Another PRINCE win... Thanks to CivFanatics

This may be the best description of difficulties I've seen. Granted as a strong Emperor/ weak Immortal player myself I view Immortal as time to get serious and Deity as "what did I get myself into." ;)

If you can win sub-t300 you'll definitely be fine on King and likely Emperor too as long as you stay disciplined/focused.

I find that Immortal is not very challenging but Diety cheats so hard that it's not realistic game play anymore and thus not very fun. If only the AI could be good through actually good game play. That would be entertaining.

By realistic gameplay I mean doing things that are actually possible. Starting with 2 settlers and getting GL on turn 15 is not remotely possible and thus not something that is useful to practice against.
I would recommend starting a monarch game, and fighting to outpace the AI and for gods sake do NOT make the Great Library. I spent from Settler to Monarch doing that and boy did I pay when I didn't get it on Emperor.

On the Monarch note, the way that I made it to Emperor play (Immortal and Diety are fun, but half the time I lose because of some Babylon in Space crap) was by sitting down all day and playing quick games constantly until I won one. It was also how I made the jump from Prince to Monarch (King seemed like such a small change...)

You could also try Prince with Venice, because although they are OP, if Attila, Shaka, Bismark, Khan, or Gandhi spawn next to you, than your a goner within the next 30-50 turns.
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