Artstyles Help


Dec 28, 2009
airstrip one
You know like how there are different fields to place unit artstyles depending on era?

Well, I need help splitting the "LateArtStyle" to two distinctive fields, one for Industrial and one for Modern.

Please, this time I don't want the usual "oh, you need to know Python and SDK" response. :mad: I need to know the exact chain of command between the code files and a way to successfully modify it.

Thank you.
If it's likely to be a code-based answer, you might be better off asking it in the SDK/Python forum. That's what I did with a similar question and was pointed to this. It alters the DLL, I believe, but if that's not an issue, you should just be able to plug that in and use duplicate entries for the other eras you don't need. Not ideal, I know.

If you're a little more adventurous and Tholish has included the source code (which he may not have - yet to check), you could try comparing his files with the normal files and see which files he's changed and where using WinMerge. If you want some help setting that up, just drop me a PM.
Well, I need help splitting the "LateArtStyle" to two distinctive fields, one for Industrial and one for Modern.

Please, this time I don't want the usual "oh, you need to know Python and SDK" response. I need to know the exact chain of command between the code files and a way to successfully modify it.

Thank you.
Well, that might not be what you where thinking of, but still... I have done things like you mentioned for buildings based on Asafs Ethnic Buildings modcomp (which just enables a unique art system for buildings like that of units). My modcomp - the paprika modcomp - can do with buildings what you've requested for units. The modcomp should even work with unique eras, although I haven't tested that feature. You could take a look at my and Asafs code to adopt it for units... Just skim the source files for the string 'Asaf' to find all the pieces of code that we've added. Also, through Asafs signature, you can find a tutorial about how to edit the dll which you would need to do. Just take a look at Asafs posts in paprikas thread I linked earlier.

EDIT: Just don't ask me to do that for you, I am satisfied with the unique unit styles the way they are and have things of higher priority. Although I could imagine to adopt code others would write for units.
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