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Arkadian Dynasty

BTW, are we going to keep spamming PM's, or shall we discuss game issues in here? (I prefer the latter)
I thought that as well but i thought he wanted it closer to home

We'd need to raze the spanish city but it has a lot more grass to cottage and the river to put a levee on in the future. the forest to its east can be chopped for a monument and then start using the cow etc.

can be settled after destruction of spanish city with another one grabbing the copper and gems.
ALso, if you want something closer to home there's a site 2north 5 west of the cap, it has cows 1North and silks, 5 river side grasslands (forested and unforested) and four hills, if we beat Spains second cities culture off. However i much prefer dutchfires city, more resources and it isn't under pressure from foreign cities, might be costly to maintain later on.

Edit, BCLG beat me too it with a srceenie, 1S of my proposed position
I strayed on your position for awhile but felt that the river would be a much more valuable commodity later on. I think what with the war with spain having a city so far away in addition to spains cities could hamper us.
Dutchs city would be a stronger late game, a more productive city with all the hills, and honestly it would end up being larger, with more wealth. But you have high maitnence costs sooo...a palace would have to be built in a central city. For the betterment of the game... I think the northern proposal will work better
Also another possiblity is to the east of the warlords city on the coast, therefore we would benefit from trade routes and it's not far away and with no cultural pressure, only thing is is that we don't really know what is there.
I think what with the war with spain having a city so far away in addition to spains cities could hamper us.

Yeah, i agree with you, a good city to have later on though.

Also if we take Spains second city then it won't matter as much being further away from it.

There's a cow/corn/silk/gold/3 flood plains city site here, NNE of the scout.

I can't see photobucket from work. I will send you an email address to send me this screenshot.

However, closer to home is what I'm leaning toward until I see the screenshot you are referring to, dutchfire.

As for PMs vs. discussion here...yes and no. In the interest of not flooding this thread with organizational issues, I've been PMing allot, please bear with me. However, please continue to discuss anything on the agenda that I have not labled as PM only.

There are three labels for agenda items now: PM only, Members PM, but others can voice a lobbying position here and are always free to PM a member, and Public (everyone posts here). <-This was done to reduce clutter and to preserve some privacy but still allow for lobbying by our citizens.

Controversial issues will receive polls, and lobbying efforts will encourage polling, and will also influence our decisions and also allow the voices of the citizens of Aretania to feel free to voice their concerns and desires...and encourage them to become members :)
It will take some significant arguments to get me to move away from either BCLG100's proposed site on the river near cows and silk or Joe Harker's poposal, which is one tile north on the plains.

Both have the central location aspect. Both will require razing the Spanish city to the South.

BCLG100's proposal analysis:
Nearterm: 3 hills, 2 of them on a river (meh, but better than not being on a river), 10 tiles on the river (more money), and lots of other grassland tiles and some forests nearby too. Farm land and cottages galore
Long term:...levees...cottages...river mills, maybe even a Lumbermill???

Joe Harker's proposal:
4 hills, only one is on a river, technically turns the plains square into a Grassland now, so is a slight immediate improvement. Only 7 tiles on the river.
Near term: 4 Grassland mines, and still have many farms and cottages, but near term, until CS and irrigation, it will be much fewer than BCLG100's proposal.
Long term: No levee, but could we make up for that with the extra hill and possibly building an additional lumbermill?

I need a civ expert to crunch the numbers between these two positions. Assume 4 grassland mines (1 on a river) and 3 farms, and two cottages, the cow and the silk for Joe Harkers proposal. Then, assume 2 grassland mines (both on a river) and a plains hill mine, 3 farms, and three cottages, the cow and the silk.

The above is near term. Levees come much later, but will add one hammer per river tile right, and I'm not sure who gets more food long term, due to the loss of some grassland tiles, but the gain of a grassland hill vs. a plains hill, and the gain of a grassland start vs. a plains tile that will produce one less food benefit.

It's come down to number crunching now for me. Which site will have a more powerful city near term and/or long term and how much of a difference is it?
Wow...that will indeed be a very nice city one day. It is pretty far away though, unfortunately. Arkadia, for the sake of Aretania, does need to be closer to home to help with maintenance costs in the future as a possible new capital, and defense/offense against spain.
What about moving that second city 1S to grab the copper (but miss the dye)? I generally prefer copper of dye.
I was thinking another city could be used to grab the copper and gems.

I would have assumed we'll have chopped the forest by the time lumbermills come along tbh kwp- theres little benefeit in keeping them around for a bit of production. I can also see us after entering emancipation cottaging over the mines so we have a complete commerce city.
I also believe we already have a production city with the warlord city so we should use my place as that extra hill is hardly going to be too beneficial.
When will we be producing our next settler? This coming turnchat? If so, although Dutchfire's city is terrific, it's too far away IMO for our next city.

I'd go with BCLG100's suggestion. Pretty easy city to get up and running, and has the potential for lots of cottages. Plus it has silk; think of the roleplay possibilities! The ladies, they love silk stockings, yes?
Plan is either this turn chat or next, but before the end of the Triad's term or so I've been told in terms of the next settler.

BCLG100, I offered up lumbermill just to spur discussion and alternative analysis.

Sounds like we're really accepting on the proposal to build Arkadia on the river, next to cow and silk, which is 5W1N.

All in favor say "AYE".
Next up is tech plan and long term planning, please PM me your thoughts on this, as I have only recieved PMs so far from BCLG100 and dutchfire. We have a week to work that out though, so no pressure :)

What are your thoughts on the proposed platform? Proposal we need to lock down ASAP, but I'm not 100% sure when next ellection is.

I'd also like your thoughts on how to maximize our commercial capability. For example, do we want to cottage or mine the grassland hills on the river? Short term I'd say mine them, and then with Liberalism, cottage them. Thoughts?

Build order also needs to be thought of. I'd like to get an Archer at least, and hopefully an Axeman and a Spearman from Arete or somewhere to protect us during war with Spain. If we can get the military from elsewhere, I'd say we go Monument->Granary->Worker->Library? I'm sure we'll get an Archer from Arete (mostly sure anyway). If war goes very well, we may not need other troops, but at any rate, we should be free to concentrate on growth first.

I'll add these items to agenda if not already covered.
but I'm not 100% sure when next ellection is.

5th of May

I'd also like your thoughts on how to maximize our commercial capability. For example, do we want to cottage or mine the grassland hills on the river? Short term I'd say mine them, and then with Liberalism, cottage them. Thoughts?

Are we A) aiming to be producing a signaficant amount of culture, if so farming and using specialists would a be a good way to go, also until Democracy and empicaption the growth rate of cottages will be slow so using specialists would give a boost pretty soon and are flexibly (we can always convert farms to cottages after we get empicapition) , so if the country is running low on gold we can get some merchants, ideally if we went down this route caste system would be very useful.


I would normally get a worker out first, but the others and you might disagree.
Sounds like we're really accepting on the proposal to build Arkadia on the river, next to cow and silk, which is 5W1N.

AYE. :)
I'm definitely in favor of a Specialist Economy. I'm not expert MMer though, but Farms would be more critical for that, but we are not likely to be in Caste system for a while, plus we don't have representation or pacifism enabled yet. Markets are driven by currency...

CS allows for irrigation...and Beuraucracy which we can't go to as a Despotism until that rule is changed...

See where I'm going?

Looks like CoL->Monarch->CS or Currency...and in order for our faction to use Beuraucracy we will have to wait until Monarchy is researched which looks like will need a rules change.

If we can't be Beuraucractic Despots, then CoL->Aesthetics or Currency seem like better options to open up tech trades.

Those are my golden nuggets that I have gleaned from the faction's PMs and discussion in the gameplay forums.

I'll take a break now until tomorrow to see how the dust continues to settle and to read more input from everyone.
Tech plan looks good.
Monument first for our city for sure.
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