Ancient Age Tech Order at Regent Q


Mar 17, 2005
Morgantown, WV
I am a newbie and have a question on the specific order techs can/should be researched at Regent level.

I usually play civs that start with Bronze Working.

My first tech is Pottery so I can build a Granary (or 2) to have a settler factory and/or a worker factory.

Next I research Wheel and Iron Working to see if I have horses and/or iron that I need to get. At worst I get to determine who I attack first to get one of these resources :)

Here is where I am uncertain. :confused: I want to go toward Republic with the Philosophy slingshot. However, what good is Republic without Currency and having built Marketplaces in the larger cities?

Also, during my run to Currency and then Republic, I find I need Construction for Aquaduct. :cry: Am I not managing my city size right or is this also a problem?

Any help would be useful. Thanks
One issue is that if you haven't started on the Philosophy slingshot after researching all that, you may not get it.

If you find your cities getting full before you can get to Construction, pop a worker or settler.

My tendency is to go for the philosphy slingshot off the bat, but to pick up Literature and build the GL. Of course I play on Warlod level, I'm sure someone more experienced will drop by with more detailed advice for you soon.
Depending on map size and number of civs etc. it is very likely that if you wait until you've researched Pottery, Wheel and Iron Working before going after Republic slingshot, you will not get it.

I tend to go straight for Republic slingshot after researching Pottery. By the time you get to it, you should have met a whole lot of civs with whom to trade Iron Working and The Wheel.

Although it is important to know where the iron and horse resources, i find that even if another civ has them, and i need to fight them, i will still continue with the same opening strategy:

expand like crzy, get republic, then once you can't expand anymore, build up a decent size military, and take out the nearest, weakest civ.

At Regent level if you carry out this phase correctly, the rest of the game should be in the bag.

On the Construction/Currency issue: I find that all my cities will never get past size 4/5 in the early stage of game (due to lots of settler/worker popping, and I build my cities quite close together) so I usually just pick them up at the end of the AA, then build a market in my core towns to boost revenue.

Republic should work just fine without Currency, assuming you are staying under the military support limit, and you aren't building useless buildings...
doriengard said:
However, what good is Republic without Currency and having built Marketplaces in the larger cities?
If your military isn't too big, you're working commerce-generating tiles (roaded, bonus or water or by river) and you have enough tile improved and/or workers to improve them quickly then Rebuplic adds gold, reduces corruption and ends the despotism tile penalty which can be powerful. But if you have a big military and don't have much income and don't have +3 or better improved tiles ready then Republic may drag you down.

In a game I'm currently playing I have low military but low population and few improved tiles, so I'm debating on whether to finish filling out my territory or change my 4-turn settler pump into a 2-turn worker pump and get some tiles ready because Republic is due soon.
Note that if you are the first researching Philosophy you win a free tech!
Thats why normally I point to that.
Then, with lucky, you can get iron working and wheel by trade.
One idea: If you have an expansionist mind (as I have) you need temples in order to quick enlarge the cultural influence.
There are 2 things you need to consider, among the 'good techs', there are techs that are worth having and techs that are worth researching.
Techs worth having are the ones that have the govt YOU want, units YOU want to build and improvements YOU need to achieve your goal. Note that I am in no way talking about wonders: get NONE.
Techs worth researching are the techs that will give you a trade advantage: philosophy because of the free tech, Monarchy because of the wonder/government combo, Feudalism for the same reason, map making has wonder/imp/unit/RoP. Those techs will trade for a lot, so while they might not be worth that much to you (map making on pangea for example), the AI will pay a good price for them, in tech, gold and luxuries.

Thus, a lot of people go for republic slingshots: they hope to get philosophy for a free tech, and republic for the government. That way, they can trade a few early techs for alphabet, like bronze, masonry and burial. Then a few more meaningful techs for Iron, Horseback and maths. Later they can trade the last techs with CoL and republic: currency, construction, polytheism.

Remember that AI's only think 1 tech at a time, so you can beat them to a lot of techs, on a lot of difficulty levels, by picking what you want and trading well.
The only techs I always reseach in the AA are Pottery, Alphabet, Writing, COL, Philosophy, and Currency. I pick either Republic or Monarch (AW) for my freebie. Sometimes I'm forced to reseach Construction too (This is rare and on island maps, or if I pull one of the three civs that start with both Pottery & Alphabet). I play Emperor and Demi-god.

I get everything else by trade.
expansionist is a GREAT civ trait for noobs, because it allows you to make scouts, which pick up huts and get you ancient age techs for free! not to mention that it lets you build granaries right from the start of the game, and on higher difficulties civs won't fairly trade techs with you anyways...
island007 said:
The only techs I always reseach in the AA are Pottery, Alphabet, Writing, COL, Philosophy, and Currency. I pick either Republic or Monarch (AW) for my freebie. Sometimes I'm forced to reseach Construction too (This is rare and on island maps, or if I pull one of the three civs that start with both Pottery & Alphabet). I play Emperor and Demi-god.

I get everything else by trade.

very similar to what I do, i try to go for rep slingshot, then literature then currency, ithrow in lit because it is a rarely researched tech and I like to use phil & lit as cheap techs to throw around for worker buys while holding more expensive techs for good tech trades
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