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Are the Vikings Bugged?


May 20, 2003
Denmark's UA is handy but units retain remaining embarkment moves when disembarking. This is nice for arty that can disembark, setup and fire all in the same turn. But it feels bugged. Also, the berserker has an extra move on land that I can't see specified.
Well, you did read the civ's spec when you decided to buy the DLC, didn't you... ?
No offense intended, but what you call buggy is *exactly* what makes the Danes unique.

What can be educed from your question is, that the berzerk's extra movement ability is *not* a promotion and therefore will *not* be inherited during upgrade. I was hoping for this a little bit, to be honest.

As I'm still undecided about purchasing the Danes: Now knowing, that the movement abilities are a feature, do you enjoy the civ? Is it fun and different to play?
No, I noticed this too. It's a little odd. To clarify the OP, since it may have been a little confusing, it's not that the units can still move when they disembark, that's obviously fine. However, say you've embarked a warrior. It has 2 movement on land, and 3 movement while embarked. At the beginning of your turn, it's next to a coast, with 3/3 movement, so you disembark. This movement comes from the embark speed rather than the unit speed, so the unit uses 1 of its 3 movement, hits land, and still has 2 movement left, thus being able to move 2 like a warrior normally would.

In the case of a warrior this is brilliant, because he essentially disembarks for free, not at the cost of a movement point. For Berserkers and Knights, it works as expected, losing one movement to disembark (because you have 3 on land and 3 in the water) and for Horsemen you actually *lose* movement, because you use 1 of your 3 to disembark, meaning you only have 2 movement less - so even though the horse has only moved 1 tile, it's used 2 movement to do it.

I think it's working as intended, it's just a really obscure thing happening due to when the movement happens - it's not as part of the land unit's move, but part of it's embarked movement.

It's also interesting to note that disembarking only costs 1 movement regardless of where you're disembarking to. On to a plains, a hill, a forest hill, always one movement. So never be shy about jumping on to rough terrain for safety, you'll still have movement afterwards regardless.

Also, for the Berserker, it's one of their unique traits - like the Companion Cavalry and the Sipahi. They just have an extra movement as part of being a Berserker.
If you have Astronomy, your warriors can have 3/2 movement after disembark. And even more with steam powah.
As I'm still undecided about purchasing the Danes: Now knowing, that the movement abilities are a feature, do you enjoy the civ? Is it fun and different to play?

I've only been playing the scenario, but I would say the DLC is worth it for the scenario alone. I'm playing the Danes, and I've found them fun to play... the Berserker is an interesting and fun unit to use...
I've only been playing the scenario, but I would say the DLC is worth it for the scenario alone. I'm playing the Danes, and I've found them fun to play... the Berserker is an interesting and fun unit to use...

*deep-drawn sigh* And there my money goes... ;)
Thank you for the answer! I was already fearing something like this.
Sniping capitals from the coast never was easier. You can rush 3-4 (?) tiles into enemy territory (after astronomy) with any unit and Ski Infantry don't have any movement penalty through hills (25 strength +25% combat bonus on hills, tundra and snow).

You can perfectly surround most capitals right after the declaration of war (on small continents maps at least) and the AI won't realize what the hell's going on.

Clear your own continent with Berserkers and snipe the rest with upgraded Ski Infantries.
My last emperor game didn't last longer than 190 turns without even trying too hard lol :D
Vikings are the best! :king:

But I think the conquest win became very easy now.

Im playing king, fractal, large, and just conquered 5 capitals before discovering gun powder. Now I have 80% of the wonders and a huge lead on score. All I did was create a army with 4 berserks and 3 catapults and went south. I invade one capital, defend it for 3-4 turns, made peace e keep marching south. I just had to stop because the ice cap didnt allow me to go to the other side of the map. So, now I have to come back. Ill probably crush the game on a record time.

Its pretty fun play Denmark, but maybe the civ need some tweaks, its just too powerful.

I didnt like the scenary and the brown color. I would like to see the vikings as dark blue or something like that.
It is quite similar to the Persian special movement when in golden age.
On the turn you start the golden age the units does not have the movement bonus, but on the turn after the golden age ends they get the bonus.

I bet it is because the unit get it's movement points on the start of the turn, and keep them regardless of what happens.

Can anyone answer if the Danish units loose their movement when crossing rivers?
Seems odd to be able to cross the English channel and move on, but not being able to cross a river and move on.
Vikings are the best! :king:

But I think the conquest win became very easy now.

Im playing king, fractal, large, and just conquered 5 capitals before discovering gun powder. Now I have 80% of the wonders and a huge lead on score. All I did was create a army with 4 berserks and 3 catapults and went south. I invade one capital, defend it for 3-4 turns, made peace e keep marching south. I just had to stop because the ice cap didnt allow me to go to the other side of the map. So, now I have to come back. Ill probably crush the game on a record time.

Its pretty fun play Denmark, but maybe the civ need some tweaks, its just too powerful.

I didnt like the scenary and the brown color. I would like to see the vikings as dark blue or something like that.

I played a similar game last night, Small King Tiny Islands, my second city snagged 6 iron which promptly became 6 Berzerkers (in an Armory/Heroic Epic city), which soon thereafter became the catalyst that netted me 3 capitals before my enemies finally started resisting me.

My score is somewhere in the 900s while the next highest is just now passing 300. I quit because it is a won game.

The Danes are definitely good at what they do.

I will give the Scenario a shot tonight. See what's what.
Yeah, that's what I was going to say. Their longships are waiting at the coast, so they can't use them to cross the river.
I played a similar game last night, Small King Tiny Islands, my second city snagged 6 iron which promptly became 6 Berzerkers (in an Armory/Heroic Epic city), which soon thereafter became the catalyst that netted me 3 capitals before my enemies finally started resisting me.

My score is somewhere in the 900s while the next highest is just now passing 300. I quit because it is a won game.

The Danes are definitely good at what they do.

I will give the Scenario a shot tonight. See what's what.

I dont think is fair to play with the danes on tiny islands...maybe on deity you have some challenge.

This civ is very strong, I think its actually better than mongols or japan for a warmonger game.
I dont think is fair to play with the danes on tiny islands...maybe on deity you have some challenge.

This civ is very strong, I think its actually better than mongols or japan for a warmonger game.

I totally agree with you. But as it was the first game I ever played with them, and it was only Single Player, I purposefully chose the map to experiment with the UA.

Do you think it would be better than Japan or Mongolia on a large continent or Pangea map?
I think so.

The danes are really powerfull because the AI doesnt know how to react fast enought. You can easilly conquer 1, 2 cities before the AI troops organize themselves.

The AI on ciV is better when is attacking. When they are approuching one of your cities, the AI units are behaving really good now, because of the patches. But when you desembark next to his capital with 5 units, the AI just seems lost.

So, even if you play on pangea, you will be able to conquer several cities on the shore and become really powerfull very quickly.

Ill probably be able now to win a deity game because of the vikings.
just gave them a whirl. The beserker is a very strong unit ofc. I'm happy to see that when upgrading to ski infantry it loses all abilities. So no amphibious and no extra move point. Ski infantry is a rifleman with a hill/snow/tundra combat bonus and moves in those tiles like a scout.
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