Annoying Arnachy


Feb 26, 2006
First game with conquests, playing on chiefy, huge map and 7 other civs. Managed to wipe Portugal off the map, now working on the annoying, backward Germans. The war is a long and drawn out affair (no direct land route) and Democracy wasn't going to work. I hadn't tried Facist so I authorized a revolt.

I had expected a few turns of arnachy...but I'm on turn eleven. The entire reasoning behind switching governments has only 4 cities left, so this may be a moot point. I don't think eleven turns of arnachy is normal and it's starting to annoy the hell out of me. Any other stories of insane arnachy periods? I've read a little on the forums and it seems going Commie might be better. Thoughts?
Depending on how you define "turns of anarchy", you should never see anarchy last for more than 9 turns.

Padma said:
The total length of the anarchy is composed of two separate numbers. The first is a random number between 1 - 5; and the second is between 0 - 3 and depends upon the number of cities in your empire. The combination of the two numbers is the amount of turns in anarchy, meaning a non-religious civ can experience anything from 1 to 8 turns of anarchy at each government switch.

With C3C, Firaxis "corrected" the formula to match the intent. In Vanilla/PTW, you could have "zero-turn" anarchy, which was what you get if Religious: start a Revolution at the end of your turn, and at the beginning of the next, it is over. Now you are forced to be in anarchy for *at least* one full turn, and made all the players swear it was changed to "2 - 9 turns". ;)

Also, Communism would be your best government choice, IMHO. ;)
No what made them say that is when the revolt and go to the advisor it says back in 9 turns.

I cannot swear to it, but I am pretty sure I saw 11 turns. Anywat after to revolt go to the advosro and see what the number is that it gave you.
If you want to have a short anarchy time, start playing religious civs. They must only endure two turns of anarchy when changing governments.
After posting and loading the save game, the very next turn let me pick a gov. And it was nine turns, not eleven...I blame sleep deprevation for my poor subtraction. Off to crush the Russians under the Sumerian hammer and sickle...

On a side note, I tried Facist and found my income went from +90 to -87...eeek. It seems the 'nusiance' corruption is a very, very, large nusiance. *Runs to the Kremlin*
Fascism sucks in C3C. There is no reason to ever use it.
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