[NFP] Ancient Era Policy Elimination Thread

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Agoge (20)
Colonization (18)
Corvée (13)
Conscription (14)
Discipline (18)
God King (14)
Ilkum (16)
Land Surveyors (12)
Maneuver (12)
Maritime Industries (13)
Strategos (13)
Urban Planning (21)

Another day, another vote. Restored Urban Planning.
Manuever (15 - 3)
Agoge (19 + 1)
It's hard to find something to upvote, really. I rarely find the need to create sizable cavalry, but always seem to need decent melee/archers army. Maybe I am just not offensive enough, and horsemen also have a resource cost since GS.
Agoge (21)
Colonization (18)
Corvée (12)
Conscription (14)
Discipline (18)
God King (14)
Ilkum (16)
Land Surveyors (9)
Maneuver (12)
Maritime Industries (16)
Strategos (13)
Urbsn Planning (21)

Land Surveyors (12-3) - surprisingly difficult to find stuff to downvote already here... Ideally you want rather avoid spending money on buying tiles, this is good when it's neccessary but still situational
Agoge (20+1) - Probably the king of the millitary cards in the ancient era.
Well, it appears not everyone agrees with me about God King. By that, I mean literally everyone else. :p But you all have made some good arguments, so I've changed my mind on it.

Also, Survey was done wrong. It's easily better than Strategos, which for some reason is still here. I've also used Survey many times before and I have changed my mind about it. #JusticeforSurvey.

Agoge (21)
Colonization (18)
Corvée (12)
Conscription (14)
Discipline (19) (18+1)
God King (14)
Ilkum (16)
Land Surveyors (9)
Maneuver (12)
Maritime Industries (16)
Strategos (10) (13-3)
Urban Planning (21)

Strategos: All Great People Points Policy Cards from the Ancient Era are bad. This is no different. You shouldn't need this Policy Card unless you are desperate for a Great General.

Discipline: Helps keep your Units from dying to the Barbarians, especially now given the new Barbarian Clans Mode. Moderator Action: Please remember as per the original post NFP game modes are disabled for this exercise --NZ

Edit: Oops...
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Agoge (21)
Colonization (18)
Corvée (12)
Conscription (14)
Discipline (19)
God King (14)
Ilkum (16)
Land Surveyors (9)
Maneuver (12)
Maritime Industries (17) (16 + 1)
Strategos (7) (10 - 3)
Urban Planning (21)

Strategos takes up a wildcard slot and I usually have better uses for it. All these early cards could do with +4 GP points.

Maritime Industries means free science. It may not be noticeable on online speed, but getting those two early galleys for the boost is worth it. I'll use it every time I settle coast.
Agoge (21)
Colonization (18)
Corvée (12)
Conscription (14)
Discipline (19)
God King (14)
Ilkum (16)
Land Surveyors (9)
Maneuver (9) (12-3) - I don't know if we are considering classical era units, but if you contextualize ancient era policies as applied in the ancient era (pre-horsemen), then I would rarely use this one. I would almost always prioritize other units, such as archers, over chariots.
Maritime Industries (18) (17+1) - 100% is substantial. As @AntSou mentioned, you can get the shipbuilding eureka in half the time. I'll add that you can also get +2 or +3 era score for building your first naval unit. Although this can be of benefit to anyone with a coastal city, there are certain civs who can capitalize even more so. Galleys and unique galleys can be enough to take coastal cities, especially early on.
Strategos (7)
Urban Planning (21)
Agoge (21)
Colonization (18)
Corvée (12)
Conscription (14)
Discipline (19)
God King (14)
Ilkum (16)
Land Surveyors (10) (9+1) - maybe i'm doing something wrong - but i end up buying a bunch of land tiles to try to place districts, or get key resources quickly....
Maneuver (9)
Maritime Industries (18)
Strategos (4) (7-3) Agree with general sentiment of GP early. While I could see a great general be potentially useful early - I've personally never used this and in the context of the above - struggle to figure out when I would use this...
Urban Planning (21)
Agoge (21)
Colonization (18)
Corvée (12)
Conscription (14)
Discipline (20) (19+1) - This along with Urban Planning is definitely a must-have, it may be required to even survive those ridiculous early barbarian hordes, and it will help you secure the era score from clearing camps.
God King (14)
Ilkum (16)
Land Surveyors (10).
Maneuver (9)
Maritime Industries (18)
Strategos (1) (4-3) - Somewhat surprised to see Inspiration go before this. I actually slot in Inspiration fairly often when I have nothing better to put in my Wildcard slot (it happens if I don't have a lot of trade routes or need a lot of units). With a bit of luck in the draw, Inspiration alone can actually secure you an early great scientist, but with the AI affinity for spamming encampments, Strategos mostly just feels useless.
Urban Planning (21)
Agoge (21)
Colonization (19) (18+1) Pretty much a must-slot at some point in the early game.
Corvée (12)
Conscription (14)
Discipline (20)
God King (14)
Ilkum (16)
Land Surveyors (10)
Maneuver (6) (9-3) By the time I'm able to use the card I've probably already trained/purchased a few chariots and I'll just upgrade those for the rest of the game. Probably great if you're planning on going to war, but I never do so "meh".
Maritime Industries (18)
Strategos (1) I think most early GP cards are pretty bad, but as I said earlier - this card can get you a GG (or two!) on Deity without building a single encampment in some games. It's basically the only way I ever get my hands on great generals considering how crazy the AI goes with encampments as the game progresses.
Urban Planning (21)
Agoge (21)
Colonization (19)
Corvée (12)
Conscription (14)
Discipline (20)
God King (15) (14+1)
Ilkum (16)
Land Surveyors (10)
Maneuver (6)
Maritime Industries (18)
Strategos (eliminated) (1-3)
Urban Planning (21)

God King
God King is not even a mediocre card for long, but for 25 turns, it’s the best card there is. Pantheons are incredibly important in any game. You’ll be glad to not to need it, but also thanking the makers for its inclusion if you do.


I thought about downvoting another, but this really is the one. Great generals can make a difference, but I’d put more faith in more archers, warriors, or even horses if I need to fight for any reason. Sure, it’s not a red card, but that makes it worse. I can play a half dozen better cards in the wildcard slot at any time, and by the time I even get the slot, I’m not that far away from an encampment and barracks.
Agoge (21)
Colonization (18)
Corvée (9)(12-3) The bonus is pretty small. I don't build a lot of early wonders, so I rarely use it.
Conscription (15)(14+1) This is the military policy that stays slotted for the longest in many of my games. It won't win, and shouldn't, but it is a quiet workhorse keeping my empire solvent.
Discipline (19)
God King (15)
Ilkum (16)
Land Surveyors (10)
Maneuver (9)
Maritime Industries (18)
Urban Planning (21)
Agoge (21)
Colonization (18)
Corvée (10)
Conscription (15)
Discipline (16) (19-3)
God King (15)
Ilkum (16)
Land Surveyors (11) (10+1)
Maneuver (9)
Maritime Industries (15)
Urban Planning (21)

It's becoming difficult :)

Discipline (16) (19-3) I think this is currently a bit too high and becomes overrated. Barb swarms are a passing thing and if situation is becoming though, you'll probably want to have larger numbers of troops with Agoge or Maneuver than +5 CS. +5 CS is nice, I have nothing against it, but what if a neighbour comes a-knocking as well?

Land Surveyors (11) (10+1) I'll prop this up a bit, as other good cards are quite strong, and I like this one - maybe it is my bias, but I end up buying quite a few tiles. And early on, if there are good food/production tiles nearby, it is worth to buy them early. This card helps to save on landowning :)
Edit: there seems to be a lot of wrong scores here. I think I’ve restored Maneuver’s points correctly now.

Agoge (21)
Colonization (18)
Corvée (10)
Conscription (15)
Discipline (16)
God King (15)
Ilkum (16)
Land Surveyors (11)
Maneuver (7) (6+1)
Maritime Industries (12) (15-3)

Urban Planning (21)

Maritime industries: Some very wide-ranging opinions here, and it’s hard to pick one card to downvote because they’re all, in their own way, very good. But surely we can acknowledge that navies in Civ VI are just, well, not very important? And I don’t see much relevance in the argument: ‘you can get some eurekas by building ships’, or: ‘you can get some era score’. Big deal; the same applies for building loads of other things; and if I want the +2 era score for my first ship, I simply purchase a galley.

Maneuver: along similar lines, I’d rather have a dominant horse-based army than any kind of navy at all. Horsemen are great for pillaging and tear through every other ancient/classical unit bar spearman, and you can also pre-build a tonne of chariots for a Knight rush.

(Honestly, very surprised how low Maneuver has fallen compared to Maritime Industries, given how much this site usually hates on naval warfare and raves about pillaging......)
Now are down to the cards that all have their moments.

Agoge (21)
Colonization (19) Dirt is win.
Corvée (10)
Conscription (15)
Discipline (16)
God King (15)
Ilkum (16)
Land Surveyors (11)
Maneuver (7)
Maritime Industries (9) (12-3) It's between this and manoeuvre. I need the archers and the land troops. I'm unlikely to have two reasonably productive costal cities that don't have something pressing to do.
Urban Planning (21)

Moderator Action: Corrected votes, please all take more care with your arithmetic!! --NZ
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Agoge (21)
Colonization (19)
Corvée (7)
Conscription (16)

Discipline (16)
God King (15)
Ilkum (16)
Land Surveyors (11)
Maneuver (7)
Maritime Industries (9)
Urban Planning (21)

Corrected totals for Colonization (@GinandTonic added 3 points instead of one) and Maritime Industries (back to back downvotes not applied properly).

I'm surprised to see the great person cards go so quickly. They scale poorly as you get later in the game, but early on I'm almost always happy to put one of these into my wild card slot.
Conscription (15+1=16): Rarely exciting but often the best option. If you have a military slot but aren't actively building units or struggling with barbarians, this is the obvious choice to fill it.
Corvée (10-3=7): When compared with the 50% you can get towards settlers or military units, a 15% production boost, which will likely only apply to a single city is quite underwhelming. Yes, this can help you win wonder races, building settlers to claim valuable land is also an important race, as is building units to secure that land.
Agoge (21)
Colonization (19)
Corvée (7)
Conscription (16)
Discipline (16)
God King (15)
Ilkum (13 = 16-3) By the time 30% is better than +1 and I actually want a burst of builders, I have Monumentality
Land Surveyors (12 = 11+1) Slotting this for a single turn and buying several important tiles all at once can boost yields by a lot early game!
Maneuver (7)
Maritime Industries (9)
Urban Planning (21)
Agoge (21)
Colonization (20) (19+1)
Corvée (7)
Conscription (12) (15-3)
Discipline (16)
God King (15)
Ilkum (13)
Land Surveyors (12)
Maneuver (7)
Maritime Industries (9)
Urban Planning (21)

Conscription (13) (16-3) With respect to @Amrunril, I return to what @Drivingrevilo said yesterday: just because we all choose Conscription when we have nothing better to do, doesn't make it a *good* card. There's a narrow window between your first war and your first commercial hubs/harbors when it is actively useful, but beyond that it is merely filler; gold is not a rare resource in civ 6. (Same reason I downvoted Caravansaries yesterday)

Colonization (20) (19+1) More love for Colonization. For non-monumentality games, my go-to strategy is to settle a high production second city, rush ancestral hall & Magnus' 2nd promotion, then spam out a settler every 4/5 turns with Colonization. It's one of the most powerful strategies in the game.
Agoge (21)
Colonization (21) (20+1)
Corvée (7)
Conscription (12)
Discipline (16)
God King (15)
Ilkum (13)
Land Surveyors (9) (12-3)
Maneuver (7)
Maritime Industries (9)
Urban Planning (21)

Colonization: I use most of the remaining card. I like almost all of them, and will slot them sometimes or often. But Colonization (and God King BTW ;-) ) will ALWAYS be slotted for a long while, because I will ALWAYS need to settle new cities.

Land Surveyors: I have never ever slotted this card. All I read here is people saying it's very useful because mainly of an exploit allowing them to slot it in when they get a new gov and slot it out on the same turn. That's simply not vote worthy in my mind !
Conscription should be at (13). Post #57 gave it correct in the reasoning but 1 point less in the list.
Agoge (21)
Colonization (21)
Corvée (7)
Conscription (13) [CORRECTED]
Discipline (16)
God King (15)
Ilkum (10)
Land Surveyors (9)
Maneuver (7)
Maritime Industries (10)
Urban Planning (21)

Maritime Industries (10) - If you have an early coastal city, 100% means you can churn out a couple of galleys super quickly. That gives you (i) an important eureka, (ii) era score, (iii) great exploration, particularly if playing a map where CS's might show up on islands, (iv) ability to engage in some early city capturing if you're near a civ with coastal cities, and (v) underrated, but it significantly increases the strength of all of your cities (you're likely to get at least one galley way before you get swordsmen or horsemen), which helps protect against invasion.

Ilkum (10) - A useful card as the game moves on, but not something I tend to use a lot early on. As Atlas noted above, for a lot of cities the +1 from Urban Planning is going to be higher than 30% from Ilkum for quite a while.
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