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AND2 and SVN Bug Reports - A New Dawn 2 ONLY

I'm getting a crash to desktop with the following save below. I tried going back a few turns, but I get the same result when I get to 1208...not sure what the problem could be. I am playing on rev649. Downloading the latest right now, and I will recalc and test when that is through but I thought I would post this for some input if at all possible. Thank you in advance for your time.


  • Nicodemus AD-1208.CivBeyondSwordSave
    1.3 MB · Views: 51
Alright, latest rev worked and I am no longer getting the crash. Hopefully I posted this before anyone wasted their time...thank you for the outstanding mod!
I have the suspicion that resources are not given back if a replacement building replaces another one which used that resource before.

In my example I have recently discovered that one of my cities has no access to coal anymore while all others have.
I am quite sure that this city once housed a Coal Power Plant but this got later replaced by a Hydro Power Plant. There is still no coal present in this city and I do not see any other coal-consuming building.
When pressing [ctrl]+[a] in the city screen, the buildings list also doesn't show anything related to coal.

In the example savegame, it's the city Cayuga.
Any ideas if that might be a bug ?

Thanks, f.


EDIT: I think I have found an issue with the mod within the same savegame:

Cayuga has the Aluminium Factory which says "removes access to bauxit ore from the city". But the Aluminium F. seems to be dependent on the bauxit ore to work. So what happens is that it constantly alternates between working and not working.

__while (true) __do:
  • One turn, the city has bauxit ore => AF is working => removes access to BO from the city
  • next turn, because the city has no access to BO anymore => AF is not working anymore => access to BO is restored

This can't be intentional ;)


  • rev644.CivBeyondSwordSave
    2 MB · Views: 44
You're right, definetly a bug flitz; I'm looking into it.

Edit: Fixed, I've removed AF ability to remove Bauxite from city. It made no sense and was probably a leftover from some old version. Now it works as expected.
I'm hoping this is where I post this. I just installed the latest version of this mod (AMD 2.0 Beta 5) and when I start it up I have no UI. I'm pretty sure I've cleared my cache (deleted the cache folder located on the harddrive) Any ideas?

Also weird errors pop up on startup


  • New Bitmap Image.bmp
    467.7 KB · Views: 76
  • errors.bmp
    355.3 KB · Views: 35
I'm hoping this is where I post this. I just installed the latest version of this mod (AMD 2.0 Beta 5) and when I start it up I have no UI. I'm pretty sure I've cleared my cache (deleted the cache folder located on the harddrive) Any ideas?

Also weird errors pop up on startup

Looks like a python problem but my revision is working. I suggest you download the game again, either via SVN or full installer, and reinstall.
In the latest revision (rev651), I've stumbled across some weird bugs/issues.
- For some reason, occasionally, I cannot deselect units. The turn is over, all units have been given their orders and still, one unit is always selected and cannot be unselected. Saving and reloading the game seems to fix it.
- This isn't a bug, but more of a balance issue. The unit maintenance cost upkeep has gone through the roof. If I have ~3 cities, I can barely have 2 units defending the city, if I want to keep Science slider above 50% and still get some cash. Although, on Noble, I like how I must balance between military and finance in my empire, so you can't roll over the world with your stack of doom, someone else might find it troubling
- Around Machinery/Theology/Feudalism techs, I keep getting crashes to desktop. It happened to me on 3-4 different saves. I don't know if it has to do something with barbarians, revolutions mod, or something else. I've attached save file and dump file, so if anyone could check it out, I'd be mighty grateful


  • NIXA AD-0421.CivBeyondSwordSave
    842.3 KB · Views: 32
  • MiniDump.rar
    14.3 KB · Views: 48
odd GP bug. i set my GP's to pop techs as they became available, but they stopped doing it after economics. checking the tech page i noticed that economics was still marked as having a turn to go before discovery, even though i'd popped it earlier. a little later this cleared but by mass media it was back... 5 turns to pop (on the tech page) after i'd discovered it.
this seems to be stopping the GP's discovering the techs i assign earlier in the game.

odd GP bug. i set my GP's to pop techs as they became available, but they stopped doing it after economics. checking the tech page i noticed that economics was still marked as having a turn to go before discovery, even though i'd popped it earlier. a little later this cleared but by mass media it was back... 5 turns to pop (on the tech page) after i'd discovered it.
this seems to be stopping the GP's discovering the techs i assign earlier in the game.


This problem plagued C2C for sometime too. And I don't remember when or if it got fixed. Iirc it did but again not sure what was done to fix it.

Are you using Divine Prophets by chance?

In the latest revision (rev651), I've stumbled across some weird bugs/issues.
- For some reason, occasionally, I cannot deselect units. The turn is over, all units have been given their orders and still, one unit is always selected and cannot be unselected. Saving and reloading the game seems to fix it.

Sounds strange; and I guess it's hard to fix because if it's working after reloading you can't provide a savegame for a test. I guess I'll have to try this one by myself when it happens.

- This isn't a bug, but more of a balance issue. The unit maintenance cost upkeep has gone through the roof. If I have ~3 cities, I can barely have 2 units defending the city, if I want to keep Science slider above 50% and still get some cash. Although, on Noble, I like how I must balance between military and finance in my empire, so you can't roll over the world with your stack of doom, someone else might find it troubling

This is intentional and part of the balancing process. If you can roll over the world with a stack of doom, either your level is too easy for you or the game isn't properly balanced. If people find it troubling not being able to roll over the world with a sod, then they can play with an easier level. :)
In your savegame, the main expense is due to civics, not units (look at your financial advisor): this problem will expire when you discover new techs/building. On a side note I see the problem common in this revision that AI isn't yet expanding properly at the start of the game. I'll look more into this matter.

- Around Machinery/Theology/Feudalism techs, I keep getting crashes to desktop. It happened to me on 3-4 different saves. I don't know if it has to do something with barbarians, revolutions mod, or something else. I've attached save file and dump file, so if anyone could check it out, I'd be mighty grateful

This has something to do with Opportunity fire. Try disabling it under BUG Option and everything should be working fine. I'm trying a fix now for OF, will upload it in the next revision.
Are you using Divine Prophets by chance?


He can't unless he's tampered with CIV4GameOptionInfos.xml. DP is disabled and hidden by default. It COULD be reactivated but only if done so by purpose.

@cthom Joseph was speaking about a gameoption which is in fact disabled and hidden. I'll have a look at your problem. I remember importing relevant code from C2C to fix this bug. I'll look again.
If anyone else can confirm this:

I'm having issues with Apostolic Palace votes. I don't get any resolution to vote, only elections once every 10 turns (Blitz speed). Me and a vassal of mine have the same religion, no one else. Still I think there should be votes from time to time.

Does someone else experience this (rev 652, but should be the same with rev650 or 651)?

Edit: solved, it was because there are 3 civs needed for votes to occur.
45°38'N-13°47'E;12582861 said:
Sounds strange; and I guess it's hard to fix because if it's working after reloading you can't provide a savegame for a test. I guess I'll have to try this one by myself when it happens.

This is intentional and part of the balancing process. If you can roll over the world with a stack of doom, either your level is too easy for you or the game isn't properly balanced. If people find it troubling not being able to roll over the world with a sod, then they can play with an easier level. :)
In your savegame, the main expense is due to civics, not units (look at your financial advisor): this problem will expire when you discover new techs/building. On a side note I see the problem common in this revision that AI isn't yet expanding properly at the start of the game. I'll look more into this matter.

This has something to do with Opportunity fire. Try disabling it under BUG Option and everything should be working fine. I'm trying a fix now for OF, will upload it in the next revision.

Thanks for quick response, that crash to desktop was quite irritating, after disabling Opportunity Fire, it stopped.

Also, you were right about civic cost upkeep, it appears so that all my cash is going towards civic upkeep, not unit upkeep. However, the issue that might happen here is, Organized trait civilizations will get huge advantage since they have -50% civic cost upkeep.
More on the upkeep cost.

I've a saved game SVN 652, that I'm currently playing. I'm playing at Immortal and Eternity speed.

Unit upkeep is THROUGH THE ROOF literally. Time suddenly jumps ahead 700 Yrs as well. The save was previously at 1149 AD now its at 472 AD.

Spoiler :

I tried dropping down difficulty to Noble level, using flexible difficulty, and played for a number of turns till all I had left was 1 defender per city, all others had been deleted due to maintenance costing, I was in a golden age, and losing >450 gold per turn still.

2 extra screen shots are from Settler level, the City maintenance is still the same at 343:gold:, but the unit cost does decrease markedly, which is to be assumed, reading the Handicap file settings.

Both the unit maintenance handicaps (over 350:gold: on noble, 655 on immortal, 59 on settler) and the civic and city (343:gold: ) maintenance are grossly over estimated for this speed.

It may be balance for quick, but at this speed, the gold generated doesn't scale to the game speed played.

So a quick off the top of my head calculation, Quick = 1/12 of Eternity
12* costs, doesn't equate to a 12* gold generation for speed. The same level of gold is generated per turn, but the costs have gone up, over by a factor of 1200%.

Before, each new unit, would add 30 of so gold cost to my expenses, so I was balanced on the need for defence and cost.

It's not affecting the only AI I can see at the moment, as Huyana Capac has 12 Pop, a HUGE stack of troops in city, 2:mad: on population and is running 95% science slider in the green. (Open borders, were you can see into opposing capitals.)

Previously I was playing at 40% science slider, barely in the green with 7 cities.

Apply SVN 652, and BANG I'm now -1150 in the RED I now have the above mentioned city maintenance costing and I'm in a golden age in 2 turns, changing civics did very little, if not made it worse in certain civics.

I know balancing will take time, I do appreciate your time and efforts, I just want to highlight an error in assumption you've made.

I criticise, not because its easier, which it is, but its so much more fun the coping it. ;) :lol: :p

P.S. I'm playing with raging barbarians, stacks of 120+ turn up every 20 turns of so to assail my border cities, I've disabled the max units per turn,0, as it was mentioned the AI's couldn't cope and find I have to use stack attack, which works fine, till the barbs take a city of mine, and it will get stuck, or I didn't wait long enough to allow it to process. No aggressive AI, as its been mentioned it dumbs them down too much.

The Bug errors I reported previously, it was an incorrect copying of my User Setting folder, its all fine now, sorry.
Thanks for quick response, that crash to desktop was quite irritating, after disabling Opportunity Fire, it stopped.

Also, you were right about civic cost upkeep, it appears so that all my cash is going towards civic upkeep, not unit upkeep. However, the issue that might happen here is, Organized trait civilizations will get huge advantage since they have -50% civic cost upkeep.

You could be right about civic costs, but that hasn't changed since a long time to tell the truth. It has been like that in previous revisions and hasn't made any difference until now, from what I've seen. I don't think Organized civs get a huge advantage, it's just their particular advantage. Other traits give other advantages that can balance this. I'll keep an eye on this matter anyway and if problems arise, I'll deal with them.
More on the upkeep cost.
The Bug errors I reported previously, it was an incorrect copying of my User Setting folder, its all fine now, sorry.

Ipex, time/years have changed because I've reworked number of turns / years for balancing reasons, so that's ok and works as intended. About unit upkeep, that's probably correct too (although it needs some more balancing); Immortal is supposed to be hard. Also, I'm still working on balance with different sets of mapsize-difficulty-gamespeed. So something that's balanced for Immortal-Quick-Large, might not be balanced for Immortal-Eternity-Giant.
This is what I'm working on now, besides some small fixes.

Thank you everyone for your feedback, I need it because I can't play with EVERY setting ;)
Some things I noticed while playing rev651:

-Barbarians (animals and human units) won't destroy unescorted workers/settlers/missionaries
-AI seems to rush to discover religions. Also, AI seems to have weird teching paths, sometimes ignoring old techs like naval warfare and such(also noticed its mostly military techs, might be coincidence), while having engineering or theology researched
-Missing texures while viewports are enabled (farm missing, mine having weird graphics, missing resource textures etc.). Don't know if I mentioned this before but city placement preview (Alt-X) isn't working either with viewports enabled.
-This is old bug but I'll mention it anyways. No Auto Corporation Founding option isn't working
-No Apostolic Palace resolutions available, just voting for leader. I also noticed when I or AI builds it, the message "The leaders of *religon* have unified under Apostolic Palace" (don't know if it's exact quote but it is displayed in blue font), doesn't show up
Prior to rev650 (Still haven't moved up yet) AI workers were quite suicidal. I'll march a military unit up and they'll just stand there instead of fleeing to the city one or two tiles away. Either they sit there idle or they keep working but they just sit there. I've captured a total of forty-six workers in one game because the AI refused to have their workers retreat. I parked an infantry next to one and it sat there for six turns working on a lumbermill and then just continued to sit there idle when finished. I moved my infantry away and then the worker moved one tile off to build a farm.

Do AI still do this with their workers in 650/651?

I wanted to ask this earlier before 650 was released, but I wasn't sure if the AI was just being stupid or if it was a recent update that caused it. Now I think it's a tad late to be bringing this up :p
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