Anyone notice...


Sep 8, 2001
Denver, Colorado USA
... in this game, Alexander looks like Roddy McDowell... or Marshall "Do" Applewhite?!

Uh, wasn't Alex like 26 when he died?

Looks like the Civ 3 animators didn't do their homework....
And Julius Caesar = Michael Caine, especially when you get to the later ages & he's wearing a hat.
Well, considering the line of work Alexander was in, and the age he lived in, I'd say 26 was pretty damn old! I'm still trying to figure out why they picked lincoln for the U.S. instead of washington....
Well, it's always been that way, since Civilization 1. Lincoln represented the Americans.

I think it is because Lincoln was more of the leader role. Lincoln not only was born as an authentic, rustic and slightly impovershed American (Washington was also born in America, I believe, but to a wealthy plantation-owning family in an affluent area of new england) but because he proved himself to be a dynamic leader and led a nation that was divided.

Washington was the general of the Continental Army. His presidency was fairly unremarkable other than being the first one. I mean really, what do you think of when you think of George Washington? He led a tattered, amateur army against an overwhelmingly superior British Army, and after several initial setbacks, succeeded brilliantly. But do you remember anything he did as president? This is not to take anything away from our founding father, I'm sure that building a new nation out of a throwaway resource colony was quite a feat. But I think Lincoln was more of an all-around leader, not a military one.

Also, I was noticing your quote in your sig. One of my favorite movie quotes was Hans Gruber in Die Hard quoting "When Alexander saw the breadth of his domain, he wept, for there were no more worlds to conquer..."

Your quote looks much more authenic. I guess the movie misquoted... or glossed it over so Average Joe Moviegoer could get the gist...
Actually, I think the Die Hard quote was taken from a poem by Shelley, who might have drawn inspiration from Plutarch.
To jump in with my two cents on the American leader thing.

I think it should be Washington. I think that because he did the following:

1. He beat up the British with a bunch of farmers. (OK, and the French Navy)
2. He declined supreme power after the war.
3. He ensured that the Unites States would be democratic. Founding the first modern democratic state.
4. He oversaw the Constitutional Congress
5. He had extremely bad teeth. OK..I would just like to see how Firaxis would deal with that.

His presidency may have been uninspiring. He was the first great american hero and leader and his efforts created a brand new experiment on the world, The United States of America.
I cannot let this unjustice stand! Washington was a tremendous president one of the greatest men of all time. We simply have less apreciation for him and less understanding of the US's early days because the American Civil War, amongst other events, receives more coverage.

Lincoln was a fine man with a couple solid achievements to his name. And he became a martyr, which didn't hurt the way he is remembered. But Washington's accomplishments, before and during his presidency, are nearly too many to list.

I'll get off my soapbox now. But count my vote for Washington leading the Americans in Civ4.
I reckon George W woulda been funny, with his big ears hehe
I'll go with an earlier thread that stated we should have had choices for our the leaders of each culture.

The the US you should be able to choose from amongst Washington, Lincoln, Grant, Roosevelt's, Reagan, Patton, Eisenhower, Sherman, Macarthur, Nixon (ha), Gates, Vanderbilt, JP Morgan, Henry Ford, and Rockefeller at least.
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