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Any word on a Collector's Edition


Nov 21, 2008
Has anyone heard anything about a collector's/Limited edition of Beyond Earth?

From what I've seen in screenshots and photographs of their office, the artwork of Beyond Earth is amazing and I would love, love, love a CE with an artbook included, and maybe some figurines of some of the alien lifeforms?

Right now the only reason I haven't pre-ordered the game is because I'm waiting for a CE announcement.
theres a planetry pack with extra maps (if u preorder) but thats about it so far

you cant even order the game on steam yet
I bet they wish they had one now. BE is the current top seller on Steam.
Doesn't mean too much IMO. If you watch the top-seller thing it is pretty consistent whatever the new "change" is, not exactly representative of numbers. For all we know the number could be quite low, but it will still show up since it is the latest change on Steam.

On a slightly related note, I am kind of shocked at how much hate this game is getting. Part of it is gamer culture these days (what isn't hated?), but for how much love Civ 5 has gotten in the last year or two (ignoring the rants on Civ 5's initial release of course), I would have guessed there would be a lot of hype around it. Even at Civfanatics it seems a rather large number are not overly excited or flat-out plan on not getting it.
The initial asking price is steep. That's what I'm thinking. If they started with a $40 asking point, but 2K/Firaxis is being greedy.
Only £26.99 on Amazon in the UK, £29.99 on Steam, thats normal, and actually cheaper than a lot of current AAA titles.
Part of it is gamer culture these days (what isn't hated?)

It's a legitimate case of a lot of fishy high-end releases ( Rome 2 for instance ) and a certain rose-colored nostalgia. Everyone wants "their day" to have been the best day, naturally.

Now, that said, some things legitimately have gone downhill. I don't think I've played a single player FPS that's been truly engaging in ages. That's not nostalgia, either, as I've played Duke Nukem 3D rather recently and it still holds up pretty well. The melee combat in Total War since Empire has been "off" due to the new engine, for instance ( though I adore Fall of the Samurai despite this. )

Strategy games, though? I think the trend has been leaner, and meaner, and with much much better interfaces and on-screen information. Perhaps it's exactly that: the clarity of modern UIs removes a lot of the "dark art" aspect of these games and that's actually disappointing on some level?

Mostly I think everyone is aching for stuff that simply can't exist. For ages and ages we had very creative developers who were held back by hardware limitations and know-how limitations. Now we're spoiled as hell, and we want more big huge upgrades in quality and such, but those are few and far between. Instead we get a kinect that watches us pee or whatever :lol:
It's a legitimate case of a lot of fishy high-end releases ( Rome 2 for instance ) and a certain rose-colored nostalgia. Everyone wants "their day" to have been the best day, naturally.

Now, that said, some things legitimately have gone downhill. I don't think I've played a single player FPS that's been truly engaging in ages. That's not nostalgia, either, as I've played Duke Nukem 3D rather recently and it still holds up pretty well. The melee combat in Total War since Empire has been "off" due to the new engine, for instance ( though I adore Fall of the Samurai despite this. )

Strategy games, though? I think the trend has been leaner, and meaner, and with much much better interfaces and on-screen information. Perhaps it's exactly that: the clarity of modern UIs removes a lot of the "dark art" aspect of these games and that's actually disappointing on some level?

Mostly I think everyone is aching for stuff that simply can't exist. For ages and ages we had very creative developers who were held back by hardware limitations and know-how limitations. Now we're spoiled as hell, and we want more big huge upgrades in quality and such, but those are few and far between. Instead we get a kinect that watches us pee or whatever :lol:

All true. You still couldn't persuade me that Bioware has made a better game than Baldur's Gate 2, for instance.

But Firaxis still puts out quality titles, so I'm all good.
All true. You still couldn't persuade me that Bioware has made a better game than Baldur's Gate 2, for instance.

But Firaxis still puts out quality titles, so I'm all good.

Speaking of Baldur's Gate, have you checked out Beamdog's Enhanced Editions of BG1 & BG 2? They are a pleasant (and less buggy than the original) walk down the Golden Age Nostalgia Road where Dialog use to be The One Thing That Ruled Them All :)
Speaking of Baldur's Gate, have you checked out Beamdog's Enhanced Editions of BG1 & BG 2? They are a pleasant (and less buggy than the original) walk down the Golden Age Nostalgia Road where Dialog use to be The One Thing That Ruled Them All :)

Yep, own them both. Best 50 bucks I ever spent.
Have you also checked out Pillars of Eternity? Its being made by Obsidian devs and is going back to the same gameplay as the Infinity Engine games. There's a preview video on youtube of the first dungeon too, I cba linking it though.
Watched the video, any word on whether it will be turn-based or action-based. I have slower than average Reaction Time so I tend to avoid click-happy adventures with combat timing features.
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