Anticipating a January patch

Why? It's there from the beginning for all people who pre-ordered the game. They only have to enable it for all by swiching one parameter value or something like that. I wouldn't expect a patch with it since they have not enough time to make it (at least if we are talking about some more significant fixes).
The assets are already here for everyone, yes, but technically "switching one parameter value" requires to patch the game, so as they'll need to go through all the tasks to deploy a patch anyway, I assume it will include everything that is ready since the last one.

It may be smaller than the previous patches, but IMO it should include more than changing a value.
The assets are already here for everyone, yes, but technically "switching one parameter value" requires to patch the game, so as they'll need to go through all the tasks to deploy a patch anyway, I assume it will include everything that is ready since the last one.

It may be smaller than the previous patches, but IMO it should include more than changing a value.

Wouldn't this be done entirely in steam? It's a DLC, correct? Every copy on steam will now have it enabled. I don't know that anything would need to be done in the game.
Don't worry they will spend 1% of development time to try to improve the game and 99% on a new DLC.
The assets are already here for everyone, yes, but technically "switching one parameter value" requires to patch the game, so as they'll need to go through all the tasks to deploy a patch anyway, I assume it will include everything that is ready since the last one.

It may be smaller than the previous patches, but IMO it should include more than changing a value.
I think it's about Steam setting so there is no need for a patch. All they have to do is: change "pre-order/unlocking required" setting to "free for all". That's it.
Agreed, I bought the game ecpecting the aztecs to come. Do not deliver it and I want my money back.
I also have not and will not buy a dlc until they at least fix my friggin UU. Even then, restarts are a pain and we all do them, they just have to put that vital sabe choices/restart feature back

How long do you give them before your hilarious foot-stamping turns into a stern email demanding your money back?

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How long do you give them before your hilarious foot-stamping turns into a stern email demanding your money back?

Is this really necessary?

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I bought the game at Walmart 2 weeks after release and got the Aztec.
Wouldn't this be done entirely in steam? It's a DLC, correct? Every copy on steam will now have it enabled. I don't know that anything would need to be done in the game.

I think it's about Steam setting so there is no need for a patch. All they have to do is: change "pre-order/unlocking required" setting to "free for all". That's it.

Yes, ok, there is maybe a bit of wishful thinking on my side, but the way the "Aztec DLC" is integrated in the base game is different of the new ones which have their own assets in their own folder... We'll see soon anyway :D
I have played all vanilla civs once to get the feel and just stuck with England because she is not OP... About 550 hours now, still not bored

I like England, too. I just wish there was a point to all the bonus England gets from the great admirals from harbors. King/Queen of the ocean doesn't mean much when I'm practically the only one there, at least effectually.
I like England, too. I just wish there was a point to all the bonus England gets from the great admirals from harbors. King/Queen of the ocean doesn't mean much when I'm practically the only one there, at least effectually.
Its a bit of a sideshow unless playing islands. I never bother kicking explore until I have decent power to rush it. Thats when you need it, why bother early unless you have v good adjacency. You can still catch the armada and battleship which is where the OP admirals are and 3 tiles is enough. Too busy getting homebase for the first 100 and then assess how far behind and what can be done about it. The AI just has no clue how nasty you can get so quick if need be
Can you explain what is broken? I have never used this unit. At a minimum I may be able to patch it with a mod while we wait (unless someone already has.)
Since this was never answered (or I'm blind, which is possible): Sea Dogs don't capture naval units. At all.
I doubt they are able to fix the AI. They can tune it, make it a bit better, but its so far gone there is little hope. The AI cheats like crazy on Diety, and Diety isn't even very hard. The AI basically just throws free stuff at you haphazardly. It has no grasp on any game concept.
Help me understand - what Civilisation game does the AI not get bonuses per difficulty tier (above Prince) in? I understand this to be true for not only the entire franchise, but most 4x and RTS games.
Ah they are just a deity domination flamer, happens every release, chill. The game is great.
I tried. Still one of my toes is itching like crazy on Diety.

So the AI cheats like crazy??? Have you ever compared the TIME YOU USE per turn and the time the AI uses per turn for 1 civ? Why do you CHEAT and take more time than the AI has? (don't tell me, that you are playing along "different rules")

As callan mentioned, the AI simply calculates 1 variant for movement to 'end turn' of every unit and can't in the current version be bothered to calculate a 2nd variant, because this would cost double time (what whiners call INACCEPTABLE), not to mention, that the comparison of the both variants and choosing the better would cost even more precious 'gamers lifetime' ... ohh, my god!!!!
How often do YOU CHEAT? Not just make the first idea move per intention ... how often do you change your mind and cheat again and again?

PS. Ok, I use drastic formulation and of course you never do 'reload'. No, not you, always the others cheat.
I doubt they are able to fix the AI. They can tune it, make it a bit better, but its so far gone there is little hope. The AI cheats like crazy on Diety, and Diety isn't even very hard. The AI basically just throws free stuff at you haphazardly. It has no grasp on any game concept. At least none that I've seen.

That said, any work they can do to help AI would be very appreciated.

I'm much more positive about this to be honest, and the reason for that is very simple. After some two months (there hasn't been an update in a while) of modding by one person, and without access to the source code, the AI+ mod already fixes the vast majority of bad AI decisionmaking on land (water and air is harder I believe), up to and including people having games where the player and two or three AIs dominate all the land of a huge map come endgame, and AIs sometimes taking some four civs out on their own. If a modder can do it this fast without source code, then without doubt the developers can do it too, and better. And even if they don't, well, I guess I'll just continue playing with the mod then and have fixed AI anyways.
If a modder can do it this fast without source code, then without doubt the developers can do it too, and better.

Not so sure. Look at Civ 5, you had to play with AI enhancement mods if you did not want to waste your time playing against a stupid AI, as the game without mods is boring as hell, still today.
I expect them to couple Aztecs with a patch, and maybe another paid dlc to go with the hype.
I don't know about a paid DLC.
From a marketing standpoint it would be silly to release a paid product next to a free product, why would people buy it if they get one for free.

Maybe a paid DLC a few weeks after the Aztec-release?
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