Are faster animations possible?


Nov 28, 2005
Late game wars are my least favorite aspect of Civ IV because each turn takes so dang long. I usually retire if someone declares war even if I am more powerful if that person has huge stacks.

I have tried to turn off "defensive battle" (whatever it is called-I am not in front of the game and my job is leaving me braindead :) ) but so much happens so quickly and I don't know where it happened. (I turn off "offensive battle" moves the whole game).

Really, I would love to see ONLY one of the three items in the unit my enemy is attacking with run at me and then the outcome is displayed. I don't need to see all three. And I don't need to see my machine gunners do their little setup and breakdown after each battle.

Does anyone have the magic potion for this? The "options" checkboxes dont offer me what I want, perhaps there is a setting in an XML file for "animation rate" or something to that effect?

Thanks in advance!
What you want is under Options, Graphics tab. Right hand side, very top checkbox: "Single Unit Graphics". That way there's only one little dude instead of three.

ETA: I also turn combat zoom off (on the same tab) and over in the Game tab turn Quick moves and Quick combat (Offense) on too. There's a Quick combat (defense) option too, but I leave that off... Back under the graphics tab is also an "Animations Frozen" option that just turns them off for units and improvements.
Thanks Kate! I turned on "Single unit Graphics" and the battles are definitely shorter. The battles appear to be longer than 1/3rd of a battle which you'd have if Single Unit Graphics was not selected, but it is definitely an improvement.

I didn't get a chance to play with "Combat Zoom", but will give it a shot soon. If the game is going to run each battle as it normally would (with animations) but this option doesn't show you the battle, I guess I dont see the point of it. Might as well see what's going on up close. Perhaps my assumption of what it does is incorrect though.
I don't have civ with me but there is an option for no animation as in the units "teleport" to squares instead of walking across them, no battles either. No animation is it?
I didn't get a chance to play with "Combat Zoom", but will give it a shot soon. If the game is going to run each battle as it normally would (with animations) but this option doesn't show you the battle, I guess I dont see the point of it. Might as well see what's going on up close. Perhaps my assumption of what it does is incorrect though.
It toggles whether the camera zooms in on the combat. I find that I play with a close enough zoom on the landscape that I don't need it. Quick Combat turns the animation of battles off or on. I keep it on for Offense because I know I'm attacking and just want to know the outcome already. I keep it off for Defense because I tend to play hotseat as player 1, and the computer doesn't auto-go to my battles when the AI attacks me, so it gives me time to figure out where I'm being hit when I see that telltale "waiting for other civilizations..."
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