Are my scenarios broken?


Jan 8, 2010
I play on BTS, and I only have BUG and BULL installed. And even before installing these, I was getting no starting technologies with any empire, in fact I think even the AI is not getting the starting tech it should. (For example I get no Mysticism or Mining for starting as Ghandi both in BTS and in Vanilla.)

Today I noticed something else. .. take the scenario "A_Ghengis (civ4)". I start with a bunch of longbowmen and cities, and losing -48 gold each turn... So I can't explore (if a unit get out of my borders it get discarded because i can't pay it), I can't research, and I can't do anything really... All the scenarios seem to be broken.

Anybody else experiencing these problems? How can I play the scenarios properly?
It is possible that there is some interference from BUG/BULL if it is installed in Custom Assets instead of as a separate mod. You can turn them off for any specific scenario by going into the scenario's folder in the Mods folder of the BtS install and editing the .ini file of the scenario to change the line that says "NoCustomAssets = 0" to "NoCustomAssets = 1".
But the technology problem was here in all civ versions before I even installed BUG.

At this point I just want to know if other people have the same problem. Could somebody start the "A_Ghengis (civ4)" scenario and see if they get the starting technologies or not, and also if they have the -48 gold per turn economy?
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