• Civilization 7 has been announced. For more info please check the forum here .

April #1 - The Great CFC-OT Avatar Switch VII

Tee Kay

Three days sober
Aug 21, 2005
The First
The Second
The Third
The Fourth
The Fifth
The Sixth

It's that time of year again, where we switch avatars to prevent them from gaining too much power over us and consume our souls (I think). This one is starting rather late, so hurry!

Here's the idea: On April first we'll all switch avatars. Feel free to switch personalities (if the person you take is up for it) or location and signature too.

In the words of WillJ: Perhaps I get Hitro's coat of arms, Hitro gets Curt's skull-face, Curt gets floppa's smug face, floppa gets Puglover's pug, etc. It'll be the most fun thing to happen to me since yesterday!

In the words of a middle school kid that translates Shakespeare to "street": I might get Eran's guy, JollyRoger could get Mobby's prophet icon, augurey could take scherbchen's girl-with-stick thing. It'll be bangin', yo.

In the words of some upstart OP, I might get Yared's hyena (is that a hyena? Yeah I seriously don't know), RRW might get Winner's armband, Abaddon might get Narz's cat, VRWC might suddenly turn into Formaldehyde, and God help anyone who gets Taniciusfox's Kazuma. Anyway, you get the idea.

The Drill:

If you want in, just post your details (avatar, plus sig, location, profile title, if you want) and if you want a specific poster's avatar (or would like to give yours to a specific poster) post that as well.
NOTE: Make your selection in Bold so that it stands out for me.
Once people post their details here you can claim them. Unclaimed avatars will be assigned quasi-randomly.

- If you can put your av on imageshack or something, it'll be helpful for the folks who'll wait 'til it's too late to just copy your normal one.
- Please use the [plain](Text)[/plain] for your signatures so that it is easy to copy for the person who is taking over your avatar.
- Also if you have an avatar that is bigger than the regular, then try and get a smaller one so that people can use it.

The Great Switch:
Switch-time is noon(ish) GMT on March 31 until noon(ish) GMT on April 2. Or if you're going to change for the whole week (all the cool kids are doing it), it's March 29 through April 4.

How about it? Anyone want to trade?

Alright, so who's in?

Camikaze Assigned to Annex
Taillesskangaru Taken by Azzaman333
Till Assigned to SuperBeaverInc.
Joecoolyo Taken by Choxorn
Cheezy The Wiz Taken by Masada
Zack Taken by Yared94
Bigdog5994 Assigned to Mad Man
Azzaman333 Taken by Azale
Yared 94 Taken by Zack
Masada Taken by Cheezy the Wiz
TheBladeRoden Assigned to Owen Glyndwr
Classical hero Assigned to BSmith1068
Holy King Taken by Nonconformist
LightFang Taken by CivGeneral
Flyingchicken Assigned to Cutlass
Integral Taken by Downtown
Bill3000 Taken by Dachs
Dachs Taken by Bill3000
SuperBeaverInc. Assigned to Defiant47
Downtown Assigned to Integral
Cardgame Why Cardgame why???
Owen Glyndwr Assigned to Madviking
Adrogans Assigned to TheBladeRoden
Annex Assigned to Taniciusfox
CivGeneral Taken by LightFang
BSmith1068 Assigned to Randomnerd10
Azale Taken by Adrogans
Madviking Assigned to Flyingchicken
Nonconformist Assigned to Camikaze
TheLastOne36 Taken by Tekee
Defiant47 Assigned to Bigdog5994
Cutlass Assigned to Till
Captain2 Taken by PrinceScamp
Karalysia Taken by Classical Hero
Princescamp Taken by Captain2
Tekee Assigned to TheLastOne36
ZeletDude Taken by Taillesskangaru
Randomnerd10 Assigned to ZeletDude
Choxorn Taken by Joecoolyo
Taniciusfox Assigned to Holy King
CCRunner Taken by Catharsis
Catharsis Taken by CCRunner
Quackers Taken by Karalysia
Mad Man Assigned to Quackers
Remember to use the [plain][/plain] thingies.


[CENTER][SIZE="1"][COLOR="Red"]""Socialism" is no more an evil word than "Christianity". Socialism no more prescribed Joseph Stalin and his secret police and shuttered churches than Christianity prescribed the Spanish Inquisition. Christianity and socialism alike prescribe a society dedicated to the proposition that all men, women, and children are created equal and shall not starve."[/COLOR]- [COLOR="SeaGreen"]Kurt Vonnegut[/COLOR][/SIZE]
[SIZE="1"][COLOR="Orange"]Economic Left/Right: -5.62
Social Libertarian/Authoritarian: -6.41[/COLOR]
[/SIZE][SIZE="1"][B][URL="http://forums.civfanatics.com/showthread.php?t=316857"][COLOR="Blue"]The Civ Ideas & Suggestions Index[/COLOR][/URL] [URL="http://forums.civfanatics.com/showthread.php?t=350573"][COLOR="Blue"]The Lord of the Rings Mafia Game[/COLOR][/URL][/B][/CENTER][/SIZE]

Location: Sydney
Custom User Title: Ideaholic

My details:



And a smaller version,


Custom User Title:



[size="1"][b]"I guess I talk too much. My mom is mad at me... my grandma is mad at me... everyone is mad at me. Yesterday my grandma drank thirty-two cups of coffee. I shouldn't have said anything. I suggested that perhaps her drinking thirty-two cups of coffee was not unlike my need for a security blanket... She didn't like the comparison." - Linus van Pelt[/b]
[b][url="http://forums.civfanatics.com/showthread.php?t=324147"]Cure Cancer with Team CFC[/url] [url="http://forums.civfanatics.com/showthread.php?t=330899"]DRAW Your Own Story 10 [/url] [URL="http://forums.civfanatics.com/showthread.php?t=330898"]DRAW Your Own Story 11[/URL] [url="http://kevan.org/brain.cgi?Taillesskangaru"]1001 Easy Lunch Recipes[/url] [/b]
Political Compass - Economic Left/Right: -6.00, Social Libertarian/Authoritarian: -5.64[/size]
I'm in!

Title: Adventurer
Location: Background Noise

[CENTER][SIZE="1"][URL="http://forums.civfanatics.com/showthread.php?t=250766"][B]Video Game Quiz[/B][/URL]

All praises to Mistfit&Rheinmetall for the awesome avatar![/SIZE][/CENTER]
I'll jump in too!


Title: The Dude Abides

Location: Chicago

[SIZE="2"]CFC's Resident Futurama Fanatic[/SIZE]
I'm in! Not too picky about who gets me or whom I get. I'd prefer someone easy to caricature, naturally.

(quote this post to get the code)


Title: Leonid Kharitonov
Location: Chaikovsky Hall

Spoiler :
Но уж Катю, словно песню, из груди брат не известь! - Черноглазая Kазачка
But I cannot get Katya, like a song, out from my soul, brother! - Chernoglazaya Kazachka​
"I have always maintained that the most dangerous revolutionaries today are the reactionaries who neither see nor are willing to admit there is any need for change." - Theodore Roosevelt
(-8.75,-5.15) Download my C3C mod:INEMONHhttp://forums.civfanatics.com/showthread.php?t=213350=Insert Epic MOd Name Here. WIP: INEMONH Version 2.0 Ask a Red. Read about my trip to Russia! Anabasis Ruskii A wonderful post!
just in case anyone wants to looks cool for a week

Spoiler :
UT: Tell Me Mama
Location: Huntsville ,Alabama

Little Walter
R.I.P Stormrage
"An economic liberal could pass Pat on the street with an "ello, gov", a wave and a polite nod, but not me - if I get half the chance I'll kick that econ-authoritarian in the balls."-Ecofarm
Posting for stuffs


C.U.T.: Stockholm Syndrome
Join Date: Apr 2005
Location: My Plug In Baby Reputation: 1
Posts: 15,768

sig said:
[url=http://www.freekick.org/public/index.php?loc=register&referrer=353615][color="Lime"][size="2"]Manager of Spambox Attack at Freekick[/size][/color][/url]
[size="3"][COLOR="Magenta"][B]I'M ALWAYS RIGHT AND NEVER WRONG[/B][/COLOR][/size]
[size="2"] [url="http://forums.civfanatics.com/memberlist.php?do=getall&pp=30&order=desc&sort=posts&page=2"][color="Cyan"]44th most posts,[/color][/url][url="http://forums.civfanatics.com/member.php?u=57772"][color="Cyan"] at 8.52 posts per day.[/color][/url][/size]
[url=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1ytuT9n8kqQ][color="Purple"][size="3"][B]What I want to know, is will I get death row? Or is there a second solution?[/B][/size][/color][/url][/center]

Don't you just love my mess of a sig?
Location: Socialist Kingdom of Sweden
Custom User Title: Ruuuumpaaaa

(no, I'm not going to resize it. Only those who are worthy may use it!)

[CENTER][SIZE="2"][COLOR="red"]"Och när troende människor har att välja mellan det som är sant och det som inte är sant, så väljer de alltid det som inte är det. Lögnen är mycket stämningsfullare och sällsammare än sanningen och därför föredrar de den." - [I]Dvärgen[/I], Pär Lagerkvist[URL="http://forums.civfanatics.com/showpost.php?p=9019720&postcount=46"]*[/URL][/COLOR][/SIZE]
[COLOR="White"]Is always willing to meet new people :) Post something on my profile thingy![/COLOR][SIZE="3"]
[COLOR="Black"][B]~~~~The Hyena of the North~~~~[/B][/COLOR][/SIZE][/CENTER]
I'm Cheezy. Details to commie. If I can be stereotyped easily enough, that is

Location: Minitrue Lane
Custom User Title: Hatin' freedom ya!

[CENTER]I take my study trips in Communist China :D [/CENTER]

Custom User Title: Deity

Location: The Middle West

[FONT="Palatino Linotype"][CENTER][SIZE="3"][url=http://forums.civfanatics.com/showthread.php?t=279577][B]Risen: Another mod with some form of "rise" in the title[/B][/url][/SIZE]

Others: [url=http://forums.civfanatics.com/showthread.php?p=3838804]Risen: Civ Edition[/url] [url=http://forums.civfanatics.com/showthread.php?t=215129]Fall from Hyrule[/url] [url=http://forums.civfanatics.com/showthread.php?p=5391781]BlaDipNES[/url] [URL="http://forums.civfanatics.com/showthread.php?t=175583"]Useless Random Buttons Pack[/URL] [URL="http://forums.civfanatics.com/showthread.php?t=176845"]Hyrule-LttP v0.5 (41x41)[/URL] [url="http://forums.civfanatics.com/showthread.php?p=4437783#post4437783"] Killer "White" Rabbit Unit[/url] [url=http://forums.civfanatics.com/showthread.php?p=4459416#post4459416]Some Fictional Russian Fighter[/url][URL="http://cfcot.wiki-site.com/index.php/Thebladeroden"] Check out my Wiki profile![/URL][/CENTER][/FONT]
Cheezy the Wiz said:
Sure, I'll just talk about economics and Greek and Byzantine history in an assenine-and-entirely-unlike-you way!

Occasional rants and snarky comments are also endorsed. I might also have to take a crash course in Marxism. :(

Location: At the Opera House.
Custom User Title: We will Rock You.

Signature: [center][b]Sola gratia, Sola fide, Sola scriptura, Solus Christus, Soli Deo gloria. Hallelujah!![/b][/center]
[url="http://kevan.org/brain.cgi?classical-hero"]Scientist discover something amazing.[/url] [url=http://www.civduelzone.com/forum/forumdisplay.php?f=108]Welcome to my hangout.[/url] [b]Join the :bts: [url=http://forums.civfanatics.com/forumdisplay.php?f=324]Multi-Team Democracy Game II.[/url][/b] [thread=215749]Ask a Young Earth Creationist[/thread] [thread=305661]2[/thread] [b][url="http://www.creationontheweb.com"]Creation Ministries International.[/url][/b] [thread=205281]The favourite classical music and opera thread[/thread] Please join the [thread=23473]CFC Fantasy League for the EPL[/thread] & [thread=280395]CFC Weight Loss Pact[/thread] and get fit
I'm in, i'll do the avatar details and crap later in the day.



I'M IN. I'll decide on whom I'm switching with later.

Here's my information, for those of you interested:




[center][size="1"](-3.75, -5.44)
"I'm Lighty, and I'm a proud member of #fiftychat and #nes!"
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