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AND2 and SVN Bug Reports - A New Dawn 2 ONLY

While at it, All non 1 movement units, should take up 2 cargo slots.

Support, but only if default movement is 1 (i.e., w/o Speed/Morale promotions)

*Edit 2 AI and artillery/(siege) and fighters/Bombers - The AI will send in the siege to soften up, AFTER its launched its city attacks/ field attacks, and not 1st to bombard. They bombard 2ND.

You're right, this bug/feature does cause the AI to attack more poorly. But revolting units already have a lot of advantages, so I like that they don't seem to ever use their trebuchets etc when they get them (the action I usually see is the AI driving the siege units 1 or more tiles away from my cities, possibly because of the ballista turrets, while attacking with the regular land units). If this is fixed, I'm going to get hurt really bad by those rebels.

*Edit 3 - Missiles intercepting fighters.

If a missile intercepts a fighter, it should be destroyed, and not damaged, to be reused again. Either they can't intercept, or they do and are consumed. Currently they can intercept, and sustain some damage, but are usable again??? say WHAAAA!!!

Since units represent multiple fighters & missiles, I don't see an issue with a part of the fighter unit surviving. But I support there being a chance of a complete kill.
ok, 2 movement, I should have said, COMBAT UNITS WITH GREATER THEN BASE 2 movement units take up 2 cargo slots.

If a base 1 movement unit, gets moral, speed etc so be it, but base 2 movement.

Now excludes non combat lines of units.
Hello, heres small bug I found

Sanitize water wont work because theres no improvement tag on in feature infos xml. Change that and problem gone:) Theres two wrong tags, biogas and plaguegas.

Also might be good idea add sanitize to late work boats, now theres non unit capable sanitize water tiles. Sanitize water only works with corresponding terrain which is slimy coast/ocean.

Keep up good work:):goodjob:
Statue of Liberty is still bugged. I haven't fixed it yet. (You have to be in both Republic AND Democracy to build it, which you can't do.)

Here's a solution that I borrowed from the Supreme Court building.

Go into the CIV4BuildingInfos.xml file
Search for statue_of_liberty
Scroll down the the end of the entry, where you find <PrereqAndCivics>
Replace that entire section (including </PrereqAndCivics>) with the following:
Spoiler :

This causes it to require that any 1 of the 3 listed civics to be active. Is there a way to make it require 2 of the 3 to be active instead of just one? My xml-fu isn't advanced enough.

In other news, I've noticed that when Herbalist becomes obsolete, there isn't a comparable building available that can fully heal 1 unit per turn. In fact, it's the only building in the game with the feature "iNumUnitFullHeal". Would it be appropriate to add that feature to Doctor Office or Hospital (in additional the the heal percentage per turn bonus)? Or perhaps a transhuman era building could utilize that code, like some kind of a medical pods building? It seems a bit sad to have the code only used once.

I also noticed there is a defensive gap caused when the Cannon Turrets go obsolete with Artillery and the next turret (Gun Turrets) don't become available until Automatic Weapons. Is it possible to have an Artillery Turret fill the gap, or make Cannon Turrets have "<ObsoleteTech>TECH_AUTOMATIC_WEAPONS</ObsoleteTech> instead of TECH_ARTILLERY?
SVN 1036 - Slow scrolling problems

this is more a request, then bug report.

I have a problem with the discovery of Cartography, where it centers the map. Suddenly my game will go from fast paced bump scrolling to slow, and using the wheel on the mouse, will cause it to zoom right in/out.

A solution I've used, someone else did mention it, and pointed me there it to alter the Globaldefines.xml file for

Spoiler :
<!-- forces camera to smallest distance --> I added this line, but gets overwritten with update.

But every time an update is done, its overwritten.

Could you please alter this to a 1, if it doesn't do anything bad to others.

I can't be only one, it then goes back to FAST bump scrolling, and zooming in and out.

*Edit 1 - Text error in Diplomacy tab in BUG menu

It reads "players can TRADE vassals"
But mouse over is "Players can HAVE vassals"

The AI won't trade them, and I wondered why, when I had it checked..that's why.

Solution - Change text to read "Players can have vassals"

*Edit 2 - UN Mission

This STILL uses Cereal mills building as its display in the Civopedia.

Please to change this to the UN Mission building.

*Edit 3 - Rocket Artillery and range 2.

The Rocket Artillery DOESN'T have a bombard range of 2, only 2 movement, same goes for previous incarnation, mobile Artillery.

Either this is an error, due to the 2 movement, or it needs to be enabled.
Spoiler :

Found this, seems to be enabled, but can't bombard from 2 away???

Ahhh - I have Archer bombard ENABLED. So would default to 1 tile=Archers. (Text came up with bombard request). Ahh I have to RANGE BOMBARD, not Archery bombard.

Solution - Disenable archery bombard for non archery units.

*Edit 3 - More on Helicopter and carriers.

I found this xml looking for Rocket Artillery
Spoiler :
<Civ4SpecialUnitInfos xmlns="x-schema:AND_CIV4UnitSchema.xml">

To me it reads, that you can load fighters on carriers at sea, but not Helicopters. I'll try changing it to the Fighter text Nah, never going to work, they have the space, recorded as special units - Helicopter, but I can't load them in port, off coast, or off transports. I've tried both Attack helicopters and 1st model helicopters.

There seems to be a problem with the tracked vehicles naming. It won't input the string. Won't even put in the Default, when its used. My bad, I was using a Semi colon, in stead of a full Colon : , just hard to see difference, Shift on keyboard.. :rolleyes:
Version 1036, but it was present at 1031 too (I upgraded from 1031 to 1036).

Gigantic map, everything was fine until renaissance. It was taking up to 1:30 minutes for AI to take their turn which was quite acceptable. But right now AI turns never finish, music stops playing, clock stops, there's no error or anything and it can stay like that for 10 minutes and nothing changes. The only way to stop this is stop civ iv process in system manager. Reloading the save sometimes help, sometimes not. After reloading I sometimes can play few next turns as before, with up to 1:30 AI turns (sometimes faster, sometimes a bit slower) and after such few turns - I again have that "never ending AI turn" problem. And right now even reloading the save isn't helping. There's a lot of logs in my logs folder, which one may contain the info about the cause?

Rev 1039. Have kinda the same problem, except I have no prolonged AI turns before - just random freeze around Turn 2019, which is about early Renaissance era at my game. Save/load previous savefiles haven't do a thing, maybe I will play turn more, or two. I expect having something like memory overload, but I just have year old savefile from Rev 8**, at late Renaissance/early Industrial era, which have a lot more AI civs and more fat savefile, but after some DLL recalculations going just fine (for now).

Attached weeb savefile for some reason.


  • AutoSave_AD-1427-Winter.zip
    5 MB · Views: 150
Here's a solution that I borrowed from the Supreme Court building.
This causes it to require that any 1 of the 3 listed civics to be active. Is there a way to make it require 2 of the 3 to be active instead of just one? My xml-fu isn't advanced enough.

You can only do one set of OR civics (that any one civic will meet) plus any number of AND civics. So you can combine (Republic OR Democracy) + Liberal. But you can't pick two of Democracy/Liberal/Secular.

In other news, I've noticed that when Herbalist becomes obsolete, there isn't a comparable building available that can fully heal 1 unit per turn. In fact, it's the only building in the game with the feature "iNumUnitFullHeal". Would it be appropriate to add that feature to Doctor Office or Hospital (in additional the the heal percentage per turn bonus)? Or perhaps a transhuman era building could utilize that code, like some kind of a medical pods building? It seems a bit sad to have the code only used once.

Regenerator heals 3 units/turn to full health. I actually think of Herbalist as an aberration, but it's Afforess' creation so it's staying in. I wanted to remove it to reduce Engineering's trick count, but the count just got really lowered by spinning off several of its tricks to Siegecraft.
Chemical 1 Promotion - Obsolete ??

By the time it comes out, you really should only be facing Gunpowder units, ok +20% 'vs them. +10% Collateral damage.

Spoiler :

ok Used Chemical II, 25%, but same promotions.

But Chemical II & III Just give addition same bonus, ie v's archers, melee, animal units etc

Solution - Chemical 2 & 3 should give bonus against Gunpowder, wheeled, tracked, Units ONLY. Everything else is woefully out dated.

Really, any promotions attached to Air/Missile Units, SHOULDN'T involve melee, archery, animal. Siege above Artillery should be the same, cannons are border line.

Hazmat - Another misguided promotion, 10% V's Missile units, and 20% less Collateral damage.

:sarcasm: so, v's a nuclear missile etc, you'll have 20% less death, you'll only be 80% instead of 100% dead. NOT injured, DEAD. V's missile units, where do you battle missiles on the field. Ground units either destroy them or capture them, they don't battle them.

There are MANY more, these are just 2 that caught my eye currently.

And another thing, I've just realized why I can't spin off a vassal on the 2nd continent, in the bug menu, it has, under diplomacy "can trade vassals", but mouse over it and it says "Player can HAVE vassals".

These are mutually exclusive to each other and won't work.

Bug diplomacyutil.py

Spoiler :
# Free Stuff
DiploEvent("AI_DIPLOCOMMENT_OFFER_CITY", "CityOffered", onCityOffered, tradeType=TradeableItems.TRADE_CITIES)
DiploEvent("AI_DIPLOCOMMENT_GIVE_HELP", "HelpOffered", onHelpOffered, sendTrade=True)
DiploEvent("AI_DIPLOCOMMENT_OFFER_PEACE", "PeaceOffered", onPeaceOffered)
DiploEvent("AI_DIPLOCOMMENT_OFFER_VASSAL", "VassalOffered", onVassalOffered)

So can OFFER Vassal as a peace overture. but mouse over says "player can HAVE vassals. arrgghhh...where is that???? Base game DLL beyond my looking.

Spoiler :
def onVassalOffered(argsList):
#BugUtil.debug("DiplomacyUtil:: onVassalOffered %s" %(str(argsList)))
eOfferPlayer, eTargetPlayer = argsList
BugUtil.debug("DiplomacyUtil - %s offers vassalage to %s",

Can offer up a vassal as peace offering???

Nb: I added space on "DiplomacyUtil:: on so as to avoid :o

*Edit - Obsolete resources

What is it with popping obsolete resources, they are Obsolete!!!!!, now I realize, you still prospect for minerals, and find good, bad, overburden and Nothing.

Solution (game play) remove obsolete resources from discovery chances.
Agreed about Chemical needing some bonus (although small) against wheeled and tracked vehicles. But imo if you're going against a backward civ that has Archers and you've got Chemical 1, your attachs should be devastating, so I say keep those benefits against obsolete units. Personally, I'd like to see the top end of obsolete promotions having some longevity in later eras, such as Shock III or Cover III giving some benefit, even if only small, against later unit types.

Speaking of Vassals, I recently had several revolting cities that gave me the option of either becoming a vassal or independent. On two of them I chose to grant independence, but they became vassals anyway. Bug or feature? I can get a savegame to submit if needed.

Today I noticed that when lightbulbing techs with Great Persons, the beaker cost of remaining techs increases. Bug or feature? I'm especially wondering it the inflated cost stays high, or if it goes back to normal over time. I can't find any documentation about it, and it doesn't show up as a line (inflation) on the Economy tab.

This got me thinking of how beaker costs seem to be astronomically high when using the Advanced Start option, and whether the two are related. Could the game be treating an advanced start as though all the skipped techs of previous eras were rushed/lightbulbed, and inflating the cost of research because of that?
I agree that some late/advanced promotions shouldn't give bonus against melee/archery/mounted units.
Agreed about Chemical needing some bonus (although small) against wheeled and tracked vehicles. But imo if you're going against a backward civ that has Archers and you've got Chemical 1, your attachs should be devastating, so I say keep those benefits against obsolete units. Personally, I'd like to see the top end of obsolete promotions having some longevity in later eras, such as Shock III or Cover III giving some benefit, even if only small, against later unit types.

Speaking of Vassals, I recently had several revolting cities that gave me the option of either becoming a vassal or independent. On two of them I chose to grant independence, but they became vassals anyway. Bug or feature? I can get a savegame to submit if needed.

Today I noticed that when lightbulbing techs with Great Persons, the beaker cost of remaining techs increases. Bug or feature? I'm especially wondering it the inflated cost stays high, or if it goes back to normal over time. I can't find any documentation about it, and it doesn't show up as a line (inflation) on the Economy tab.

This got me thinking of how beaker costs seem to be astronomically high when using the Advanced Start option, and whether the two are related. Could the game be treating an advanced start as though all the skipped techs of previous eras were rushed/lightbulbed, and inflating the cost of research because of that?

About vassals, it shouldn't happen, please post a save.
About tech costs, if you're using realistic timescale, which is default on, discovering a tech might make you more advanced than you should be in theory, so yes it might slightly slow you down on other techs.
About advanced starts, game is not designed for that, but if you update to latest revision it will be much better.
Build is 1036. Here's a save (year 1536) with revolting cities becoming vassals when the player opts to grant them independence. There's a colony in S.America that gives you the dialogue soon after this save, and another in Australia shortly afterward, if you wait a few more turns. Second save is just for reference: (year 1539) the S.American city has already become a vassal (against my wishes), and the Australian cities will give the revolt dialogue shortly.


  • Caesar di Gaul AD-1536.CivBeyondSwordSave
    1.5 MB · Views: 140
  • Caesar di Gaul AD-1539.CivBeyondSwordSave
    1.5 MB · Views: 161
Build is 1036. Here's a save (year 1536) with revolting cities becoming vassals when the player opts to grant them independence. There's a colony in S.America that gives you the dialogue soon after this save, and another in Australia shortly afterward, if you wait a few more turns. Second save is just for reference: (year 1539) the S.American city has already become a vassal (against my wishes), and the Australian cities will give the revolt dialogue shortly.

I've tested your game; what is happening is that they get their independence and they capitulate. It's probably something very rare. I've tried again reloading your save and it didn't happen again. I've skipped many turns and finally they asked for independence again, and this time they got it correctly. In your case the problem might be that you're too strong for them, so you get a violent revolution but they immediately sign peace and hence they become your *capitulated* vassal.
Heh. I guess I need to start a new game at a harder setting. Thanks for testing.
Currently a Vacation resort REQUIRES water tile to build on bwater>1<bwater in the Civ4BuildingsInfo.xml file.

Changing this to a zero, removing the requirement for water, but needs the airport line of improvements, which ISN'T in the civopedia, will fix this and allow building of Vacation resorts in inland cities. :D :thanx:

Solution - Change bwater to Zero and not 1

Need to reboot to take effect. Don't recalculate modifiers if this in only change.

*Edit - Forced civic changes.

If your forced to change civics by Malcontents, and you CONTROL Christo Redentor, for no wait between civic changes, you SHOULDN'T be forced into turns of Anarchy to appease the dissidents, in accepting the change of civics to appease them.

Solution - Enable Christo Redentor for this event.
Last edited:
Currently a Vacation resort REQUIRES water tile to build on bwater>1<bwater in the Civ4BuildingsInfo.xml file.

Changing this to a zero, removing the requirement for water, but needs the airport line of improvements, which ISN'T in the civopedia, will fix this and allow building of Vacation resorts in inland cities. :D :goodjob:

Solution - Change bwater to Zero and not 1

Need to reboot to take effect. Don't recalculate modifiers if this in only change.

*Edit - Forced civic changes.

If your forced to change civics by Malcontents, and you CONTROL Christo Redentor, for no wait between civic changes, you SHOULDN'T be forced into turns of Anarchy to appease the dissidents, in accepting the change of civics to appease them.

Solution - Enable Christo Redentor for this event.

If you're in a Golden Age and you get the rebel "change government" event, you also get anarchy.
a little grafic issue

I start a new game but the city is like a 20th century city, see image


  • city.jpg
    49.2 KB · Views: 174
what is requirement to hurry buildings with gold?
I set up a scenario and give tech currency and politc setting coinage
but civ can't hurry building with gold. What is wrong?

Coinage can't hurry with gold any more. Only Guilds, Corporate, Free Market, and Regulated can hurry with gold.
Coinage can't hurry with gold any more. Only Guilds, Corporate, Free Market, and Regulated can hurry with gold.
cannot understand the sense. Any system can hurry with gold, look around in reality. This is not restricted to free market, also it is in regulated market and socialist systems the same, and it does not depend what government.
Maybe in reality it will not have the instant effect as in game, but it is a very great difference in reality if you pay lot of extra money in advance or let the building w/o additional funds.

Why you think you need to restrict common features which should be of player's decision and need to infantilize the player? With this you give the feree market a significant advantage, which is an ideological viewpoint if neoliberalism only.

Where this is set in game? I want to change it back for my scenarios and let anyone hurry if he has money, as even the stupidest barbar can buy anything in our world, if he can pay for it.

Or, with that svn that got changed? and what file(s) ? I want to do a rollback and protect the files related before updating by svn

Lot of new typing mistakes and invalid charset for German umlauts (äöü)


F:\Civ_4\Beyond the Sword\Mods\Rise of Mankind - A New Dawn\UserSettings\Revolution.ini (1 hit)
Line 153: # Bei der Ank˜ndigung von sich ansiedelnden Barbaren ˜ffnet sich ein Fenster

F:\Civ_4\Beyond the Sword\Mods\Rise of Mankind - A New Dawn\Assets\XML\Text\INTERFACE.xml (3 hits)
Line 4484: <German>Vertragskündigungen</German>
Line 13954: <German>Ank�ndigung Barbarenansiedlung</German>
Line 15316: <German>Bei der Ank�ndigung von sich ansiedelnden Barbaren �ffnet sich ein Fenster</German>

for ü, ö, ä, you either have a blank, or an invalid char or sometimes it is correct. The new wrong/invalid chars are new, mostly. Looks like you did not use utf8 but windows western charset.

The text line
F:\Civ_4\Beyond the Sword\Mods\Rise of Mankind - A New Dawn\UserSettings\Revolution.ini (1 hit)
Line 153: # Bei der Ank˜ndigung von sich ansiedelnden Barbaren ˜ffnet sich ein Fenster

is a sample, how such mismatch works:

correct sentence need to be:
Line 153: # Bei der Ankü˜ndigung von sich ansiedelnden Barbaren ˜öffnet sich ein Fenster

as you partially used different wrong chars or no chars, it is hard to correct this because I cannot simply search for the umlauts. For the wrong chars I cann't search and for a mising char it's also not possible.

same word for different research in tech table: "Steinmetzkunst" is twice, see image attached

This is caused probably by these string(s)
<Tag>TXT_KEY_TECH_MASONRY</Tag> (this is the correct one)

<Tag>TXT_KEY_TECH_SCULPTURE</Tag> (this is the wrong one, need to be "Skulpturen", plural)


  • steinmetzkunst.jpg
    70.3 KB · Views: 158
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