Anyone ever entered a Golden Age in 2049?


Feb 2, 2004
I finished a civ recently in which I entered my golden age in 2049 after one of my F-15's prevailed in battle.

And no, I did not win the game. I lost histographically. I did have 9 space ship parts built, and no other civ had more than 5. I needed about a dozen more turns to get the tech and build the part. I could have used that Golden Age earlier!! Arrrrrgggghhhh.
That's a bad break. You'll get them next time.
yeah well at least u got a golden age,get this,I WONT!!!

i stoopidly picked the koreans to play with....

i dont know why i thought their hwacha UU had lethal bombardment...WRONG!!

they dont,they just have 12 bombardment instead of 8 for cannons... and since they cant kill crap=no golden age!!!!!!

AAAARRGGHH the koreans suck beyond belife(in civ3)

what an ass i am for not doing my homework before picking them

i have 120 hwachas,20 cavalery and maybe 20-25 musketmen/med. infantry...
The h'wacha does have lethal land bombardment. It must, as every UU has to be able to trigger your GA. I have used the Koreans before and had no problem triggering my GA. Have you modded your game in some way?
What he said.
Also, you don't have to trigger the GA with your UU. Remember, it's also possible to trigger the GA with wonder building. Although a little less likely to happen, it's possible.
it dose??

weeeheee,i guess i wont have to abondon that game then

weird,i bombarded the crap outta 2 citys,50 on each,maybe i killed some units without noticing

this kinda made me unsure about if they have lethal or not,i checked the civilopedia,nothing

check the intel part of this site,said nothing about that

i have PTW btw...
If you only have PTW, then they don't have that ability. It was added in C3C. The Internet, once built, will give you a golden age if you've never had one.
My last Korean game I got a GA from ToE, to my suprise.

Hwachas are a lousy UU, since a cav rush works much better than a 4-12 turn siege.

F-15's are lame, too. You must intercept to trigger GA, and wars seldom turn on the stats of your interceptors.
ToE is Scientific, so you must've had a commerical wonder built beforehand, like the Colossus or Smith's Trading Company.
Now that you mention it, I had captured the Colossus a few turns earlier - thanks Joan!
On the last turn. :lol: What a waste of a GA.
so i was right,they dont have the lethal bombardment?

then i say frag this game,im starting a new one,last turn i played,i attack a pikeman,redlined with my artillery,i hit them with my only army(knights) and i lose my army!!

im starting a new one!
Oh no!! No GA!! Whatever shall we do?!? Come on. Is getting a GA so important that you would abandon a game that far into it? All a GA does is give you a nice boost to everything for 20 turns. Very nice, yes, but not imperitive to winning the game.

EDIT: As others have said, you can build or capture wonders to get a GA too.
no but the sucky sucky UU is reason enough u dildo ;)

if u read everything here u would see my army is 80%hwachas
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