AND does not show up in-game

Cpt. Wrathbow

Jul 27, 2011
Firstly, I am new to this forum, and I have registered only for the purpose of trying to solve this issue. Since I am a newbie here, I'm unfamiliar with the layout of these forums and how things are run here, so I apologize if I am mistaken and this belongs in another thread.

I am trying to get Rise of Mankind - A New Dawn to work. I have installed it, and the install appeared to work correctly. I have checked in my program files and the Rise of Mankind folder does appear in my Mods folder, so the mod has installed correctly. However, when I run Civ4 BtS and go to the Load a Mod screen, AND does not appear as an option. I have checked my Civilopedia as well, as suggested in the FAQ thread, but there is no AND page in the Civilopedia. The game is simply not recognizing AND.

I am using Windows 7, 64-bit. If there is any other necessary information I have failed to provide, please let me know.

I am eager to get this to work and very much looking forward to playing this mod.
I seem to have managed to get the game to recognize the mod, but I now have another problem. I deleted it and reinstalled, this time placing it in My Documents/My Games/Beyond the Sword/MODS. Now, when I go to the Load a Mod menu, "Rise of Mankind - A New Dawn" appears as an option. However, when I attempt to load it, the game closes, and the mod does not load.
Yes. After five minutes, there is still no indication that it is loading or will load anytime soon.

Whenever I start Civilization IV, it changes my theme to Windows Basic (instead of Aero) because Civ4 is not compatible with Aero, apparently. Then, when I close Civ, it reverts back to Aero. The reason I mention that is because when I try to load AND, Civilization closes, but the theme does not change. It stays as Windows Basic for about a minute, then switches back to Aero, which makes me assume that at that point, it "gives up" on loading AND.
Make a shortcut to play the mod directly

eg: "C:\Program Files (x86)\Firaxis Games\Sid Meier's Civilization 4\Beyond the Sword\Civ4BeyondSword.exe" mod=\Rise of Mankind - A New Dawn

The path to your Civ4 installation may differ though.

Uh, this is really weird, but I can't seem to find my Civ4 installation. That is, I can't find a .exe to use in the address for the shortcut, as you proposed. In "C:\Program Files (x86)\Firaxis Games\Sid Meier's Civilization 4\Beyond the Sword\", I have only one folder, Mods. (And yes, I have hidden folders set as viewable) There's no .exe to shortcut to.... Could this be related to the fact that I don't have the DRM-free version?

In any case, how then would I set up the shortcut now? I'm at a loss...
When playing Civ4 in a window Aero increases turn times on my PC by 25-33%, so I have it disabled when playing Civ.
Open the properties of your Civ4 shortcut, navigate to the compatibility tab and activate "disable desktop composition"
It looks like I've solved this. The problem was actually with Civ4. I had an older version which was having issues loading the mod. I updated to the latest patch and now AND loads flawlessly- albeit slowly.

Thanks for the help everyone!
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