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Anyone actually completed any MP game?


Oct 24, 2005
I never manged to due to disconnect/crashes. My SP game is relatively stable as long as I dont use load game or strategic overlay (both are guaranteed crash) , but MP.... and it just sucks after you get hard won start to have it die :/
I've played 2 LAN games so far, with 1 other person. 1 game we restarted because my ally got wiped out early, the other game we completed with a domination victory. I don't understand why there's so much hate for this game right now, I think it's fantastic and works great. Sure there's a few bugs and imbalances, but it'll get fixed. This game is really fun to play. Maybe because I never won any previous Civ game on anything higher than Monarch, but I don't think the AI is bad at all. If I was an Immortal-level player I might be less impressed, but I don't see myself ever playing THAT well.
I completed an MP game with a buddy of mine (Colorado to Maryland connection) in the Steam lobby (hmm ... what is broke there? Click private game but no password option, no apparent way for him to see the game).

With no apparent way to save the game partway, we used one of the smaller maps to complete it (we work jointly vs the AI) in one session. We got through it OK.

We did notice that since his box only will handle dx9, that if I was loaded in dx 11 we could not connect. When I loaded up as dx9, we could connect.

Well, I haven't completed one yet, but I am maybe 2o turns away from it.
Playing with one friend.
Actually the game runs quite well in the beginnin, with standard size and 8 factions. But once you pass some time you start wondering about the incredibly low AI. We were playing on a small continent map and the AI was just unable to handle it. I was connected to an AI nation with just shore and they didn't come to me until about 1800 when they just planted a city on my island which I destroyed a few turns after that. Another Civ did the same, with the same result. War didn't mean anything, the AI was simply not able to handle it (Emperor). Besides, around the ages when you reach industrial the AI starts taking ages to process turns, which can take several minutes, becoming quite annoying.

Fights in Multiplayer versus other Players are handled quite horribly, clicking faster means victory. Especially annoying when your PC needs longer to load.

Well, I am not sure if I really want to get into the torture of that again after finishing this one game.
There are lots of MP games happening. Just look at the CivPlayers current standings http://www.civplayers.com/index.php?section=standings&league=3 As an indication of what is possible despite the stability issues Civ5 has at the moment.

If your interested in testing MP feel free to visit the very active CivPlayers Steam Chat, you don't have to join Civplayers to use the chat room as long as you agree to the resonable chat policies.



So what settings are you playing in this league, what does a standard game look like?
So what settings are you playing in this league, what does a standard game look like?

Standard setting for Civ5 are something the players are working on, given that Civ5 is a new animal, but generally we play with barbs off, CS off, and high sea level, as we can not alter the number of players on a given map size yet, one of the many issues 2K/Firaxis has to solve.

As ancient starts seem a little slow compared to Civ4, we are also experimenting with playing on Warlord not Prince.

But like I said, this is all really in a state of flux right now.

And I guess you play games like 1v1, or 4 players ffa without any AI? What game Pace do you play?
Right now yes duels, smaller FFA's and smaller teamers, as the game is not able to handle 5v5 teamers yet. And yes the only time we have AI is when a player drops, the challange in MP is to beat other players. And we always play on quick speed of course, and even that seems slow compared to Civ4.

But that is what is played on the league, you are still free to use the chat room to meet your friends for a co-op MP game or anything else.

I give up on Civ MP. First of course its unplayable with all lag and crashes, but 2nd, and more important - Civ is just not a game for MP. The pace is slow, nothing happens for long time even on quickest setting. Combat is decided by something I have no idea what ( who clicks first? who has faster computer?- no control over units in MP

For a game to be MP'able average game needs to be completed from start to finish in less than 30 minutes. I gave up on SoASe MP for same reason - way too friggin slow pace (and it had much better combat!) .
I give up on Civ MP. First of course its unplayable with all lag and crashes, but 2nd, and more important - Civ is just not a game for MP. The pace is slow, nothing happens for long time even on quickest setting. Combat is decided by something I have no idea what ( who clicks first? who has faster computer?- no control over units in MP

For a game to be MP'able average game needs to be completed from start to finish in less than 30 minutes. I gave up on SoASe MP for same reason - way too friggin slow pace (and it had much better combat!) .

Well I agree that Civ5 MP is a bit slow right now and units and buildings are too expensive, but we can solve that with a mod as soon as mods are available in MP.

But I disagree about games having to be 30min, this is not a FPS game. We have had a thriving Civ3 and Civ4 MP community and no one has a problem with 2-4 hour games on an weekend evening. We all know this is a TBS game, but with simu turns and and in the future X city elim(either being added in a patch or mod) Civ5 MP will work out just fine as has all previous Civ MP games.

But I disagree about games having to be 30min, this is not a FPS game. We have had a thriving Civ3 and Civ4 MP community and no one has a problem with 2-4 hour games on an weekend evening. We all know this is a TBS game, but with simu turns and and in the future X city elim(either being added in a patch or mod) Civ5 MP will work out just fine as has all previous Civ MP games.


I admit This was my first attempt at MP in TBS game. I play a lot of MP but to date it was FPS and RTS. Now TBS might work but it needs much better tools : such as good lobby, good matchmaking , good ladder and ranking.

And for something like tbs where games are very long it needs tools to be easily resume previous games (like say it would optionally notify you and all players if there is a MP save from previous game and you both gathered online)

civ misses all that.
I admit This was my first attempt at MP in TBS game. I play a lot of MP but to date it was FPS and RTS. Now TBS might work but it needs much better tools : such as good lobby, good matchmaking , good ladder and ranking.

And for something like tbs where games are very long it needs tools to be easily resume previous games (like say it would optionally notify you and all players if there is a MP save from previous game and you both gathered online)

civ misses all that.

Pitboss is the answer for long games, it was very popular in Civ4, unfortunately it did not ship with Civ5 and will come later on.

I can't complete mine. It started out fine, but now after rounding 1100 AD, it keeps disconnecting.
If you play in the internet section you will complete a lot. Problem is they are QUICK. In a 6 or 8 player FFA, usually 1 or 2 players drop at the load, and then of the remaining players 1 or 2 more are taken out immediately with a rusher next to a civer. So you're down to like 2-4 players and then the game really starts. It is kind of like qualifying to play the game.

As far as completing, I've played a LOT of multiplayer games and never seen it once where the screen says "you win". What always happens is people get to a point where they decide they have lost and just leave and you're left with a bunch of AIs and then you might as well quit because otherwise you should have just played single player.
I never manged to due to disconnect/crashes. My SP game is relatively stable as long as I dont use load game or strategic overlay (both are guaranteed crash) , but MP.... and it just sucks after you get hard won start to have it die :/

MP, hell I'd be grateful if a sp game could go past turn 250. We start plenty of MP games 3human, 6ai 8-14 city states and we get a good 3-5 hours but without saves it is all for naught. We tried a work around for MP autosave overwrites by copy-move-save to other folders or renaming in explorer then pasting it back for the group currently trying to load a game but is seems steam can overwrite the file(not a name but a slot like 1992 all over again) no mater where we hide it.
Me and some guys have been playing civ IV MP every tuesday for several months now, and we were really looking forward to civ V. But our painfull conclusion is, after trying a number of times, that it's simply to slow with 5 human players, and too unstable.

Apart from the our MP experience, personally I'm very disappointet with civ 5. To me it seems that some of the many great layers of civ IV has been pealed of, to make a simplers civ - for the masses.

- Henrik Nordtorp
I've played and completed at least half a dozen MP games. We've had a disconnect or crash in nearly every game, but getting the game back up isn't difficult and we don't lose progress.

I usually play with 1-3 other people on Small to Standard size maps.
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