sent SESTAP agents down South to intervene in would-be lynchings and to hunt down KKK members.

When Browder fell, everyone, including the Negro community, celebrated. But in their celebrations, people wanted to get rid of any traces of Browder's legacy. Two of those things that became associated with Browder and his Communist Party were desegregation and tolerance.

In the eight short years since Browder's fall, "Whites Only" signs began popping up across the nation again, not only in the South but also in the North and Midwest, regardless of whether the state governments supported segregation or condemned it. Once again, train cars, restaurants, bathrooms, and drinking fountains were segregated. Schools and neighborhoods were resegregated, a process that often involved moving large groups of people around at gunpoint. Mass firings of Negros commenced as employers stopped needing to follow "affirmative action" quotas; similar expulsions happened in universities around the country. Interracial couples either had their marriages forcibly annulled by state governments or became the targets of intense violence. The KKK began a second resurgence; by 1951 there were almost 200,000 members mobilized in the reactionary fight against racial equality. Billie Holiday's "Strange Fruit" once again became a common crop of the Southern poplars.

A "Whites Only" sign located in Portland, Maine.

The resegregation was not only a phenomenon seen in the US metropole. Some of the most intense efforts at segregation are occurring in South Africa, where the euphemistic term "apartheid" (literally "apart-hood") is used. Under the auspices of South African Governor Daniel François Malan, a flurry of racist legislation was passed. Interracial marriage was criminalized in 1949, a move extended by the criminalization of interracial sexual relations in 1950. In 1950, the Population Registration Act required people to have identification cards that specified their race. The Group Areas Act passed later that year deintegrated South African neighborhoods, while the Prevention of Illegal Squatting Act gave the government the ability to demolish Black shanty towns at will. Just this year, the government passed laws segregating education, transportation, and recreation. Any group that challenged these laws was deemed "Communist" and was immediately silenced.

Despite their brutality, these actions and legislation do stop short of genocide, unlike the Nazis' Final Solution to the Jewish Question. But one would scarcely be able to tell the difference between the racial laws of Germany in 1933 and those of America in 1953. Considering that genocide does not start out from scratch, but instead arises from the intensifying of previously-existing racial prejudices, this is worrying. Alas, Browder, in his quest for an egalitarian Communist utopia, may have done more harm to Negro civil rights than good, by associating it with his totalitarianism. One cannot simply force tolerance on a group of racist people. Institutional racism will only fall when the the mindset of the people themselves change organically; unfortunately, the circumstances Browder created cast doubt on whether such a change can occur for the time being.

Spoiler :
The picture is really of a "Whites Only" sign in Portland, Oregon, but alas the city is occupied by the Japanese. Not to say that the Japanese don't have their own form of racism, of course.

Murray, by the way, is referring to Holiday's song "Strange Fruit," recorded in 1939.

Well, then, I will be devoting all my efforts, here and abroad to change the racial policy of the Hallinan administration. I will be departing for speeches in the South and South Africa starting early this month. It is past time for change and progress, especially towards equality.
OOC: What is your ingame position? ie. are you a governor of a Southern state?
OOC: Ugh, I don't know what to do now. I'm heavily against segregation in real life, but Malan is apparently in support for it.

I would welcome you, sir Grifguz, to South Africa to make speeches against segregation. While pushing for a difference between the two cultures, I hope to stay open-minded to the thoughts of others.

-Daniel F. Malan
Well considering IRL Browder went to jail for his hate against conscription and he hated war I think you can mold your character a bit :p Maybe he's just a bit racist, not segrationist
Reading Browder's real story is actually kind of interesting. Did you know he died in the 70s of old age not in an electric chair! Who knew??
If it ends segregation in Alabama early then i'm all for it. Plus it's not their fault the family was cursed.

Comrade Luna will allow the 4th International to send you small monetary aid to help speed the process
My father Caterpillar King was a great man. He was strongly opposed to all forms of racism. I have wired a hefty sum to your account for this cause. It's enough to get you started for your cause and get it in the air. Don't you worry.
-Cacoon King
My father Caterpillar King was a great man. He was strongly opposed to all forms of racism. I have wired a hefty sum to your account for this cause. It's enough to get you started for your cause and get it in the air. Don't you worry.
-Cacoon King

Let me tell you your future.

You will name your son...Butterfly King!
How do you know I'm not a woman and my last name will change when I marry?? Maybe he will be called Butterfly Smith!
How do you know I'm not a woman and my last name will change when I marry?? Maybe he will be called Butterfly Smith!

well, for starters, a true revolutionary stays loyal to only one Mistress, the revolution, so having children with anything or anyone else would be the equivalent of cheating on a spouse

what the hell am i talking about :lol:
With thanks to the unexpected aid i've been able to establish the National Museum of African-Americans here in Montgomery, Alabama to help show the plight they've suffered.

Signed George Washington Bigfoot.

A letter to Luna Spammer.

Thank you and the 4th International for the donation to my cause. I was unable to mention you by name due to public opinion of communists and the fact that I can't withstand making anther divisive announcement down here and still be re-elected no matter how popular my last name is. I will however once the segregation issue is solved and the black man is considered an equal among the majority I will do whatever I can to show that not all communists are like Browder.

Signed George Washington Bigfoot.
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