Any reason not to get this expansion?


Dec 6, 2007
I've enjoyed vanilla civ4 for a long time now, but I'm kinda getting bored of it.

I'm looking forward to the scenarios and civs, but do the changes to the core game really affect it? Because it seems like they changed alot.
It's almost a new game, especially if you didn't play Warlords.
If you didn't get Warlods already, then BTS will be a major update. Definitely something to purchase if you're "getting bored" of civ4 vanilla.
Yeah I'm looking forward to the changes, I'm just wondering if you guys think any of the changes were bad.
I think the expansion is a strict improvement. Some people, however, hate the new espionage system and the things the AI does with it. *shrug*
Well, I don't like the espionage part too much but it's not exactly bad, I just don't use it and sometimes I'm annoyed when spies attack me. Everything else is fine and the new AI alone was worth the cost for me (after the patch 3.13 +Bhruic ironed out its worst bugs).
I don't think any of the change are bad just some of them are not as good as others. I have really liked BTS and do think it is worth the money.
For a new player it might be too complicated but if you know vanilla inside out, you should not have problems learning the new things.
Not at all. Paratroopers and Mobile Artillery make the end game much smoother. Likewise, I much more enjoy building spaceships.
I don't think it really over complicates things, it just makes them more complicated.

I went straight from vanilla to BTS and I have been pleased although I had to drop back in difficulty a bit.
New leader, civs and units will give you new interest.
Add the Blue Marble mod and one of the ethnic mods for distinct terrain and ethnic units. :goodjob:
BTS is well worth the money, particularly if Vanilla is becoming stale.

Bhruic's patch to the 3.13 patch is worth checking out, too.
I was disappointed that the new expansion is much easier to play than the older versions, but sometimes I like that since you can experiment a little more and move up a level to boost your ego :) they took away some of the AI bonuses in BTS but the AI is still really stupid and in some ways even dumber. but it is overall a great improvement and a lot more fun
I was disappointed that the new expansion is much easier to play than the older versions, but sometimes I like that since you can experiment a little more and move up a level to boost your ego :) they took away some of the AI bonuses in BTS but the AI is still really stupid and in some ways even dumber. but it is overall a great improvement and a lot more fun

Haha in my current game Saladin marched his invading army right past my resource-happy undefended city to go straight for my capital. This gave me plenty of time to muster up troops via Slavery and move some from other cities...indeed a stupid AI move.

On the note of BTS though, it is definitely worth it. There are some minor annoyances but the bonuses far outweigh the downfalls. It's not that expensive and includes the goodies from Warlords as well, definitely a must have IMO.

Anyone know if they are planning another Civ 4 expansion and/or if Civ 5 is in the works?
Q: Any reason not to get this expansion?
A: No.
You guys forgot to mention the other stuff it includes.
Like tornadoes and volcanoes. Or getting clunker coal. Or the unseen bandits that raid your rice farm.

Plus there are micro missions. Settle near mountains, or populate islands. Even the corporations have mini missions.
Looks pretty good so far. I'm excited to play the space scenario after I finish a normal game.

The one negative is that they changed the intro music :( And the static picture isn't nearly as cool as the rotating earth.
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