Graphical Hackificator
If you locate the mapscript in PublicMaps and edit it in notepad or another text editor, you will see this section:
You can edit the values and save the file for the changes to take effect. If we find that certain values give interesting/fun results then we can turn those values into menu options for the mapscript.
Spoiler :
## GLOBAL TUNING VARIABLES: Change these to customize the map results
#Percent of land vs. water
self.landPercent = 0.22
#How many map squares will be above peak threshold and thus 'peaks'.
self.PeakPercent = 0.06
#How many map squares will be above hill threshold and thus 'hills' unless
#they are also above peak threshold in which case they will be 'peaks'.
self.HillPercent = 0.0
self.SnowPercent = 0.15
self.GrassPercent = 0.40
self.PlainsPercent = 0.93
#In addition to the relative peak and hill generation, there is also a
#process that changes flats to hills or peaks based on altitude. This tends
#to randomize the high altitude areas somewhat and improve their appearance.
#These variables control the frequency of hills and peaks at the highest altitude.
self.HillChanceAtOne = 0.0
self.PeakChanceAtOne = 0.30
#This variable adjusts the amount of bonuses on the map. Values above 1.0 will add bonus
#bonuses. People often want lots of bonuses, and for those people, this variable is definately
#a bonus.
self.BonusBonus = 1.0
#Height and Width of main climate and height maps. This does not
#reflect the resulting map size. Both dimensions( + 1 if wrapping in
#that dimension = False) must be evenly divisble by self.hmMaxGrain
self.hmWidth = 193
self.hmHeight = 193
#Controls wrapping (not sure if this makes sense yet)
self.WrapX = False
self.WrapY = False
#Size of largest map increment to begin midpoint displacement. Must
#be a power of 2.
self.hmMaxGrain = 16
#Size of largest map increment to begin midpoint displacement for terrain field.
#Must be a power of 2.
self.hmMaxTFGrain = 8
#These are not mountain peaks, but points on the height map initialized
#to 1.0 before the midpoint displacement process begins. This sets the
#percentage of 'peaks' for points that are not on the grain margin.
self.hmInitialPeakPercent = 0.30
#Scales the heuristic for random midpoint displacement. A higher number
#will create more noise(bumpy), a smaller number will make less
self.hmNoiseLevel = 1.0
#Filter size for altitude smoothing and distance finding. Must be
#odd number
self.distanceFilterSize = 11
#Altitudes are attenuated at this distance from pole
self.innerAttenuationRadius = 45.0
self.outerAttenuationRadius = 55.0
#Min and max distances of shield wall from pole
self.maxShieldWallRadius = 65.0
self.minShieldWallRadius = 45.0
#Radius of polar ice as a percent of map width.
self.polarIceRadiusPercent = 0.10
#scale of the dune texture. Must be 1.0 or less.
self.duneScale = 0.5
#Altitudes for hills and land on the dune texture
self.duneHillAlt = 0.75
self.duneLandAlt = 0.50
#Dunes at max height at this distance from continent
self.duneMaxHeightDistance = 7.0
#Minimum deep desert 'lake' size. anything smaller will be filled in.
self.minInlandSeaSize = 30
#---These values are for evaluating starting locations
#The following values are used for assigning starting locations. For now,
#they have the same ratio that is found in CvPlot::getFoundValue
self.CommerceValue = 20
self.ProductionValue = 40
self.FoodValue = 10
You can edit the values and save the file for the changes to take effect. If we find that certain values give interesting/fun results then we can turn those values into menu options for the mapscript.