[C3C] Any way to remove the unit command E (auto explore)?


Feb 9, 2004
Oviedo, Fl
I must have hit the E key instead of R a zillion times over the years and I would love to be able to remove that action. You have a nice stack of workers to rail a tile and hit E on one of them and it runs off to who knows where?

Anyone have an idea of how that can be removed or is it one of the hard coded things, thanks. Who would use a work to auto explore anyway?

PS mods move to where you want it, I was not sure where it belonged.
While Oni Ryuu is right for future scenarios, I also would be curious if there's a way to do this, particularly in an already-started save file. Ideally there would be a setting in-game where I could disable that shortcut. I definitely have sent units off exploring by mistake a lot of times, including in the past few weeks, but I'm not going to restart a scenario in order to disable it for units.
If you remove the explore button from your worker units in anyone of the editors you won't be able to make that mistake.

That is only going to work for any scenario you make, right? I did not see any explore flag, but I do see automate, so I guess that would do the job. I will have to test it.

Strange, when I removed the flag for automate and use the auto button, nothing happened. That is what I wanted.

Then I found the second flag for explore and turned it off. Now hitting E does nothing, yeah. However the auto button did make the worker go home? Oh, well that is not a huge issue, like the E key.
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how do you make the worker work ? All the times ı have dabbled in removing the flags only ends up in AI never building that unit .
how do you make the worker work ? All the times ı have dabbled in removing the flags only ends up in AI never building that unit .
It needs to have the AI Strategy "Terraform". In order for Terraform to show up with the default editor, you need to have every worker/engineer action checked except for "Build City" and "Build Barricade". (Not sure why Build Barricade is an exception, but that's probably a coding error on Firaxis' part)

I don't know about the behavior if you force the Terraform action in custom editors (ex: specialized worker that can only build roads), but that is something you can test out.
once or twice tried making Hobbit workers only to farm and Dwarves only to mine and somehow still fear custom editors and stuff . Maybe ı should try them one of these days .
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